MISU satellite project receives funding from the Swedish National Space Agency

MISU’s researcher Thorsten Mauritsen has been awarded funds from the Swedish National Space Agency to develop the satellite project Earth Climate Observatory (ECO) which is competing to be part of the European Space Agency ESA’s program Earth Explorer. The project is one of four main candidates and in 2029 one of these candidates will be chosen by ESA for the program.

Princip för strålningsmätning från rymden. Bild: Thorsten Mauritsen/MISU/Stockholms universitet
Image: Thorsten Mauritsen/MISU/Stockholm University


ECO will develop satellite-based techniques for measuring the Earth’s radiation balance from space. The radiation balance is the difference between incoming solar radiation and reflection plus infra-red radiation back into space. With knowledge about the radiation balance the possibility increases to quickly see where climate change is leading and whether actions have been effective. 

Read more about the project: 

The Department of Meteorology has an open position connected to this project:

Postdoctoral Fellow in the Earth's Energy Balance