Workshop on Internal Tides, April 23-24, 2024

This workshop addresses the generation, propagation and breaking of the internal tides, as well as the effect on the general circulation. The workshop takes place in the Rossby Hall at the Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University. 

Internal tides are internal waves with tidal freuqency that are generated by tidal flow over rough bottom topography in the ocean. They are the largest source of internal waves in the deep ocean. Breaking internal waves is the main reason for vertical mixing, and this mixing is crucial for the deep circulation.

Everyone is welcome to listen to the talks.



Tuesday 23 April at 09.00 -- Wednesday 24 April at 16.00


Rossbysalen, Department of Meteorology, Arrhenius Laboratories 16C, 6th floor, Frescati Campus




Tuesday April 23

09.00    Welcome

09.10    Aurelien Ponte: Observing internal tide variability from drifter data: challenges and perspectives

09.50    Clement Vic: Observed structure of an internal tide beam over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

10.30    Coffee

10.50    Ilker Fer: Observations of tidal forcing, lee waves, and turbulent mixing in the Arctic Ocean north of Svalbard

11.30    Theo Gerkema: Beam structure in sub-inertial step-trapped internal tides

12.10    Lunch 

13.30    Sam Kelly: Coastal trapped internal tides: Prospects for a simplified prediction model

14.10    Jonas Nycander: Effect of supercritical slope on tidal conversion into linear vertical modes

14.50    Coffee

15.10    Gaspard Geoffroy: Tidal conversion into vertical normal modes by continental slopes

15.50    Discussion

Wednesday April 24

09.00    Simon Barbot: Stratification variability impacts on internal tides from modeling to altimetry

09.40    Noe Lahaye: Incoherence and lifecycle of internal tides in a numerical simulation of the North Atlantic

10.20    Coffee

10.40    Maarten Buijsman: Cross-scale energy transfers out of the semidiurnal internal tide

11.20    Jin-Song von Storch: Lessons on internal tide generation learned from GCM simulations

12.30    Lunch

13.40    Carsten Eden: Interaction of internal tides with meso-scale eddies

14.20   Friederike Pollmann: Anisotropic internal tide generation and its effect in the internal gravity wave model IDEMIX

15.00    Coffee

15.20    Casimir de Lavergne: Effects of improved tidal mixing in NEMO one-degree global ocean model

16.00    End

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