In case of emergency

Report accidents/incidents, crimes or suspected crimes to the supervisor and the head of department as soon as possible, but make also a SAMIR report.

112 (SOS – ambulance, fire brigade, police)
Answer the alarm operator's questions, such as

  • Which street address: Arrhenius main entrance, Svante Arrhenius road 16C
  • What happened
  • Where you call from (phone number)

08 - 16 2216 (office hours) Security guard
08 - 16 4200 (24 hours a day) Security guard
08 - 15 4200 (reserve) Security guard


Serious accident with risk of personal injury, illness or the like

Call the emergency services 112
When you call an ambulance:

Address: Arrhenius main entrance, Svante Arrhenius road 16C

While waiting for an ambulance:

  • identification, social security number,
  • write down the telephone number of the contact person,
  • any allergies, if possible.
  • Prone side position if unconsciousness, difficulty breathing, etc.
  • Keep track of times, write down times and events.
  • Create a calm environment, 2 people stay with the sick, others move out of sight.
  • If possible, meet the rescue service and show the way.

Remember to notify supervisors and safety representatives.


Spills and emissions of environmentally and/or hazardous chemicals

These are general measures in case of spillage, (specific measures must be identified in the risk assessments).

  1. Block off the area. The orange safety cabinets contain chemo accident kits, with e.g. warning strips, but also the Diphoterine kit. Contact the guards if necessary. (Office hours: 08-16 22 16, after office hours: 08-16 42 00 and reserve number 08-15 42 00.)
  2. Consult a risk assessment or safety data sheet.
  3. If you need cleaning help, contact colleagues, supervisors, technicians.
  4. Clean it up if you can do it without major risk, in accordance with the risk assessment or safety data sheet.
    • Wear suitable protective equipment, protective gloves for the chemical(s) in question, safety goggles, chemical gas mask, boots or suitable shoes, other protective clothing if necessary.
    • Use absorption sheets for liquid spills, available at the emergency equipment area in the lab and in Chemstore, where you also find vermiculite (absorption granules).
    • Dispose of the absorption material containing the spillage after a suitable time. Gloves and the like are also disposed of in a suitable container or in the large yellow hazardous waste bags. The yellow bags can be found in the "chemical accident kit" box and in the Chemstore.
    • The waste is treated as normal chemical waste.
  5. Inform the relevant supervisor, head of department and safety representative
  6. Inform/email "everyone" or ask someone else to do it as soon as possible, stating why the area is blocked and /or what happened.

Inform the laboratory safety coordinator, Kristina Romare, immediately (073-659 04 75). Alternative head of department, Kálmán Szabó (073-679 8055).

If you do not succeed in establishing contact immediately: Call the security guard who decides if official on standby will be contacted.

Depending on what have happened it may also be necessary to contact Stockholm Water: 08-522 120 00 (office hours) or SOS alarm (for water and drain) 08-454 25 70 (evenings and weekends).

  1. If you get a chemical splash, inform the people around you
  2. Immediately remove your lab coat and / or clothing where you may have received splashes.
  3. Rinse immediately with plenty of cold water (or use the emergency shower), unless otherwise stated on the safety data sheet of the substance.
  4. You can also use Diphoterine to your advantage, if you have it at hand. Otherwise, ask someone to pick up the splash kit that is placed in the orange cabinets.
  5. When it is safe to do so, take care of the cleaning of the workplace according to the section "minor spillage of chemicals".

Rule of thumb for shallow wounds and eyes: Rinse until it no longer hurts. But at least 20 minutes.

  1. Inform the people around you
  2. Limit the area of spillage. Contact MSDS for specific information
  3. If appropriate, use vermiculite and / or absorption sheets to clean the area.

Absorption sheets can be found in the laboratory emergency/first aid area or in the Chemstore.

Chemicals in the eyes

There is a detailed routine for how to act in case of an eye accident which you can find nearby each eye shower. It includes telephone numbers and directions to S:t Erik's Eye Hospital. 

  1. Call for help.
  2. Try to stop the bleeding, put a sterile pressure bandage against the wound.
  3. Hold the injured part high.
  4. Go to the hospital with help, to get the wound stitched.
  1. Clean, remove pieces of glass,
  2. Rinse
  3. If necessary, stop the blood with a sterile compress, by pressing for a while.
  4. Depending on how deep the wound is and where it is, you can use a wound closure tape/suture tape that is in the orange safety cabinet to close the wound.
  5. Then apply a bandage or apply a band-aid.

The measure is dependent on if the sharp object causing the injury is contaminated and, if so, what chemical and how much of it that might have contaminated you.

Through your risk assessment, you should know how dangerous your composition is and what measures must be taken, otherwise consult safety data sheets.



If a fire accident occurs, it is important to act quickly and correctly. Therefore, it is important that everyone knows where the nearest fire equipment is. Fire extinguishers are located next to the doors into the laboratory and in the corridor. Make sure you know the differences between the different types of fire extinguishers available. A fire blanket can be found at the laboratory emergency/first aid area.

The evacuation alarm connected to the fire department (rescue service) is activated by smoke detectors in the corridors and laboratories. If the evacuation alarm does not sound even if the situation is critical, activate it by pressing a fire
alarm button (they are located in the corridors).

  1. Rescue colleagues and leave the premises. If possible:
    • Close all open gas valves,
    • Disconnect electrical equipment if you can,
    • Close the doors behind you if you are the last to leave the room

Follow the evacuation leader's (equipped with yellow vest) instructions and help if necessary to e.g. get out any injured people. Keep in mind that you may not be allowed to return to the building for several hours. Everyone gathers at the gathering place on the lawn outside the main entrance A-C (at least 50 meters from the building).

Under no circumstances is it allowed to re-enter the laboratory premises once you have left them. The only exception is a direct request from the responsible staff.

Everyone must have evacuated the building within 5 minutes of the evacuation alarm sounding.

2. Call the fire brigade (rescue service) if the evacuation alarm does not already sound.

3. Only try to extinguish the fire if it is not a danger for you. See below "minor fires". 

Suffocate the fire in small containers by covering the opening with an inert material or any lid hanging on the laboratory emergency / first aid area.

Extinguish major fires with a carbon dioxide or powder-based fire extinguisher.

Water is generally not suitable for laboratory fires, and never when solvents or oils/oil baths are burning.

Burning chemicals: Extinguish all flames and remove all flammable, especially solvents.

Burning clothes: Lay the person down on the floor and roll him/her into a lab coat or fire blanket. Extinguish the fire from the head down. The emergency shower can also be used.

Burns: Clothes must be quickly and carefully removed from burns. Rinse with loads of lukewarm water for at least half an hour and consult a doctor. Burns involve a high risk of shock. Remember - when someone is injured: heat, rest, ventilation and careful handling. 


Reporting system SAMIR

NOTE: When an incident or accident has occurred, it must be reported in SAMIR, the university's reporting system. An appendix off the report must be sent to the Head of Department and Safety Representative.

Work injuries, incidents, crimes / police reports, financial irregularities, safety tips/risks, environmental deviations/improvement proposals must also be reported in the SAMIR system (

Remember that you help yourself, your department and others within the university by reporting.



To make your workplace or study place as safe as possible, there are certain things to consider to increase your and your surroundings' safety.

  • orientate yourself on the premises
  • check the location of emergency exits and fire protection equipment
  • close and lock both doors and windows after you
  • check who you let into the premises
  • Do not leave personal belongings unattended
  • access cards/keys are personal and may not be lent
  • report lost access cards / keys as soon as possible

Call the security guard phone number (ask to speak to the university security guard), 08-16 2216, 08-16 4200, to get help in an urgent situation (First call 112 in case of emergency).


How do you get hold of the security guard on evenings, nights and weekends?

Call: 08-16 42 00

Whom do I turn to if the doors do not close properly?

Call: 08-16 42 00

I have been the victim of a crime within Stockholm University's campus areas?

If it is an emergency and the perpetrator is nearby, call the police 112. If there is a possibility, note how the person is dressed, height, physique, did the person carry anything, other characteristics. If the case is not urgent, contact the Security guard: 08-16 22 16 or 08-16 42 00, to get support and help, to make a police report and with the contact with the police.

Tip phone for crime

Stockholm University has a tip line for students and staff. Here you can report crimes, threats, harassment, financial irregularities or anything else related to security at the university.

Tips are provided anonymously. The phone has an answering machine, without a caller ID. The answering machine is listened to regularly. Telephone tip: 08-16 11 55

Why report an incident/crime?

The Real Estate Department/Security works with crime prevention in order to prevent or make it more difficult for crime to be committed at Stockholm University. If we receive this information, we can make efforts to prevent it from happening again, your information is valuable to us!

The burglar alarm sounds at the unit/institution I work at, what do I do?

Contact Kristina or Martin for the alarm at your workplace. If these persons are not present, call 08-16 42 00.


Elevator alarm

All elevators in Frescati have an emergency signal button, connected to Akademiska Hus. Some elevators also have an alarm telephone connected to various security companies. If you get stuck in the elevator, follow the instructions according to the sign in the elevator.

NOTE! The emergency signal button must be held down for at least 45 seconds. If you are outside the elevator and the alarm sounds, check if someone is stuck in the elevator. If this is the case, contact Akademiska Hus on 020-55 20 00. 

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