Stockholm university

Erasmus+ Traineeship – gain work experience abroad


Date: Wednesday 9 October 2024

Time: 12.15 – 12.45

Location: Online via Zoom

Are you interested in doing a traineeship abroad? Participate in this webinar to find out more.

As a student at Stockholm University you can apply for an Erasmus+ grant for an internship, work placement, data collection or for doing your degree project at an organization, enterprise, education or research center abroad, in one of the Erasmus+ programme countries.

Join us while you eat your lunch and get information about how to gain work experience abroad through an Erasmus+ Traineeship.

You can ask questions via the Q&A function in Zoom. 

Find more information about Erasmus+ Traineeship

Join the webinar

Working together.
Photo: Lieselotte van der Meijs (

All students with a university account can participate

All students at Stockholm University are welcome to participate in the webinar online via the Zoom video conferencing app. To participate you need to be logged in to Zoom with your university account.

Student Services organises talks and information meetings every Wednesday at lunchtime. No registration is required. You can find the whole program (in Swedish) here: Matnyttigt at lunchtime – inspiration every Wednesday.