Discover Gender psychology

Are you curious about sex and gender? What's the hype? What's the science behind it? We are offering a 7.5 credits course in Gender Psychology for next spring. It is taught as a remote course in English, full-time studies. It is open for applications until 15 October.

Students and teacher et a desk. Photo: Kristian Pohl
Photo: Kristian Pohl

Gender psychology, 7,5 credits, provides an introduction to theories and research on sex and gender from a psychological perspective. The course covers a number of areas within psychology to show how sex and gender affects people in a number of areas during their lifetime.

The course discusses societal debates in relation to the field. For example, the evolutionary versus socially constructed nature of sex and gender, binary versus fluid conceptualization of gender identity, and the influence of descriptive and normative gender stereotypes.

The course has a social psychological orientation, but incorporates other psychological perspectives and gender theory (for example feminism and queer theory). The course provides knowledge of principles within scientific methods that contribute to theory and studies on sex and gender.

The course will be taught in English as a remote online course, full-time studies, in the third quarter of the spring semester 2025 (24 March 2025 – 04 May 2025).

Main teacher: Marie Gustafsson Sendén, our new professor in the field

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