Stefan wants to work with AI

Among the students who presented their bachelor theses during the last week is Stefan Miletic, who did a thesis on AI.

Stefan Miletic
Stefan Miletic was quite content after having presented his Bachelor thesis "Unveiling the Double Descent Phenomenon of Residual Networks in Deep Learning".

- I’ve had the privelidge for working with one of the institution’s expert in the field, Chun-Biu Li, says Stefan, who presented his work on Wednesday. He offered comprehensive replies to the questions from the opponent, university lecturer Josefin Ahlkrona.

What’s next?
- I’m working on a Master’s degree in Mathematics as well, so it’s been a paralell process. Furthermore, I’m probably going to do a Master’s thesis on AI. When that’s all done I might look for work connected to AI, either in the private sector or in the academic world, he says.