How to create a comfortable work environment: people interplay and work-life-balance!

Keeping a good balance between work and private life is crucial for good health. At the end of August MMK and Organic chem, had a joint day to talk about and address the subject.

The day started with a play and continued with group discussions, a very nice lunch and ended with a BBQ-in the sun thanks to the PhD council.

The key take home message is to focus on identifing some influential factors and suggest measures to be taken for a better work-life balance. Work-life balance implies the ability to separate personal life from work and sufficient amount of time off to rest and recover. A good work-life balance requires self-, time, and stress management as well as an acceptable workload and reasonable deadlines. The responsibility should be shared between the employee and the work place.  

Some useful tips came up from the group activites:

  • Avoid booking 100% of your time to ensure the possibility of short breaks during working hours.
  • Take  ashort outdoor walk and get some daylight - Sweden tend to be dark six months of the year.
  • Ensure you have time for training and leisure time to recover.
  • Let your supervisor know if you experience high levels of stress
  • Avoid sending e-mails arriving late evenings or during weekends. 
  • Group leaders are responsible for acting on signals of health issues, work-life imbalance or stress from any group member. Set a good example.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to such a good day!