The 2018 NordMetrik conference: Metrics and versification in poetry and song

Following a successful conference in Helsinki in May 2016, we now invite you to Stockholm for the next installment of the NordMetrik conference series. The conference will be co-organised by Stockholm University and the Swedish Academy.

Metrics and versification constitute a natural meeting point for several disciplines including linguistics, literary studies, musicology, cognitive poetics, philology, linguistic anthropology, folklore, aesthetics, and more.Metrics and versification constitute a natural meeting point for several disciplines including linguistics, literary studies, musicology, cognitive poetics, philology, linguistic anthropology, folklore, aesthetics, and more.

13–15 September 2018 at Stockholm University and the Swedish Academy. The conference starts on the 13th at 13.00, and ends on the 15th at 15.00.


    13–14 September: Stockholm University
    15 September: The Swedish Academy

Conference dinner

14 September at 18.00 at the Faculty Club, Frescativägen 22. You pay for the dinner at the restaurant.


Keynote speakers

  • Romain Benini, UFR de Langue Française, Université Paris-Sorbonne
  • Patrik Bye, Fakultet for lærerutdanning, kunst- og kulturfag, Nord universitet, Bodø
  • François Dell, Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l’Asie Orientale, CNRS Paris
  • Sissel Furuseth, Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier, Universitetet i Oslo
  • Myfany Turpin, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney


We invite talks on any topic pertaining to some aspect of the general theme of the conference, including the following:

  • The relationship between meter and phonology
  • Textsetting, i.e. the alignment of text to music
  • Generative metrics
  • Cognitive poetics
  • The invention and variation of meters in literary poetics
  • Aesthetic effect of meter in poetry or song
  • Typology of meter
  • Cultural and linguistic influence on versification traditions
  • Social and psychological constraints on versification
  • The relationship between structure and performance of poetry and song


Programme NordMetrik 2018 (version 5) (125 Kb)



Abstracts NordMetrik 2018 (version 4) (1110 Kb)




We have received queries regarding the possibility of presenting a poster. If there is enough interest, we shall organise a poster session, so please indicate one of the following in your abstract:

  • Talk only
  • Poster only
  • Talk or poster



Organising Committee

Welcome to Stockholm in September!

Tomas Riad, Andrew Cooper, Johanna Einarsson, Giorgio Basciu

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