Feminist and Critical Phenomenology 7,5 credits

The course introduces the field of feminist and critical phenomenology, charting its historical trajectory and recent developments.

It addresses central areas and concepts in feminist and critical phenomenology, such as lived embodiment, intercorporeality and intersubjectivity, situated subjectivity, norms and normality, identity and otherness, race, gender, sexuality and sexual difference. It introduces the methodological and conceptual framework of phenomenology and addresses how this has been and is taken up and critically developed in feminist and critical phenomenology. The course will discuss feminist and critical phenomenological work in relation both to the classical phenomenologists it draws on and to current relevant discussions in related fields.

Image by Gerd Altmann / Pixabay

Course period

4 November - 18 December (preliminary); paper submission 17 January 2025

Course coordinator: Prof. Lisa Käll, lisa.kall@gender.su.se


Send an e-mail with your name, department, university, dissertation topic (with a description of your interest in pursuing the course max 250 words) and supervisor to phdadministration@erg.su.se no later than 15 October 2024.








Feminist and Critical Phenomenology - Syllabus (73 Kb)

Feministisk och kritisk fenomenologi - Kursplan (72 Kb)

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