Stockholms universitet


West, G., (2022). A multimethod approach to dating Quaternary sediments from the Arctic Ocean (PhD dissertation, Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University). Retrieved from

Vermassen, F.,  O’Regan, M., West, G., Cronin, T., and Coxall, H., (2021). Pleistocene biostratigraphy in the central Arctic Ocean – testing micro- and nannofossil bioevent correlations. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 53:1, 309–323, DOI: 10.1080/15230430.2021.1988356

West, G., Alexanderson, H., Jakobsson, M., and O’Regan, M., (2021). Optically stimulated luminescence dating supports pre-Eemian age for glacial ice on the Lomonosov Ridge off the East Siberian continental shelf. Quaternary Science Reviews, 267,

O’Regan, M., Backman, J., Fornaciari, E., Jakobsson, M., and West, G., (2020). Calcareous nannofossils anchor chronologies for Arctic Ocean sediments back to 500 ka. Geology, 48 (11), p. 1115–1119.

West, G., Kaufman, D. S., Muschitiello, F., Forwick, M., Matthiessen, J., Wollenburg, J., and O'Regan, M., (2019). Amino acid racemization in Quaternary foraminifera from the Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean. Geochronology, 1, 53–67, doi:10.5194/gchron-1-53-2019

Muschitiello, F., O'Regan, M., Martens, J., West, G., Gustafsson, Ö., and Jakobsson, M., (2020). A new 30 000-year chronology for rapidly deposited sediments on the Lomonosov Ridge using bulk radiocarbon dating and probabilistic stratigraphic alignment, Geochronology, 2, 81–91, doi:10.5194/gchron-2-81-2020

Wiers, S., Snowball, I., O’Regan, M., and Almqvist, B., (2019). Late Pleistocene chronology of sediments from the Yermak Plateau and uncertainty in dating based on geomagnetic excursions. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3), 20, 3289–3310. doi: 10.1029/2018GC007920

O'Regan, M., Coxall, H. K., Cronin, T. M., Gyllencreutz, R., Jakobsson, M., Kaboth, S., Löwemark, L., Wiers, S., and West, G., (2019). Stratigraphic occurrences of sub-polar planktic foraminifera in Pleistocene sediments on the Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean. Front. Earth Sci. 7:71. doi: 10.3389/feart.2019.00071