Stockholms universitet

Publications from Granqvist's research lab

Here is a list of publications from the lab in recent years.

In press/2021

Gruneau Brulin, J., Lindholm, T., & Granqvist, P. (in press). In the state we trust? Attachment-related avoidance is related to lower trust, both in other people and in welfare state institutions. Journal of Social and Political Psychology.

Forslund, T., Hammarlund, M., & Granqvist, P. (in press). Admissibility of attachment theory, research, and assessment in family court decision-making? Yes, and no! New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development.

Schiffman, M., Schnall, E., Pirutinsky, S., Brooks, S., & Cherniak, A. D. (in press). Positive psychology and Judaism. In E. B. Davis, E. L. Worthington Jr., & S. A. Schnitker (Eds.), Handbook of Positive Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality. Springer.

Andersson-Konke, L., Forslund, T., Nilsson-Jobs, E., Nyström, P., Falck-Ytter, T., & Brocki, K. C. (2021). Specific temperamental roots of symptoms of ASD and ADHD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. doi: 10.1007/s10803-021-05001-z

Granqvist, P., & Duschinsky, R. (2021). Attachment theory and research. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190236557.013.51

Forslund, T., Granqvist, P., van IJzendoorn, M. H, Sagi-Schwartz, A., Glaser, D., Steele, M., Hammarlund, M. …, & Duchinsky, R. (2021). Attachment goes to court: Child protection and custody issues. Attachment & Human Development.

Hammarlund, M., Granqvist, P., & Forslund, T. (2021). Mothers with mild levels of intellectual disability: Emotion-interpretation, traumatization, and child attachment representations. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

Sullivan, M. R., & Blomkvist, A. (2021). Neurobiology of Infant Attachment. Encyclopedia of Behavioural Neuroscience, 2nd edition.

Blomkvist, A., & Hofer, M. (2021). Olfactory loss and social relationships. A narrative review. Chemical Senses.

Shell, A., Blomkvist, A., & Mahmut, M. (2021). Particular Body Odors Matter. Disgust Sensitivity Differ Across Attachment Groups. Brain Sciences.

Cherniak, A. D., Pirutinsky, S., & Rosmarin, D. H. (2021). Does gender moderate effects of religion on anxiety? An evaluation in a Jewish community sample among Orthodox and non-Orthodox Jews? Mental Health, Religion & Culture. doi: 10.1080/13674676.2021.1997969

Pirutinsky, S., Cherniak, A. D., & Rosmarin, D. H. (2021). COVID-19, religious coping, and weight change in the Orthodox Jewish community. Journal of Religion and Health. doi:

Halstensen, K., Gjerstad, R., Luyten, P., Wampold, B., Granqvist, P., Stålsett, G., & Johnson, S.U. (2021). Depression and mentalizing: A psychodynamic therapy process study. Journal of Counseling Psychology.

Granqvist, P. (2021). The God, the Blood, and the Fuzzy: Commentaries on Cornerstones and two target articles. Attachment & Human Development, 23, 412-421.

Forslund, T., & Duschinsky, R. (Eds.). (2021). Attachment theory and research: A reader. Wiley.

Bacro, F., Forslund, T., & Granqvist, P. (2021). Children’s multiple attachment relationships and representations in different family contexts. In T. Forslund & R. Duschinsky (Eds.), Attachment theory and research: A reader (pp. 228-239). Wiley.

Granqvist, P. (2021). Attachment, culture, and gene-culture co-evolution: Expanding the evolutionary toolbox of attachment theory. Attachment & Human Development, 23, 90-113.

Cherniak, A., Mikulincer, M., Shaver, P. R., & Granqvist, P. (2021). Attachment Theory and Religion. Current Opinion in Psychology, 40, 126-130.


Opendak, M., Theisen, E., Blomkvist, A., Hollis, K., Lind, T., Sarro, E., Lundström, N. J., Tottenham, N., Dozier, M., Wilson, A. D., Sullivan, M. R. (2020). Adverse caregiving in infancy blunts neural processing of the mother. Nature Communications.

Granqvist, P. (2020). Attachment in religion and spirituality: A wider view. Edited by Phillip R. Shaver. New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Broberg, A. G., Mothander, P., & Granqvist, P. (2020). Anknytningsteori, (2:a utökade utgåvan). Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.

Granqvist, P., Mikulincer, M., & Shaver, P. R. (2020). An attachment theory perspective on religion and spirituality. In K. Vail & C. Routledge (Eds.), The science of religion, spirituality, and existentialism (pp. 175-186). Elsevier.

Pirutinsky, S., Cherniak, A. D., & Rosmarin, D. H. (2020). COVID-19, mental health, and religious coping among American Orthodox Jews. Journal of Religion and Health, 59(5), 2288-2301.

Pirutinsky, S., Cherniak, A. D., & Rosmarin, D. H. (2020). Implicit and explicit attitudes towards God and life satisfaction. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 12(4), 387.

Serfaty, D. R., Cherniak, A. D., & Strous, R. D. (2020). How are psychotic symptoms and treatment factors affected by religion? A cross-sectional study about religious coping among ultra-Orthodox Jews. Psychiatry research, 293, 113349.


Granqvist, P., Vestbrant, K., Döllinger, L., Olsson, M. J., Liuzza, M. T., Blomkvist, A., & Lundström, J. (2019). The Scent of Security: Odor of Romantic Partner Alters Subjective Discomfort and Autonomic Stress Responses in an Adult Attachment-Dependent Manner. Physiology & Behavior.

Halstensen, K., Engedal, L.-G., Myrvik, H., Haug, S.H.K., Austad, A., Thomassen, M., & Granqvist, P. (2019). Relasjoner og språk: Psykodynamisk og tilknytningsteoretisk fortolkning av språkets rolle i relasjonsdannelse. Matrix, 35, 4-37.

Davis, E. B., Kimball, C. N., Aten, J. D., Hamilton, C., Andrews, B., Lemke, A., Hook, J. R., Captari, L., Granqvist, P., Hook, J. N., Davis, D. E., Van Tongeren, D. R., Cattrell, E., Cuthbert, A. D., & Chung, J. (2019). Faith in the wake of disaster: A longitudinal qualitative study of religious attachment following a catastrophic flood. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 11, 578–587.

Dewitte, L., Granqvist, P., & Dezutter, J. (2019). Meaning through attachment: An integrative framework. Psychological Reports, 122, 2242-2265.

Davis, E. B., Kimball, C. N., Aten, J. D., Andrews, B., Van Tongeren, D. R., Hook, J. N.,  Davis, D. E., Granqvist, P., & Park, C. L. (2019). Religious meaning making and attachment in a disaster context: A longitudinal qualitative study of flood survivors. Journal of Positive Psychology, 14, 659-671.

Thauvoye, E., Granqvist, P., & Dezutter, J. (2019). Attachment to God, depression, and loss in late life: A longitudinal study. Mental Health, Religion, and Culture, 21, 825-837.

Granqvist, P., & Nkara, F. (2019). Predictive coding in the psychological sciences of religion: On flexibility, parsimony, and comprehensiveness. Religion, Brain, & Behavior, 9, 86-89.


Van IJzendoorn, Steele, M., & Granqvist, P. (2018). On exactitude in science: A map of the empire the size of the empire. Infant Mental Health Journal.

Van IJzendoorn, M.H., Bakermans, J.J.W., Steele, M., & Granqvist, P. (2018). Diagnostic use of Crittenden’s attachment measures in family court is not beyond a reasonable doubt. Infant Mental Health Journal.

Greenwald, Y., Mikulincer, M., Granqvist, P., & Shaver, P. R. (2018). Apostasy and conversion: Attachment orientations and individual differences in the process of religious change. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.

Gruneau Brulin, J., & Granqvist, P. (2018). The place of place within the attachment-religion framework: A commentary on the circle of place spirituality. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 29, 175-185. Brill.

Cortes, D. S., Skragge, M., Döllinger, L., Laukka, P., Fischer, H., Nilsson, M., Hovey, D., Westberg, L., Larsson, M., & Granqvist, P. (2018). Mixed support for a causal link between single dose intranasal oxytocin and spiritual experiences: Opposing effects depending on individual proclivities for absorption. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN), 13, 921–932.

Davis, E. B., Granqvist, P., & Sharp, C. (2018). Theistic relational spirituality: Development, dynamics, health, and transformation. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.

Gruneau Brulin, J., Hill, P. C., Laurin, K., Mikulincer, M., & Granqvist, P. (2018). God Versus the Welfare State: The importance of cultural context for religious schematicity and priming. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 10, 278-287.