Stockholms universitet

Publikationer från Vuxnas lärande forskargrupp

Här hittar du antologier, bokkapitel och forskningsartiklar där medarbetare i gruppen är medförfattare.

Antologier och bokkapitel

Cecilia Bjursell, M.Malec Rawinski (2021) (Red.): Bildning, sammanhang och innehåll – en antologi om lärande senare i livet, Natur & Kultur.

Malec Rawiński M., Golding B. (2022) Researching Men’s Sheds in Australia: Reflections from the Antipodes: A European female visitor and an Australian male guide, B. Mikulec, S. Kump, T. Kosmerl (ed.) Reflection on Adult Education and Learning: The Adult Education Heritage of Sabina Jelenc Krašovec. Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts.

Malec Rawiński, M. (accepted) The Constant Negotiation of Belonging: Experiences of Aging Polish Migrants in Sweden. In: Ch. Hoggan, T. Hoggan-Kloubert (ed.), Adult Learning in a Migration Society, Routledge.

Nørholm Lundin, A. (2021). Vad betyder det att öva? Socialisation av tro, kopp och själ i musikers och yogalärares övning. I Lea, K. & Horne, R. (red). Praxeologiske perspektiver. Professorens habitus og kampen for sykepleivitenskap som autonomt fag. Hexis forlag.

Teräs, M., Eliasson, E., & Osman, A. (2021). Challenges skilled migrants face in accessing their previous vocation in a new country. In C. Nägele, B.E. Stalder, & M. Weich (Eds.): Pathways in Vocational Education and Training and Lifelong Learning. Proceedings of the 4th Crossing Boundaries Conference in Vocational Education and Training, Muttenz and Bern online, 8. – 9. April (pp. 338–341). European Research Network on Vocational Education and Training, VETNET, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland and Bern University of Teacher Education. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4569689

Thunborg, C. (2021) Formning av identiteter vid organisationsförändringar. I: Granberg, O & Ohlsson, J (Red.) Kollektivt lärande i arbetslivet, s. 91-113. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Artiklar (peer-reviewed)


Bron, A., Osman, A. & Thunborg, C. (2022) Narratives of the urban/rural divide – Learning trajectories of three women returnees to a small mill town. International Journal of Lifelong Education.

Carlhed Ydhag, C., Månsson, N., & Osman, A. (2021). Momentums of success, illusio and habitus: high-achieving upper secondary students' reasons for seeking academic success. International Journal of Educational Research 109.
Eslachi, M & Osman, A. (2021). Becoming a social entrepreneur: Individual and collective learning in communities of practice. Australian Journal of Adult Learning.  61, (2).
Giersch, J., Carlhed Ydhag, C., & Korhonen, V. (2021). Motivations to Become a Teacher in Finland, Sweden, and the United States. Nordic Studies in Education 41(1), 62–79.
Malec Rawiński, M. (2021). In search of understanding biographical ageing – a research-based concept, Australian Journal of Adult Learning, ISSN 1443-1394, Vol. 61, no 1, p. 86-108.
Månsson, N., Carlhed Ydhag, C., & Osman, A. (2021). I skuggan av kulturellt kapital. – om konsten att omforma habitus för skolframgång. Nordic Studies in Education. 41(2), 130–147.
Nilsson, S. & Hertzberg, F. (2021) On the Professionalism and Professionalisation of Career Guidance and Counselling in Sweden. Nordic journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance. (accepted for publication with minor revisions)
Nørholm Lundin, A. (2021). Why bother getting involved? Commitment and mobilisation within current climate- and environmental movements. Adult Education Discourses, 22(21):23-40.

Osman, A. Thunborg, C.  Bron, A (2021). Who is responsible for the hockey rink?  – A critical analysis of a citizen dialogue meeting in a small Mill town ".  Journal of community Development. DOI: 10.1080/15575330.2021.1973052

Osman, A., Månsson, N. Carlhed Ydhag, C (2021). The Significance of Significant Others: The Perspective of High-Achieving Students of Immigrant Background. Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance.

Pastuhov, A. Nordvall, H.  & Osman, A. (2021). Popular education by and for migrants. A study of preconditions for involvement of migrant study circle participants in the Swedish Workers’Educational Association.  Education Inquiry. DOI: 10.1080/20004508.2021.1971364

Thunborg, C., Osman, A & Agnieszka, B. (2021): Being in limbo or learning to belong? – Telling the stories of asylum seekers in a mill town, Studies in the education of Adults, DOI: 10.1080/02660830.2020.1824666.