Stockholms universitet

Publikationer från Stenfors forskningslabb

Här hittar du publikationer från Stenfors forskningslabb. Längre ner på sidan finns en lista med böcker, bokkapitel och liknande.

Stenfors, C. U. D. (2023). Vår relation till naturen-ett nexus för mänsklig, ekologisk och planetär hållbarhet, samt resiliens vid kriser. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 100(3), 509-524.

Simonsson, O., Osika, W., Stenfors, C. U. D., Goldberg, S., Honk, L., & Hendricks, P. (2023). Longitudinal associations between psychedelic use and meditation practices in the United States and the United Kingdom. Psychological Medicine (In press).

Stenfors, C. U. D, Stengård, J., Osika, W., Hanson, L. M. (2023). The role of residential greenspace qualities and it’s closeness for mental health and sleep outcomes: Results from longitudinal studies on nationwide population-based cohorts in Sweden with fine-grained assessments.
 17th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, From Local to Global: Behavior, Climate and Health, Vancouver, Canada, August 23-26, 2023.

Klein, Y., Lindfors, P., Hanson, L. M., & Stenfors, C. U. D. (2023). Nature-related habits and their development and relation to mental health outcomes during the covid-19 pandemic: a population-based study in Sweden. 17th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, From Local to Global: Behavior, Climate and Health, Vancouver, Canada, August 23-26, 2023.

Stenfors, C. U. D., Rådmark, L., Stengård, J., Klein, Y., Osika, W., & Hanson, L. M. (2023). More green, less blue: Residential Greenspace is Associated with Lower Antidepressant Redemptions in a Nationwide Population-Based Study – Need for an Environmental Psychiatry Framework. PsyArXiv. doi: 10.31234/,

Klein, Y., Lindfors, P., Hanson, L. M., & Stenfors, C. U. D. (2023). Development of nature-related habits and their relation to mental health outcomes during two years of the COVID-19 pandemic: A population-based study in Sweden. PsyArXiv. doi: 10.31234/,

Stenfors, C. U. D., Stengård, J., Magnusson Hanson, L., Kecklund, L.-G., & Westerlund, H. (2023). Green Sleep: Immediate residential greenspace and access to larger green areas are associated with better sleep quality, in a longitudinal population-based cohort. Environmental Research, 234, 116085. ISSN 0013-9351, doi: 

Simonsson, O., Stenfors, C. U.D., Goldberg, S. B., Hendricks, P. S., & Osika, W. (2023). Altered States of Leadership: Mindfulness Meditation, Classic Psychedelics, and Leadership Development. Frontiers in Psychology, 14: 1151626. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1151626,

Magnusson Hanson, L., Stenfors, C.U.D., Wijkander, M., Blomqvist, S., & Westerlund, H. (2023). Arbetsmiljön före och under Covid-19 pandemin i ett urval av den arbetande befolkningen i Sverige: The Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health. [Organizational & Psychosocial work environment within the Swedish Labour market during the Corona pandemic]. Original research project and report, commissioned by the Swedish government through the Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise, original research report.

Ramstetter, L., Rupprecht, S., Mundaca, L., Osika, W., Stenfors, C. U. D., Klackl, J., & Wamsler, C. (2023). Fostering collective climate action and leadership: Insights from a pilot experiment with a behavioral intervention involving mindfulness and compassion, iScience, 26(3), 106191,

Pöllänen, E., Osika, W., Stenfors, C.U.D., & Simonsson, O. (2022). Classic Psychedelics and Human–Animal Relations. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 19, 8114. doi:

Klein, Y., Lindfors, P., Osika, W., Magnusson Hanson, L. L., & Stenfors, C. U. D. (2022). Residential Greenspace Is Associated with Lower Levels of Depressive and Burnout Symptoms, and Higher Levels of Life Satisfaction: A Nationwide Population-Based Study in Sweden. Int. J Environ. Res. and Public Health, 19(9), 5668.

Stenfors, C., Magnusson Hanson, L., Leineweber, C., & Westerlund, H. (2021). Arbetsförhållanden, levnadsvanor & hälsa före respektive efter Covid-19 pandemins början: En longitudinell kohortstudie av den svenska arbetande befolkningen. ["Working conditions, living habits and health before and after the Covid-19 pandemic: A longitudinal cohort study of Swedish working adults".] Governmental research report. Diarienummer 06314-2020.

Berman, M.G., Stenfors, C.U.D., Schertz, K.E., & Meidenbauer, K.L. (2021). Response to “Conceptual replication study and meta-analysis suggest simulated nature does not reliably restore pure executive attention measured by the Attention Network Task”, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 78:101719. ISSN 0272-4944. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2021.101719 

Lõhmus, M., Stenfors, C.U.D., Lind, T., Lauber, A., & Georgelis, A. (2021). Mental Health, Greenness, and Nature Related Behaviors in the Adult Population of Stockholm County during COVID-19-Related Restrictions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(6):3303. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18063303

Troije, C.P., Jensen, E.L., Stenfors, C., Danielsson, C.B., Hoff, E., Mårtensson, F., & Toivanen, S. (2021). Outdoor Office Work – An Interactive Research Project Showing the Way Out. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:636091. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.636091

Andersson, C., Stenfors, CUD., Lilliengren, P., Einhorn, S., & Osika, W. (2021). Benevolence – Associations with Stress, Mental Health and Self-Compassion at the workplace. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:568625. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.568625

Meidenbauer, K., Stenfors, C.U.D., Bratman, G.N., Gross, J.J., Schertz, K.E., Choe, K.W., & Berman, M.G. (2020). The Affective Benefits of Nature Exposure: What’s Nature Got to Do with It? Journal of Environmental Psychology, 72:101498. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2020.101498

Stenfors, C.U.D., Van Hedger, S. C., Schertz, K. E., Meyer, F., Smith, K. E., Norman, G., Bourrier, S. C., Enns, J. T., Kardan, O., Jonides, J., & Berman, M. G. (2019). Positive effects of nature on cognitive performance across multiple experiments: Test order but not affect modulates the cognitive effects. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:1413. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01413

Meidenbauer, K.L., Stenfors, C.U.D., Young, J., Layden, E.A., Schertz, K.E., Kardan, O., Decety, J., & Berman, M.G., (2019). The gradual development of the preference for natural environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 65, 101328. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2019.101328

Meidenbauer, K.L., Stenfors, C.U.D., Ingram, M., & Berman, M. (2019). A tablet-based task for assessing environmental preferences in children and adults. Methods X, 6, 1901-1906. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2019.08.002

Stenfors, C. (2018). Naturliga vägar till mänsklig, social och ekologisk hållbarhet. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 95(2), 141-149.

Persson, J., & Stenfors, C. (2018). Superior cognitive goal maintenance in carriers of genetic markers linked to reduced striatal D2 receptor density (C957T and DRD2/ANKK1-TaqIA). PLoS ONE, 13(8), e0201837. PMID: 30125286.

Bäcklander, G., Rosengren, C., Falkman, L.L., Stenfors, C., Seddigh, A., Osika, W., & Stenström, E. (2018). Navigating the Activity Based Working Environment–Relationships of Self-Leadership, Autonomy and Information Richness with Cognitive Stress and Performance. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 3(1).

Horwitz, E. B., Stenfors, C., & Osika, W. (2018). Writer's Block Revisited: A Micro-Phenomenological Case Study on the Blocking Influence of an Internalized Voice. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 25(3-4), 9-28.

Stenfors, C., Jonsdottir, I., Magnusson Hanson, L.L., & Theorell, T. (2017). Associations between systemic pro-inflammatory markers, cognitive function and cognitive complaints in a population-based sample of working adults. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 96, 49-59. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2017.03.010. PMID: 28545793.

Stenfors, C., Theorell, T., Magnusson Hanson, L., & Osika, W. (2016). Executive Cognitive Functioning & Cardiovascular Autonomic Regulation in a Population-Based sample of Working Adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1536. PMID: 27761124.

Seddigh, A., Stenfors, C., Berntson, E., Bååth, R., Sikström, S., & Westerlund, H. (2015). The association between office design and performance on demanding cognitive tasks, Journal of Environmental Psychology.

Stenfors, C., Marklund, P., Hanson, L. L. M., Theorell, T., & Nilsson, L.-G. (2014). Are subjective cognitive complaints related to memory functioning in the working population? BMC Psychology, 2:3.

Stenfors, C., Marklund, P., Magnusson Hanson, L. L., Theorell, T., & Nilsson, L.-G. (2013). Subjective Cognitive Complaints and the Role of Executive Cognitive Functioning in the Working Population: A Case-Control Study. PLoS ONE, 8(12): e83351. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083351. PMID: 24386185.

Stenfors, C., Hanson, L. L. M., Theorell, T., Oxenstierna, G., & Nilsson, L.-G. (2013). Psychosocial Working Conditions and Cognitive Complaints among Swedish Employees. PLoS ONE, 8(4). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0060637. PMID: 23560101.

Bojner Horwitz, E., Stenfors, C., & Osika, W. (2013). Contemplative inquiry in movement. Managing writer's block in academic writing. International journal of transpersonal psychology.

Oxenstierna, G., Magnusson Hanson, L. L., Widmark, M., Finnholm, K., Stenfors, C., Elofsson, S., & Theorell, T. (2011). Conflicts at Work- The Relationship with Workplace Factors, Work Characteristics and Self-rated Health. Industrial Health, 49(4), 501-510.

Böcker, bokkapitel och allmänna artiklar

Stenfors, C., Bojner Horwitz, E., Theorell, T., & Osika, W. (2018). Similarities, disparities, and synergies with other complex interventions. In M. van den Bosch & W. Bird (Eds.), Oxford Textbook of Nature and Public Health - The Role of Nature in Improving the Health of a Population. Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/med/9780198725916.003.0029

Stenfors, C. (2014). Hjärnhälsa- om stress och stärkande aktiviteter. In E. Bojner Horwitz (Red.), Kulturhälsoboxen. Gothia förlag.

Stenfors, C. (2013). Subjective cognitive complaints in the working population- the influence of cognitive functioning and working conditions. Doctoral thesis in Psychology, Stockholm University.