Research reports 1994-2003

Author(s) Title Download
Research reports 2003
2003:12 Boris Lorenc Multiple Imputation with Double Samples: A Simulation Study Ladda ner RR2003_12.pdf
2003:11 Boris Lorenc Propensity Score Weighting with Double Sampes: A Simulation Study Ladda ner RR2003_11.pdf
2003:10 Boris Lorenc Effectiveness of Weighting by Stratification on the Propensity Score Using Double Samples Ladda ner RR2003_10.pdf
2003:9 Jan Hagberg Extreme Values and Other Attained Values of the Degree Variance in Graphs Ladda ner RR2003_9.pdf
2003:8 Jan Hagberg Random Graph Distributions of Degree variance Ladda ner RR2003_8.pdf
2003:7 Jan Hagberg General Moments of Degrees in Random Graphs Ladda ner RR2003_7.pdf
2003:6 Rolf Larsson
Mattias Villani
Some Properties of the Multivariate Split Normal Distribution Ladda ner RR2003_6.pdf
2003:5 Christian Tallberg Bayesian Estimation of Blockstructures from Snowball Samples Ladda ner RR2003_5.pdf
2003:4 Christian Tallberg A Bayesian Approach to Modeling Stochastic Blockstructures with Covariates Ladda ner RR2003_4.pdf
2003:3 Christian Tallberg Estimating the Size of Hidden populations Ladda ner RR2003_3.pdf
2003:2 Christian Tallberg Testing centrality in Random Graphs Ladda ner RR2003_2.pdf
2003:1 Jukka Corander
Mattias Villani
Causality in Vector Autoregressions - A Bayesian Graphical Modelling Approach Ladda ner RR2003_1.pdf


Research reports 2002

2002:9 Michael Carlson A Per-Record Risk of Disclosure Using a Poisson-Inverse Gaussian Regression Model Ladda ner RR2002_9.pdf
2002:8 Michael Carlson An Empirical Comparison of Some Methods for Disclosure Risk Assessment Ladda ner RR2002_8.pdf
2002:7 Michael Carlson Assessing Microdata Disclosure Risk Using the Poisson-Inverse Gaussian Distribution (to appear in Statistics in Transition) Ladda ner RR2002_7.pdf
2002:6 Peter Lundqvist
Jan Wretman
Estimating Interviewer Variance under a Measurement Error Model for Continuous Survey Data Ladda ner RR2002_6.pdf
2002:5 Gebrenegus Ghilagaber The Extended Generalized Gamma Model and its Special Cases: Applications to Modeling Marriage Durations Ladda ner RR2002_5.pdf
  RR 2002:5 is published in the journal
"Quality and Quantity", Volume 39, Issue 1, February 2005
Homepage of report in journal Quality and Quantity
2002:4 Johan Koskinen Licentiate Thesis (RR 2002:2 and RR 2002:3)  
Johan Koskinen Bayesian Analysis of Cognitive Social Structures with Covariates Ladda ner RR2002_3.pdf
Johan Koskinen Bayesian Analysis of Preceived Social Networks Ladda ner RR2002_2.pdf
2002:1 Gebrenegus Ghilagaber Incompatibility Between Hazard and Logistic Regression in Modeling Competing Risks Ladda ner RR2002_1.pdf
  RR 2002:1 is published in the journal
"Quality and Quantity", Volume 39, Issue 1, February 2005
Homepage of report in journal Quality and Quantity
Research reports 2001
2001:2 Mattias Villani
Jukka Corander
Bayesian Assessment of Dimensionality in Multivariate Reduced Rank Regression Ladda ner RR2001_2.pdf
2001:1 Mattias Villani Bayesian Reference Analysis of Cointegration
Ladda ner RR2001_1.pdf
Research reports 2000
2000:8 Jan Hagberg Centrality Testing and Distribution of the Degree Variance in Bernoulli Graphs Ladda ner RR2000_8.pdf
2000:7 Christian Tallberg Licentiate Thesis (RR 2000:5 and RR 2000:6)  
2000:6 Christian Tallberg Comparing Degree-based and Closeness-based Centrality Measures Ladda ner RR2000_6.pdf
2000:5 Christian Tallberg Testing centrality in random graphs Ladda ner RR2000_6.pdf
2000:4 Mattias Villani A Bayesian Approach to Restrictions on the Cointegration Space
2000:3 Mattias Villani Cointegration Analysis Based on a Uniform Prior over the Space of Cointegration Spaces
2000:2 Mattias Villani Bayesian Prediction Based on the Cointegrated Vector Autoregression 
2000:1 Michael Carlson Licentiate Thesis: A Data-Swapping Technique Using Ranks - A Method for Disclosure Control
Research reports 1999
Ove Frank Measuring Social Capital by Network Capacity Indices
1999:8 Jukka Corander Bayesian Model Comparison Based on Predictive Entropy
1999:7 Jukka Corander On Mixed Graphical Interaction Model Determination
1999:6 Jukka Corander On Local Graphical Modeling of Multinomial Data
1999:5 Jukka Corander On Graphical Model Determination Using Posterior Entropy
1999:4 Jukka Corander On Graphical Model Determination for Multinomial and Multinormal Data
1999:3 Rolf Larsson
Mattias Villani
A Distance Measure between Cointegration Spaces
1999:2 Karin Dahmström Small-Sample Inference for the Parameters in the Logistic Model
1999:1 Jörgen Dalén A Note on the Variance of the Sample Geometric Mean
Research reports1998
1998:14 Mattias Villani Bayesian Inference about the Lag Length in a Multivariate Autoregression
1998:13 Jukka Corander Graphical Model Selection for Multinomial Data Using Information Divergence
1998:12 Sven-Erik Johansson Studies on Risk Factors in Public Health: the Influence of Lifestyle, Ethnicity and Socio-Economic Status on Illness and Mortalily
1998:11 Mattias Villani On the Representation of Ignorance Regarding a Matrix of Reduced Rank
1998:10 Daniel Thorburn Why No Scientist Should Use Classical Inference- Except the Silly Ones
1998:9 Rolf Larsson The Order of the Asymptotic Error Term for Moments of the Log Likelihood Ratio Test for Cointegration Ladda ner RR1998_9.pdf
1998:8 Jukka Corander
Karin Dahmström
Per Dahmström
Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Markov Graphs Ladda ner RR1998_8.pdf
1998:7 Thomas Polfeldt On the Quality of Contour Maps
1998:6 Mattias Villani Bayesian Reduced Rank Regression with Fixed Dimensionality
1998:5 Jukka Corander Estimation of Transitive Social Structures
1998:4 Rolf Larsson Numerical Approximation of the Asymptotic Distribution of the Log Likelihood Ratio Test for Cointegration
1998:3 Gösta Hägglund Factor Analysis by Instrumental Variables Methods: Correction of Inappropriate Reference Variables
1998:2 Mattias Villani A Bayesian Analysis of the VAR Model with a Single Cointegrating Relationship
1998:1 Stephen Thompson
Ove Frank
Model-Based Estimation with Link-Tracing Sampling Designs

Research reports 1997
1997:12 Jukka Corander Assessing Consensus and Variability Among Subjective Classifications
1997:11 Rolf Larsson Distribution Approximation of Unit Root Tests in Autoregressive Models
1997:10 Jukka Corander Analysis of Multivariate Binary Data by Nested Conditioning
1997:9 Ingegerd Jansson Birelational Structure in Social Networks
1997:8 Ingegerd Jansson Popularity Structure in Friendship Networks
1997:7 Ingegerd Jansson Friendship Structure in School Class Data
1997:6 Rolf Larsson Approximation of the Asymptotic Distribution of the Log Likelihood Ratio Test for Cointegration
1997:5 Martin Karlberg Testing Transitivity in Digraphs
1997:4 Martin Karlberg Triad Count Estimation in Digraphs
1997:3 Ove Frank
M. L. Menéndez
L. Pardo
Aymptotic Properties of Weighted Divergence between Distributions
1997:2 Elizabeth Saers Bigün Sensitivity Analysis Concerning Correlation Coefficient in the Expert Based Prediction Models
1997:1 Forough Karlberg Population Total Prediction Under a Multivariate Lognormal Model
Research reports 1996
1996:9 Jukka Corander Statistical Analysis of Subjective Similarity Judgements
1996:8 Masiur Rahman Structure Comparison Evaluations with Application to the SAARC Nations
1996:7 Tor Jacobson
Rolf Larsson
Bartlett Corrections in Cointegeration Testing
1996:6 Rolf Larsson The Order of the Error Term for Moments of the Log Likelihood Ratio Unit Root Test in an Autoregressive Process
1996:5 Ove Frank Structural Plots of Multivariate Boolean Data
1996:4 Ove Frank Composition and Structure of Social Networks
1996:3 Elizabeth Saers Bigün Bayesian Estimation of the Correlation Coefficient in a Bivariate Normal Case and with Small Number of Observations
1996:2 Elizabeth Saers Bigün Baysian Prediction Based on Few and Dependent Data
1996:1   Rapport från 1:a svenska konferensen för kvinnliga statistiker
Research reports 1995
1995:8 Gösta Hägglund Factor Analysis by Instrumental Variables Methods: Characterization of Optimal Reference Variables
1995:7 Forough Karlberg Model-based Outlier Treatment in Business Surveys: Estimating the Population Total Using a Multivariate Lognormal Model
1995:6 Forough Karlberg Model-based Outlier Treatment in Business Surveys: Estimating the Population Total Using a Multivariate Generalization of the Lognormal Model
1995:5 Ingegerd Jansson Clique Structure in School Class Data
1995:4 Ingegerd Jansson Friendship Structure in School Class Data
1995:3 Martin Karlberg Triad count estimation in graphs
1995:2 Martin Karlberg Testing transitivity in graphs
1995:1 Elizabeth Saers Bigün Risk Analysis of Catastrophes Using Bayes' Methods II: Results from the Empirical Studies.
Research reports 1994
1994:10 Elizabeth Saers Bigün Risk Analysis of Catastrophes Using Bayes' Methods I: Models which build on experts' judgements.
1994:9 Per Näsman Valdistriktens storleksfördelning vid riksdagsvalet 1991
1994:8 Forough Karlberg Model-based Outlier Treatment in Business Surveys: Estimationg the Population Total Under Bivariate Lognormal Assumption
1994:7 Hans Pettersson Sammanfattande hälsomått för befolkningen
1994:6 Gösta Hägglund Factor Analysis by Instrumental Variables Methods: The Specification of the Reference Variables
1994:5 Ingegerd Jansson Network Structure Analysis Based on Subnets
1994:4 Camilla Frank Empirical Bayes Methods Applied to Non-Life Insurance
1994:3 Jan Wretman Estimation in Sample Surveys with Split Questionnaires
1994:2 Elizabeth Saers Bigün Risk Analysis of Catastrophes Using Bayes' Methods
1994:1 Åke Svensson Goodness-of-fit Tests in Very Skew Poisson Tables
Bonus: Research reports 1993 and earlier
1993:4 Karin Dahmström
Per Dahmström
ML-Estimation of the Clustering Parameter in a Markov Graph Model Ladda ner RR1993_4.pdf
1987:2 Per-Olov Edlund On Identification of Transfer Function Models Ladda ner RR1987_2.pdf


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