Contact information summer 2024

Here we have collected information and contact details regarding the Department of Social Work during the summer of 2024


Study and Career councelling

The study and career councelling has limited contact times between July 18 - August 9.

For matters concerning eligibility for and admission to a sociology program, master's program or independent course, we would like to refer to Admissions at Stockholm University.
Contact details
Urgent cases that cannot wait are referred to the department on duty (see below).


Course administration

The course administration has limited contact times in weeks 26–30.
The last phone time before the summer break is Thursday, June 29.
E-mails received during the summer period, weeks 26–30, will be answered during week 31 at the earliest. If you want to get in touch with a specific course administrator, see the corresponding auto-reply added to your e-mail. You can also get in touch during the summer if the course administrator you are looking for works then.

Contact information for the course administration

For matters concerning admission, we would like to refer to Admissions at Stockholm University. Contact details can be found at

Urgent cases that cannot wait are referred to the on duty head of department (see below).


Head of department on call during the summer of 2024

Urgent matters

week 25 (17–21 June): Stefan Wiklund

week 26 (24-28 June): Ulrika Engström

week 27 (1–5 July): Ulrika Engström

week 28 (8–12 July): Ulrika Engström

week 29 (15–19 July): Ulrika Engström

week 30 (22–26 July): Ulrika Engström

week 31 (29 July–2 August): Hugo Stranz

week 32 (5–9 Augusti): Emelie Shanks

week 33 (12–16 Augusti): Emelie Shanks

week 32 (19–23 August): Stefan Wiklund