SCEG – Student Council of Environmental and Geosciences

Do you want to join SCEG and represent your and other students’ interests during your time at SU?


What is SCEG?

  • SCEG is a student council for Bachelor and Master students who study environmental science or geosciences.
  • SCEG cover three departments: the Department for Physical Geography (NG), Department of Geological Sciences (IGV) and Department for Environmental science (ACES).
  • SCEG’s purpose is to look for, promote, protect and represent the students’ interests in issues regarding them.
  • SCEG have representatives in decision making Departmental boards, study environment and equal opportunities boards, education preparation boards etc., which means you have great chances of impacting your time as a student!

Do you have any questions? Please contact us via email

Swing by one of SCEG’s meetings, time and place can be found in the Facebook group and on our Instagram. There’s always fika and good company! You can also contact us via email if you have any questions.

SCEG - Student Council of Environmental and Geosciences

What can you do?

  • Join SCEG’s Facebook group to keep up to date on the latest news on student issues, and to connect with other environmental and geosciences students.
  • Let SCEG know what you think can be improved about your courses or study environment, for example, and what is already working well.
  • Join the SCEG board if you want to discuss these issues with other engaged students and to drive issues and projects to make changes!
  • Swing by one of SCEG’s meetings, time and place can be found in the Facebook group and on Instagram. There’s always fika and good company!

SCEG's tips n' tricks for distance learning

SCEG had a meeting where we discussed our different experiences with studying at home. We collected and wrote down some tips to share with you all. We hope they will be helpful!

  1. Go for a walk in the morning, this will give you a feeling that you're going somewhere instead of just being at home. It will also wake up your body and get the blood circulation going.
  2. Set timers for the time you'll be studying and remember to take breaks! For example; 30 min studying, 5–10 min break, 30 min studying ... and so on, or whatever time intervall suits you best.
  3. Move you body regularly, during the breaks or even during lectures. Stretch, jump around, dance, do a few squats/sit-ups – there are endless ways to do this! Try to go for daily walks (see tip 1). To every day get some fresh air and daylight, or sunlight if you're lucky, is a good routine to try and get a hold on!
  4. Change your study environment if possible. Sit by the kitchen table, at your desk, in your couch, listen to lectures while sitting on the floor, put your computer in a position so that you can stand up etc. This will give you variation in your day and hopefully help you keep your focus.
  5. Or if you want to separate your studies from your spare time a bit more, have a specific place where you do your homework, lectures etc that you don’t use during your spare time. This will give you a better sense of when you are working and when you are free (so that you don’t feel like you’re constantly studying).
  6. Try to read ahead (as always hehe), this will actually make it easier to follow the lectures and ask relevant questions about things you don’t quite get or just wonder about. Also, if there’s something that is unclear ask the teacher to clarify, there are probably more students that are wondering about the same ting!
  7. Ask the teachers if you can record the lectures on Zoom, or ask for pre-recorded lectures. Another thing is to ask if you can get the presentations beforehand, so that you can look through them and/or take notes directly in the presentations during the lectures (Adobe Acrobat Reader is a good programme for this).
  8. Have Zoom-meetings with your classmates! Study together either by talking/discussing or just stay muted and study on your own but with the possibility to ask questions or discuss something that one of you don't understand. This has helped us study without long pauses and distractions/procrastination.
  9. Try to keep up with the household chores. It will make life at home (and focusing on your studies) easier if it’s not a total mess around you..!
  10. If the weather allows it, eat your lunch outside! Fresh air and a change of environment will clear your head and lower your stress level – take some deep breaths and just chill for a while.
  11. Make a list/keep track of everything you've done each day (like in a calendar or something alike). This will show you how much you're actually doing, despite the feeling that you've done nothing (a lot of us struggle with that).
  12. And finally; be kind and gentle with yourself! This is a really wierd and probably stressfull time for all of us, with a lot of uncertainty, worries and new situations. It's ok to struggle and to ask for help or support! So remember to give yourself a break, do fun stuff, talk to friends and family, take a walk in the woods, listen to fun podcasts etc.

You've got this! SCEG



Facebook: SCEG
Athena: SCEG (search for SCEG)
On this site we will update with information about our upcoming meetings and other resources. 

On this page