Zhicheng He, PhD student in IT law, took a course in programming techniques

Today, Zhicheng He is doing his PhD in law and information technology at the Faculty of Law at Stockholm University. But his great interest in IT opened his eyes to the Department of Mathematics and the course in programming techniques.

Zhicheng He
Zhicheng He. Photo: private

"I have always been extremely interested in IT. My research at the Faculty of Law focuses on IT law, i.e. the legal policy around information technology, such as artificial intelligence. I have therefore always wanted to learn more about IT in particular. I tried to find useful education and found out that there was a course in programming technniques at the Department of Mathematics. It seemed very interesting so I decided to take the course" says Zhicheng He.


The teachers made a big difference

Zhicheng remembers his time at the Department of Mathematics as very positive, and according to him the teachers played a particularly important role.

"It was great to study at the Department of Mathematics. The best part was that all the teachers were very helpful. For example, Evan Cavallo, Lars Arvestad and Anders Mörtberg were extremely supportive and helpful. This made it easier for me to follow the course. All the teaching assistants were also helpful" says Zhicheng.

The course in programming techniques is an introductory course to programming that is based on reality-based situations, and is interspersed with lectures, homework and lab sessions.

"The course offered exactly what I needed. I have developed the ability to solve programming tasks and have increased my understanding of programming" says Zhicheng.

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