Meet a few of the teachers at the Department

Our teachers includes experts on a wide range of topics within the subject and are constantly keeping themselves updated within their fields of specialisation in order to be able to pass on their expertise to you as a student.

Karin Bäckstrand conducts research on global environmental policy and has participated in the UN's negotiations on climate and sustainable development since 2002. Karin is the coordinator of the International Master's Programme in Environmental Social Science and teaches international climate and environmental policy.

Eva Erman conducts research in the field of political philosophy and studies normative issues involving, for example, global democracy, global justice, and human rights. She primarily teaches courses in political theory with a focus on democratic theory, democracy beyond the nation state, and ideal and non-ideal theory.

Foto på Merrick Tabor.
Foto: Stockholms universitet.

Merrick Tabor is one of our most seasoned teachers. He teaches method, comparative politics, and international relations at the bachelor's and master's levels and is also responsible for the Department's exchange programmes. He is a committed and valued teacher who has been awarded the University's teaching award.

Porträtt på Jonas Tallberg.

Jonas Tallberg is one of Sweden's most published and cited political scientists and has received many prestigious awards for this research. His fields of expertise are international institutions and EU politics. Jonas teaches international politics and is the coordinator of the course "Global and Regional Governance" within our master's programme.

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