Linguistic Ethnography, 7,5 ECTS

The Department of Teaching and Learning, in collaboration with the Centre for Research on Bilingualism (CTF) and the Department of Child and Youth Studies (BUV), offers this course as part of the Doctoral School in the Humanities in the spring semester 2024.


Course content

In the course, Linguistic Ethnography and its contributions to research on language – particularly multilingualism – and identity in educational and other social contexts is introduced, discussed and problematized. For example, in what ways are language and other semiotic practices entangled with ideologies and sociopolitical discourses on an individual level?

Moreover, epistemological tenets in LE are discussed as well as how the field has evolved historically in relation to ethnography and anthropology. In the course, central theoretical and methodological principles within ethnographic research are further discussed in relation to data collection and research ethics. The course also focuses on analyses and presentations of interactional data. We will have the opportunity to discuss these issues in a workshop with Angela Creese, Professor in Linguistic Ethnography at Stirling University, UK.


In order to pass the course, students are expected to be able to:

  • critically discuss, evaluate and problematize in what ways Linguistic Ethnography (LE) contributes to the study of language and identity in one or more social contexts
  • critically discuss central theoretical and methodological principles within ethnographic research based on the student’s own data and/or other research
  • critically discuss processes related to data collection and analyses within LE based on the student’s own data and/or other research

Mandatory elements

Attendance at the course meetings is mandatory.


Grading is done on the basis of student assessments, in the shape of a manuscript draft. This manuscript could be a research overview of a smaller field, a book review or another minor work that relates to Linguistic Ethnography.


Instruction is provided in the form of seminars and lectures.

NB. The course will be offered online, except the workshop with Angela Creese, which will take place in a hybrid format

Teaching language: The course is taught in English. Discussion papers and written exam questions can be done in both Swedish and English.

Period: April 16 – June 3, 2024

Course dates: Link to TimeEdit

Course syllabus: Course syllabus US015DO (382 Kb)

Literature list: US015DO Literature list (mandatory) (243 Kb)

Literature list: US015DO Literature list (recommended) (360 Kb)



Applications for courses starting in the spring semester 2024 were received between November 15 and December 15. It is still possible to apply to the course.

All applications are sent by the supervisor to: Official transcript of records, or certificate of registration, verifying the applicant's status as doctoral student should be enclosed with the application.

All courses are free of charge, and they are open to all who are admitted to studies on PhD-level, regardless of faculty or university. Prerequisites and special admittance requirements may apply for some courses.

Application form for place in a joint faculty course (294 Kb)

How do I apply?

The application form (see above) is used to apply for a place in a course. The supervisor (or equivalent) must support the doctoral student’s application with a motivation as to why the doctoral student should participate in the course. The supervisor also submits the proposal to the following address:

Who can apply?

The Faculty of Humanities’ doctoral students have priority for places, and external doctoral students (from Stockholm University or another university) can be admitted to a course subject to availability. External doctoral students will be registered in Ladok in order to enable the Board to monitor all participants in a course.



Course directors: Christina Hedman

Course name in Swedish: Lingvistisk etnografi

The course is offered by the Department of Teaching and Learning.

Research Officer
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