The history of the Department of Special education

The Department was formed on the first of January 2008 when Stockholm University merged with Stockholm Institute of Education.

From then on, as the only university in Sweden, doctoral students are able to dissertate in the subject of special education. 

An interdisciplinary subject

Stockholm University established that special education is an interdisciplinary subject and that the research focus would lie on supporting and working proactively towards development, learning and socialization for people with disabilities and in socially vulnerable situations. Special educational measurements not only actualize the prerequisites of the individual, but also the interplay with society. 

The interdisciplinary tradition effected the range of courses offered at the first, second and third cycle. The collaborators had their backgrounds in subjects such as pedagogics, psychology, medical science and social work. Today, even more subjects are represented amongst the senior lecturers and professors, something which also indicates the subject’s development and its interdisciplinary character.

The Department of Special Education
Photo: Björn Dalin

It was originally hard to acquire funding for research but that gradually changed for the better. Successful collaborations with other researchers and universities, Swedish and international, enabled the department to employ more PhD students.


Education in special education 

The new program for teachers in special education started in 2008 with two focus areas, one for language, writing and reading development and one for mathematics.
Then in 2011 four new areas were implemented: intellectual disabilities as well as visual, hearing and speach impairments.


The development of courses

New opportunities for studies in the first cycle were developed, for example in neuropsychiatric disabilities and intellectual disabilities, both with 7.5 credits. 

There was an increased interest for courses on neuropsychiatric disabilities and for special school student groups, and as a consequence, for similar courses within the social area of knowledge.  


Master’s programmes

Two master´s programmes were established in 2009. One with focus on visual  pedagogic and one on general special education. In collaboration with the Departement of Psychology at Stockholm university, an additional master’s programme was established within applied behavioral analysis and autism spectrum disorder.


Commisional education 

The Department had a growing obligation in commissional education, “Lärarlyftet” from 2007 to 2010. The aim, procured by the Swedish National Agency, was a continuation of professional development for educated teachers. In 2013 the Department was given continuous assignment to facilitate special education training with specialization towards intellectual disabilities. In 2016 specializations in in visual, hearing, and speech impairment and deafness were implemented.


Conference of Special education

The yearly event, the Day of Special Education, took place for the first time in 2009. Students, teachers and researchers are yearly invited as the Department presents its research and discusses relevant topics regarding special education in collaboration with the National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools, SPSM. The first event had with 90 participants. The following years had a maximum of 500 participants and in 2021, as the conference was held online, about 4500 people participated. 


Expansive and enriching

Since its formation the work of the Department has developed in a direction that has been both expansive and enriching for Special Education as well as for knowledge about the subject.

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