Dissertation: The role of nature exposure for mental health outcomes

Thesis defence

Date: Friday 13 September 2024

Time: 09.30 – 11.30

Location: Lecture room 5, House 1, Albano

On 13 September, 2024, Yannick Klein will defend his doctoral thesis "The role of nature exposure for mental health outcomes: Population-based studies of adults in Sweden, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic".

Front cover (detail), Yannick Klein, 2024-09-13.
Front cover (detail)

The dissertation will take place Friday 13 September 2024 at 9:30 in Lecture Room 5, House 1, Albano, Stockholm.

Language: English

Opponent: Professor Maria Johansson, Lund University.

Supervisors: Associate Professor Cecilia Stenfors, Department of Psychology, and Professor Petra Lindfors, Department of Psychology.

Full information in DiVA

Read more about Yannick Klein