Degree Projects

Information and guidelines for degree projects (Master degree projects and Bachelor's degree project in Earth Science) at the department.

Fuhter down this page is information regarding Bachelor's degree project in Earth Science.


Master's degree project

Within our master's programs you apply to the degree project course (thesis course) either via or It depends which programme you belong to. 

Note, It is not possible to apply for our Degree projects at master’s level as independent/freestanding courses. They are only accessible for students that are admitted and registered to one of the Master’s programmes at the Department of Physical Geography, or Master's Programme in Globalization, Environment and Social Change (Department of Human Geography).

Before starting your degree project you need to have been in contact with your programme responsible. The courses available for you as a master’s student, depending on which programme you are taking:

Environmental Science and Physical Planning, Degree Project

Your degree project consists of a 30 credit course during term 4. You apply already during term 3, no later than October 15. You will register on the course through webb registration in Ladok. During the first course week, you will write your project plan and hand in to your programme responsible and

Degree Project in Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology or Geography, Degree Project

Your degree project consists of a 30, 45 or 60 credit course during the last semester/-s of your studies. In order to be able to apply for the course, you have to start by contacting you programme responsible. You also need to have you project plan approved by your programme responsible. (se Projektplan och uppsatsmall). After that you can apply to the course by sending your approved project plan to, no later than deadline. You register after receiving confirmation on admission to the course.

Application deadlines:
• 15 May (start during summer)
• 15 August (start during autumn)
• 15 December (start during spring)

Note: If your application is sent in after deadline, we cannot guarantee you a place on the course starting on the date of your application. 

Information for students that are required to pay tuition fee

If you apply for a course running over more than one term, your tuition fee (if applicable) need to have been paid for both terms in advanced. Discuss possible setups with more than 3 months before applying to the course. Alternatively choose a degree project running over one single term.

Course instances

The following course instances (degree projects) are available for you as a master’s student at the department. More detailed information is available in Course dates (417 Kb) .

Fill in the dates applicable fo your course instance in your project plan before sending it to

Individual course setup, insurance and field work

Course instances or course setup that diverge from our regular setup can only be offered after discussion with programme responsible and degree project coordinator at If you have questions regarding this, contact programme responsible early in the semester preceding your planned start.

As a student at Stockholm University you are insured during your studies. This assumed that you are registered on the course in question. Never start a course before the registration is finished, especially when going on fieldwok.

Degree Projects abroad and insurance when going abroad

When writing your degree project at the Department of Physical Geography you might have the possibility to complete parts of the course abroad.

Study abroad

When going abroad for fieldwork during your degree project, you must be registered on the course and your supervisor needs to reserve a ”Student UT-försäkring” (insurance) from Kammarkollegiet before you travel. Your supervisor is responsible for this but you must check that it is done before leaving.

The student fills out a project plan:  Project plan for Degree project at Master level (338 Kb) . Send the project plan to the program responsible and

Information for Mac-user: Open the contract using Adobe Reader, then save it. This will produce a pdf-file that can be read also by PC-users.

Degree projects at the department should be formatted according to this template (from Spring 2023) Template Degree Project (1185 Kb)

Degree projects at the Master's level are assessed according to these grading criteria: 

Grading criteria for degree projects Masters level (47 Kb)

As a student you have the possibility to use the department computer labs and softwares, when the rooms are not booked for other courses. You also have the possibility to download and use the software’s available for students at SU Software for students, on your own computer. For larger GIS projects or projects with large amounts of data there is a limited possibility to use the computer lab on floor 3 (“exjobbarrummet”).

Follow the instructions to get access to computers and softwares:

Instructions for computer labs and software (253 Kb)

VPN and Remote Desktop (282 Kb)

When you write your thesis, you have a supervisor. For degree project at the department subjects and supervisor are discussed with the program reponsible. From the program responsible, you will also get information about who will be your examiner and assessor. 

You often have the opportunity to influence an essay topic. If you have one or more subject suggestions yourself, you can discuss these with the program reponsible.

The number of supervision hours is regulated in the course syllabus and supervision is only given within the planned course time. If the work is performed at an external workplace outside the department, supervisors must be present both at the department and at the workplace. The department does not pay compensation to external supervisors.

The student communicates with the supervisor and examiner to decide on a preliminary submission date and preliminary presentation date. The supervisor should have approved the thesis for presentation before the student submits the thesis to the examiner. After agreeing on a date with your supervisor and examiner, you can book a time / room for presentation. Presentations can be made on campus or digitally on zoom, discuss the alternatives with your supervisor and examiner before booking.

  • Your examiner may need your degree project for up to 2 weeks to have time to read your degree project. Therefore, also contact your examiner to get information when you will submit your final version.
  • During the summer (mid-June to mid-August) no presentations are normally booked.
  • Presentation room is booked by you through contact with Announce your name, course and essay title as well as the day, time and name of the supervisor when booking. 
  • Before the presentation, you as a student must check that the technology works. Take e.g. with own adapter for Mac. The presentation should take a maximum of 30 minutes and is distributed as follows: about 20 minutes presentation and time for questions.
  • If you present via zoom, your supervisor can help with invitation and Zoom-link.

Bachelor's degree project in Physical Geography (Earth Science)

Within the Bachelor's Programme in Earth Science, Distance Learning you have the possiblity to write your degree project in Physical Geography (Earth Science). The courses available are:

You apply for these courses via the term before starting. Note important Key dates and deadlines for application.

The eligibiliy for the degree projects are: knowledge equivalent to 135 credits and that must include 75 credits in Earth sciences. Also required is knowledge equivalent to Earth Science by Distance Learning - Specialisation, 15 credits (GE5040). Therefore you need to have taken the course GE5040 berfore beeing able to start the degree project.

When you are admitted to the course, you register yourself in Ladok with web registration. If you are admitted with VI (conditions), you have until the start of the course to meet the prerequisites.

The scientific method 1.5 hp is obligatory for obtaining the Bachelor of Science degree at the Science faculty at Stockholm University. The scientific method 1.5 hp is included as a separate module parallel to the thesis work. It is possible to take the course module either before, during or after starting your thesis work.

Please note that the site "" is not avalible any longer.  

New site is

The module runs four times per year, "Kurstillfälle 3" is avalible as a distance module. This instance will be run by Zoom and English.


The student fills out a project plan:  Project plan for Degree Project at Bachelor Level (386 Kb) . Send the project plan to

Information for Mac-user: Open the contract using Adobe Reader, then save it. This will produce a pdf-file that can be read also by PC-users.

Degree projects at the department should be formatted according to this template (from Spring 2023) Template Degree Project (1213 Kb) .

Previous template is still available during Spring 2023 SU-Library Word template (110 Kb)

Degree projects at the Bachelor's level are assessed according to these grading criteria: 

Grading criteria for degree projects Bacherlor level (33 Kb)

When you write your thesis, you have a supervisor. For degree project in geography or in physical geoscience, subjects  and supervisor are discussed with the course reponsible.

You often have the opportunity to influence an essay topic. If you have one or more subject suggestions yourself, you can discuss these with the course reponsible.

The number of supervision hours is regulated in the course syllabus and supervision is only given within the planned course time. If the work is performed at an external workplace outside the department, supervisors must be present both at the department and at the workplace. The department does not pay compensation to external supervisors.

At the end of the course, your degree project will be presented at a scheduled seminar. Specific instructions regarding your course will be handed out by the course coordinator.

Or Agree on a date, time and suitable form of online/distance presentation with supervisor and examiner.


Archiving and publication in DiVA

The examiner notifies you of grades via e-mail when the degree project has been graded. The grade is then reported in Ladok.

After a statement from the examiner, you have the opportunity to make the final changes. Then send the final version for archiving to the Coordinator for the degree project, (within one month of presentation). The degree project should be sent as a pdf file and should be formatted according to the template you find above.

There are different rules surrounding copyright law for texts and images.

The coordinator for the degree project will then adapt the file for archiving by giving the essay a serial number. You will then receive a pdf file that can be used for printing / digital distribution or for publication in DiVA. At the end of the semester in the spring semester, it can take an extra long time before you get your archive version back for publication in DiVA:

DiVA - Quick reference for students (407 Kb)

Publication in DiVA


Application for Degree certificate

When you have finished your studies and want to apply for the award of a qualification, you should apply to receive a degree certificate (diploma).




Degree project coordinator
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