Degree projects in mathematics

On this page you find information about starting, writing and presenting a degree project in mathematics.

You can read more about the degree projects in mathematics and their eligibility requirements in the course catalogue. Note that the bachelor's (first cycle) degree project generally requires that you know Swedish, and remember that you have to apply for the degree project via

MM6010 Mathematics, Degree Project, 15 credits
MM9008 Mathematics, Degree Project, 30 credits


Start your project

There are a number of things that need to be arranged before you can start with a degree project. You must, among other things, apply via (see links above), pick a topic and find a supervisor, and make a project plan.

We expect you to actively try to find a supervisor and a topic for the thesis. For instance, you can talk with the main teacher of degree projects to get suggestions, or contact a teacher to discuss project ideas. The degree work can be done at the department, or at a company.

If you find a supervisor outside the department, it is very important that the choice of both supervisor and topic is approved before you start with the degree project. Normally you will also get a supervisor from the department.

Possible supervisors and topics
Previous degree projects in mathematics (Swedish page, but many titles are in English)

Before you start with the process of writing the thesis, you and your supervisor will have to agree on a project plan. This is done by filling in the form below. The project plan must be given to the main teacher, who after approval hands it over to the student affairs office for registering the student for the course.

You can find the project plan (arbetsplan) on the course page for degree projects in mathematics (in Swedish).


Write and present your project

The degree project is documented in a written report and presented at a seminar at the department. Presentations take place only on certain days each term.

You and your supervisor are expected to keep in touch. If you haven't had any contact with your supervisor for more than one semester, it is no longer guaranteed that you will be allowed to continue with the thesis. The topic may have been given to another student, or the supervisor may be busy with other work.

It is highly recommended that the report is written with LaTeX, although this is not a requirement.

This document may be useful:

Writing and presenting degree projects in Mathematics and Mathematical statistics (pdf) (633 Kb)

Degree projects can only be presented on certain days. Normally there are 3-5 different occasions each term. Additional presentation days may be booked if needed. Exact time and date will be decided closer to the presentation day, based on the schedules of the people involved.

Weeks for presentations are shown on the course page for degree projects in mathematics (in Swedish).

If the presentation is planned for week x, then the following time plan has to be followed:

  1. Week x-6, send a complete (but possibly preliminary) version of your thesis to your supervisor, so that they can give you comments before you send in the final version.
  2. Monday week x-4 at latest, the student has to inform the main teacher via email that you wish to present your degree project. At this point you and your supervisor should have agreed that you are ready to present. After that you will be informed about your examiner and referee (granskare).
  3. Wednesday week x-3 at latest, a final version of the thesis has to be sent in. If possible, do this even earlier! If the deadline is missed you will have to wait until the next presentation opportunity.
  4. Tuesday week x-1 at latest the referee notifies if the thesis can be accepted and communicates at least two questions for the presentation.
  5. Sunday week x-1 at latest, you can send a list of errata (i.e. a pdf-file with a list of any errors you have found in your thesis in the mean time, not a new version of the thesis) to all involved (the referee, examiner, supervisor, main teacher and coordinator).

The presentation itself should be 30 minutes long. You can use blackboard, projector or other tools during your presentation. After the presentation, the referee, the examiner and other listeners will have a chance to ask questions.

The examiner, after consulting with the referee and the supervisor, will then grade the degree project. A number of different factors affect the grade: how well the student understands the problem setting, independence, written and oral presentation. For more details, see the grading criteria on the course page for degree projects in mathematics (in Swedish).



Main teacher of degree projects in mathematics
Coordinator of degree projects in mathematics
On this page