X-ray facility


Bruker D2 Phaser
Bruker D2 Phaser.

This benchtop powder diffractometer works in Bragg-Brentano geometry with Cu Kα radiation. The sample holder is always in a horizontal position. Spinning of the sample holder is possible, with an adjustable spinning rate. Normal data collection times range from a few minutes to hours.


  • Zero-background sample holder based on a Si wafer for use in reflection geometry.
  • Fixed slits.
  • High-energy resolution LYNXEYE-XE T detector for stripping Cu Kβ radiation and fluorescence from samples containing Fe, Mn, Co, etc.

This powder diffractometer works with Cu Kα radiation. Data can be collected in reflection, transmission or capillary modes. Samples can be prepared on various holders including zero background silicon plates, well-plates or in capillaries. Normal data collection times range from a few minutes to hours. The diffractometer is capable of monochromatic Cu Kα1 measurements only in capillary mode. 


  • High-energy resolution LYNXEYE-XE T detector for stripping Cu Kβ radiation and fluorescence from samples containing Fe, Mn, Co, etc. 
  • Motorized beam knife for reducing background from air scattering
  • Reflection geometry (Bragg-Brentano) 
  • Zero-background sample holder based on a Si wafer for use in reflection geometry
  • Transmission geometry for samples prepared between films
  • Capillary measurements with either a focusing Göbel mirror (Cu Kα1,2) or amonochromator (Cu Kα1)
  • Automatic sample changer with 30 positions for high throughput measurements in reflection as well as transmission mode
  • Fixed slits or automatic divergence slits
  • High temperature capabilities coming soon (TC transmission, HTK 1200N, XRK 900 chambers). 

This powder diffractometer works in Bragg-Brentano geometry with Cu Kα radiation. The sample holder is always in horizontal position. Spinning of the sample holder is possible, with an adjustable spinning rate. The height of the sample holder is accurate to 1 µm. Normal data collection times range from a few minutes to hours.


  • Conventional back loading sample holders in transmission mode.
  • Zero-background sample holder based on a Si wafer for use in reflection geometry.
  • Automatic sample changer with 15 positions for high throughput measurements in reflection as well as transmission mode.
  • Spinning goniometer head for measuring air sensitive samples in capillary transmission mode.



The D8 VENTURE and accompanying APEX III software are optimized for the collection and processing of single crystal X-ray diffraction data for crystal structure determination. Both Cu and Mo X-ray sources are simultaneously equipped, ideal for both inorganic and organic samples as well as for absolute structure.

The recommended model for goniometer head is: HUBER 1004 or equivalent.


  • Dual microfocus X-ray source: Mo and Cu sealed tubes simultaneously equipped and cooled by air
  • Shutterless PHOTON 100 detector
  • Oxford Cryosystems 700 Series Cryostream Cooler (temperature range 80 – 400K)
  • CCD camera for visualization of crystals at different orientations
  • The recommended model for goniometer head is: HUBER 1004 or equivalent. For frequent users it is recommended to purchase own goniometer heads.
  • Optical microscopes Nikon SMZ-2T and Olympus SZX12 equipped with a digital camera for mounting crystals and taking photographs
  • APEX3 software for diffractometer control and evaluation of diffraction data

The D8 VENTURE and accompanying APEX III software are optimized for the collection and processing of single crystal X-ray diffraction data for crystal structure determination. Both Cu and Mo X-ray sources are simultaneously equipped, ideal for both inorganic and organic samples.

The recommended model for goniometer head is: HUBER 1004 or equivalent.



  • Microfocus X-ray source: Mo sealed tube cooled by air
  • Shutterless PHOTON III detector 
  • Oxford Cryosystems 700 Series Cryostream Cooler (temperature range 80 – 400K)
  • CCD camera for visualization of crystals at different orientations
  • The recommended model for goniometer head is: HUBER 1004 or equivalent. For frequent users it is recommended to purchase own goniometer heads.
  • Optical microscopes Nikon SMZ-2T and Olympus SZX12 equipped with a digital camera for mounting crystals and taking photographs
  • APEX3 software for diffractometer control and evaluation of diffraction data

The benchtop energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer is used on bulk samples to quantify elements from sodium to uranium from ppm levels to 100%.

The Omnian software allows for wt% quantification without the need of a standard.


  • Samples can range from powders, fused beads, metals, pellets, films and liquids
  • The automatic sample exchanger can accommodate up to 10 samples
  • Sample spinner
  • X-ray tube power: max 9 W, max 30 kV, max 1 mA
  • Sample weight: max 200 g
  • Sample size: max 4.9 x 20 x 10 cm (H x W x D)
  • 6 Tube filters: Cu 300 μm, Cu 500 μm, Al 50 μm, Al 200 μm, Ti 7 μm, Ag 100 μm
  • Detector resolution < 145 eV @ 5.9 keV/1000 cps

We can provide the service from data collection, structure solution, structure refinement, to final CIF files.

For more detailed information and a cost estimate, please contact andrew.inge@mmk.su.se.


Available crystallographic databases:

  • ICSD
  • PDF-4
  • CSD

Other available crystallographic software:

  • Diamond 3.2
  • CrystalMaker 9.2.3
  • HighScore Plus
  • Match!


MMK User


No assistance (SEK)

Operator assistance (SEK)

Power diffractometer Bruker 2 Phaser 100/h 200/h
Powder diffractometer Bruker D8 Discover 150/h 300/h
Powder diffractometer Panalytical X'Pert PRO 150/h 300/h
Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer Bruker D8 VENTURE 150/h 300/h
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer: Panalytical Epsilon 3 150/h 300/h


External Acacemic User


No assistance (SEK)

Operator assistance (SEK)

Power diffractometer Bruker 2 Phaser 200/h 400/h
Powder diffractometer Bruker D8 Discover 300/h 600/h
Powder diffractometer Panalytical X'Pert PRO 300/h 600/h
Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer Bruker D8 VENTURE 300/h 600/h
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer: Panalytical Epsilon 3 300/h 600/h


Commercial User


No assistance (SEK)

Operator assistance (SEK)

Power diffractometer Bruker 2 Phaser 600/h 1200/h
Powder diffractometer Bruker D8 Discover 900/h 1500/h
Powder diffractometer Panalytical X'Pert PRO 900/h 1500/h
Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer Bruker D8 VENTURE 900/h 1500/h
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer: Panalytical Epsilon 3 900/h 1500/h

Commercial users can also request assistance with the evaluation of data at the rate of 1500 SEK/h.


Please contact the facility manager to discuss and book training.



MMK user (SEK)

External academic user (SEK)

Commercial user (SEK)

Power diffractometer Bruker 2 Phaser 250/h 500/h 1000/h
Powder diffractometer Bruker D8 Discover 250/h 500/h 1000/h
Powder diffractometer Panalytical X'Pert PRO 250/h 500/h 1000/h
Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer Bruker D8 VENTURE 250/h 500/h 1000/h
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer: Panalytical Epsilon 3 250/h 500/h 1000/h




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