Roberto from Italy about his time at Stockholm University

Roberto, from Università degli Studi Gabriele D'Annunzio Chieti-Pescara, studied at the Department of Psychology during the fall semester of 2023. Read more about his experience!

Courses taken at the Department of Psychology: Forensic psychology, Adult development and aging, Social psychology II and Stress and health. All bachelor level courses.

In the photo: Traffic towards the city center. In distance, the City Hall.
Stockholm in the winter. Photo: Helene Komlos Grill

Why did you choose Stockholm University as your study destination?

– Because among the various possibilities I had, I decided to compare some of them. Stockholm was the best university within the world rankings, resulting in a very good position on my list. My goal was to come to a university that would train me in the best possible way during my stay. I also received very good feedback from students who came here before me.

How did you find accomodation during the semester? 

– I looked for accommodation in Stockholm mainly on the various Facebook groups, although it is easy to run into scams on these sites. It is also useful to look through websites such as Qasa.

I have Stockholm as a possible destination to continue my studies for a master's degree

What did you think about the quality of the courses?

– I would grade it a 4 out of 5. Some courses would have deserved a rating of 5, but with some courses I found problems inherent in the clarity of the course and instruction regarding exam requirements.

What is your overall impression of your exchange semester at the Department of Psychology and Stockholm University?

– I have a very positive impression because I was able to learn a lot on a personal and didactic level, with a completely different teaching method than I was used to. The research and use of scientific articles was a big step forward for me, as well as the discovery of seminars and constant interactions both between alumni and professors which was a positive aspect for me. I loved the learning method here despite sometimes being stuck. My experience in the end was positive. In fact, for the future, I have Stockholm as a possible destination to continue my studies for a master's degree!

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