Stockholm university

Research project Farm work: work processes, segmentation patterns and sustainability visions in Swedish farming

This study seeks to fill a gap in research on farm labor in Sweden in the age of sustainability transitions. The focus is on farm work processes – who does them, with what machines, under what social conditions, and with what consequences for sustainability.

The target group are farmers, their spouses and families, and workers, permanent and temporary. The latter, importantly, include migrant, seasonal laborers, about which there is little research in Sweden today. We will also map out visions on how environmental sustainability can be achieved while maintaining decent work conditions. A key question is how production and employment goals are balanced with goals for decent and inclusive work opportunities, gender equality, environmentally sustainable production and climate mitigation. An important deliverable is an in-depth qualitative survey of farm work in Sweden today, as it is experienced by farmers and workers, which will help map out labor segmentation in farming.

Project members

Project managers

Lowe Börjeson

Senior Lecturer, Docent

Department of Human Geography


Brian Kuns

Senior Lecturer

Department of Urban and Rural Development, SLU

Ida Säfström

PhD student

Department of Human Geography

More about this project

Publications: See project members web pages.