Information for students within the Master's Program in Statistics

On this page you will find special information for students within the Master's Program, such as: Program structure; Mandatory Courses Progression Plan; Master's Theses Examples.


The program structure for master students admitted autumn 2020 is presented here.

Master´s Programme in Statistics, admission 2020 – Planned courses 2020 - 2022

Semester 1: Autumn 2020

  1. Mathematics for economic and statistical analysis* (Matematik för ekonomisk och statistisk analys). 7,5 ECTS credits, full time, period A (given by the Dep. of Mathematics)
  2. R Programming (R Programmering). 7,5 ECTS credits, full time, period B
  3. Probability Theory* (Sannolikhetsteori). 7,5 ECTS credits, full time, period C
  4. Statistical Inference* (Inferensteori). 7,5 ECTS credits, full time, period D

Semester 2: Spring 2021

  1. Computational Statistics* (Statistiska beräkningar). 7,5 ECTS credits, Full time, Period A
  2. Multivariate Analysis* (Multivariat analys). 7,5 ECTS credits, full time, period B
  3. Bayesians Statistics I (Bayesiansk statistik I). 7,5 ECTS credits, Full time, Period C
  4. Machine Learning (Maskininlärning). 7,5 ECTS credits, full time, period D

Semester 3: Autumn 2021

  1. Statistical theory of science* (Statistisk vetenskapsteori). 7,5 ECTS credits, full time, period D
  2. Sampling and Estimation (Urval och estimation). 7,5 ECTS credits, Full time, Period B
  3. Experimental Design (Försöksplanering). 7,5 ECTS credits, Full time, Period C
  4. Generalized Linear Models (Generaliserade linjära modeller). 7,5 ECTS credits, Full time, Period D

Semester 4: Spring 2020

Master's thesis in Statistics* (Examensarbete i statistik för masterexamen). 30 ECTS credits, Full time, Period A – D



The program structure for master students admitted autumn 2019 is presented here.

Master´s Programme in Statistics, admission 2019 – Planned courses 2019 - 2021

Semester 1: Autumn 2019

  1. Mathematics for economic and statistical analysis* (Matematik för ekonomisk och statistisk analys). 7,5 ECTS credits, full time, period A (given by the Dep. of Mathematics)
  2. Probability theory* (Sannolikhetsteori). 7,5 ECTS credits, full time, period B
  3. Statistical inference* (Inferensteori). 7,5 ECTS credits, full time, period C
  4. Statistical theory of science* (Statistisk vetenskapsteori). 7,5 ECTS credits, full time, period D

Semester 2: Spring 2020

  1. Multivariate analysis* (Multivariat analys). 7,5 ECTS credits, full time, period A
  2. Sampling and estimation (Urval och estimation). 7,5 ECTS credits, full time, period B
  3. Statistical computation* (Statistiska beräkningar). 7,5 ECTS credits, Full time, Period C
  4. Statistical methods* (Statistiska metoder). 7,5 ECTS credits, Full time, Period D

Semester 3: Autumn 2020 (Optional courses, changes may occur)

  1. Experimental design (Försöksplanering). 7,5 ECTS credits, Full time, Period A
  2. Sampling and estimation (Urval och estimation). 7,5 ECTS credits, Full time, Period B or: R Programming (R programmering) 7,5 ECTS credits, Full time, Period B
  3. Generalized linear models (Generaliserade linjära modeller). 7,5 ECTS credits, Full time, Period C
  4. Bayesian Statistics I (Bayesiansk statistik I). 7,5 ECTS credits, Full time, Period D

Semester 4: Spring 2021

Master´s thesis in statistics* (Examensarbete i statistik för masterexamen). 30 ECTS credits, Full time, Period A – D



Mandatory courses Progression Plan

Since the mandatory courses within the master's programme follow a progression plan, you will have to pass the courses before you can go on within the programme, according to the Mandatory courses progression plan (19 Kb) .


Writing your thesis at a company or organization

The Department of Statistics is in contact with several companies and organizations that cooperate with students writing their theses.

Find the list here.

What is it like to write your thesis at a company or organization?

Two of our alumni gives advise!

Foto: Ingmarie Andersson.

Below you will find examples of some Master's theses that have been written at the Department of Statistics.

Newer theses

Older theses

  • Bueno, Edgar:  A Without-replacement Fixed-sized Sampling Design
  • Engleryd, Fredrik: Stratified score interval for a weighted sum of proportions with application on the ICT usage in Swedish enterprises survey
  • Sigurjónsdóttir, Bergdís Björk: Flexible Parametric Survival Modeling with Application to the Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility (AGES) – Reykjavik Study Data
  • Ul Hassan, Mahmood: Fitting probability distributions to economic growth a maximum likelihood approach
  • Wang, Qun: Comparison of different sensitivity rules in primary cell suppression for tabular data


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