During your PhD studies

During the PhD education, a total of 60 ECTS of advanced courses must be completed. The director of PhD studies is responsible for updating the departmental website with a schedule of available courses at the department. The planning of courses for the each PhD student should be done in conjunction with the establishment of the ISP.

The Department of Organic Chemistry belongs to the Faculty of Science. On their website you will find general information about your education at PhD level.

Education at PhD level (Faculty of Science)


General study plan (ASP)

Here you'll find the general study plan for education at PhD level at the Department of Organic Chemistry:

ASP 2020-11-16 English (458 Kb)

ASP 2017-06-12 English (264 Kb)


Individual Study Plan (ISP)

For each PhD student, an Individual Study Plan (ISP) should be established and handed in at the latest 1-2 months after start of the PhD studies. The ISP template and attachment 5 are found below. The ISP is updated once per year (normally in November); this is initiated by the director of PhD studies who is responsible for distributing the latest version of the form. The forms are filled out by the PhD student and the supervisor together, and are then countersigned by the student, supervisor and assistant supervisor. The ISP is approved by the Director of the PhD education.

PhDGoals_attachment5.docx (129 Kb)

ISP_210907.docx (275 Kb)


Time plan of the PhD program

  1. Not later than two months after the starting date according to the decision by the Department Board, the PhD student and her/his supervisor should submit the Individual Study Plan (ISP) for the PhD student to the Director of the PhD program (Director). The ISP should be signed by the PhD student, the supervisor and the co-supervisor. The PhD student and the Director then meet to make sure that the ISP is understood and agreed upon by the PhD student. The Director will then accept the ISP.
  2. Every year, presently no later than November 15, the PhD student should hand in an updated ISP to the Director, who will read it and then have a discussion with the PhD student. The ISP should have been revised by supervisor and co-supervisor before the meeting with the Director. At this meeting different aspects of the development of the program/studies for the PhD student should be discussed. If required, the Director will call a meeting with the PhD student together with the supervisor and the co-supervisor.
  3. The PhD student shall within 18 months from the date of acceptance have completed all compulsory courses.
  4. Other courses required to meet the requirement of 60 credits (hp) should be selected by the PhD student in collaboration with her/his supervisor, and approved by the director according to the instructions in the Form PhD 2 Course accrediting. The courses should be at the advanced level or specific PhD courses. A maximum of 15 hp (credits) may be credited or transferred for courses taken before being accepted as a PhD student. The courses cannot be part of the credits required for acceptance to the PhD program. Use Form PhD 2 Course accrediting to apply. The Director will decide how many credits will be accredited for a specific course and see to that it is registered in LADOK.
  5. The half time control, which should take place 22-26 months after acceptance, is an event to support the PhD student in her/his studies. The PhD student and her/his supervisor should contact the Director, to suggest a date for the seminar that the PhD student should give, as well as suggested opponent. This contact should be taken at least four working weeks before the date, suggested. The supervisor is in charge of contacting the opponent, and of coordinating the final date of the seminar, after agreement with the Director / Ämnesansvarig and the PhD student. Three working weeks before the seminar the PhD student should give a written report, having the same format as a PhD thesis, to the Director / Ämnesansvarig, who will read and comment it within one week. The Director may delegate this to another supervisor at the institution. The supervisor and the co-supervisor are expected to have been supporting the writing of the report, as this is one of the learning activities for the PhD student. The final version of the report should be sent to the opponent, the Director / Ämnesansvarig at least one working week before the seminar. At this seminar the Director / Ämnesansvarig, the two supervisors and as many of PhD students, PIs, and post-docs as possible should be present. After the seminar the Director / Ämnesansvarig, the opponent and the supervisors meet to discuss the strengths and the weaknesses of the seminar and the report. The Director will then inform the PhD student, and the supervisor is expected to help the PhD student to make the recommended improvements, whereafter the report is given to the Director for final approval. The half-time control will be documented in Form PhD 3 Half-time and registered in LADOK by the Director. In the case the PhD student wants, the half time control can be in the format and with the formalities of an examination for a Licenciate degree. If the Director has a conflict of interest with the student, the Director will be replaced by the Head or the vice-Head of the Department.
  6. Six months before the planned date for the PhD dissertation the PhD student should contact the Director, and submit a list of publications/manuscripts that he/she will base the thesis on, using the Form PhD 4 Publications for thesis. At this point the PhD student should have all credits required, or at least within two months. The supervisor should at the same time inform the Director about suggested opponent, who should have been contacted, and an examination committee. It is recommended that the PhD student contacts SUB, The University Library, as soon as the date of dissertation has been registered in the Disputationskalender. In a meeting with the Director no later than 6 months before the dissertation, a date will be set to submit the thesis to the Director (See point 8).
  7. If approved by the Director, the supervisor should confirm the date with the opponent, but should also contact the proposed examination committee members. If they all accept the supervisor should fill in the Disputationsblankett and mail it to the Director, who after checking it, will forward it to the Head of Department, who in turn will send it to the Faculty of Science.
  8. No later than nine working weeks before the dissertation and in accordance with point 6, the PhD student should give a copy of the thesis to the Director / Ämnesansvarig. The supervisor and the co-supervisor are expected to have read and commented the thesis prior to this. The Director / Ämnesansvarig will within one week read and comment the thesis preferably in a meeting with the PhD student. The Director / Ämnesansvarig will also check the thesis for plagiarism.
  9. No later than five weeks before the dissertation, the PhD student should hand in the manuscript to the printers.
  10. The PhD should spika (nail) the thesis no later than three weeks before the dissertation date.

PhD Forms

You can download PhD Forms below.

New PhD student (17 Kb)

Course accrediting (96 Kb)

Half-time report (119 Kb)

Contributions to publications in PhD thesis (19 Kb)


PhD Thesis Defense

The Faculty of Science has guidelines concerning defending your thesis:

Guidelines concerning defending your thesis

You will find governing documents, rules and regulations at the staff pages:

Rules and regulations/education

For further information, please contact the Directior of Director of Doctoral Studies.

Email: belen.martin.matute@su.se


PhD Handbook

This handbook is intended for for both PhD students as well as their supervisors and contains useful information regarding most of the different aspects of the PhD education at the Department of Organic Chemistry.

PhD Handbook – Department of Organic Chemistry


Scientific Department Meetings (SDM)

The department organizes 10 Scientific Department Meetings (SDM) per year. The meetings take place once per month in the Magnéli hall and are open for the entire department. Attendance is mandatory for the PhD students.

Each meeting starts with general information concerning the PhD program as well as relevant information regarding safety, seminars, defenses, administration, courses, introduction of new coworkers etc. This is followed by 3-4 short presentations (15 minutes) given by the PhD students, focusing on their current research project. Each presentation is followed by an open question session in which the auditorium (40-50 persons) can discuss and comment the project. The presentations are normally prepared and rehearsed within the corresponding research group of the student and formative feedback is provided by the supervisors after the SDM presentation.

An updated schedule is sent regularly by email.


PhD council

Chair: Tautvydas Kireilis
Vice-Chair: Daria Lebedeva
Faculty representative: Beatriz Meana Baamonde
Cashier: Joannes Peters
Environmental and equal rights representatives: Linus Johansson Holm
Environmental and equal rights representatives: Pedro Tortajada



Director of Doctoral Studies
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