Feminist Digital Ethnography, 7,5 credits

This course offers an introduction to feminist ethnography, particularly in digital and data-rich settings. It delves into the use of ethnographic methods for researching digital spaces like social media platforms, blogs, discussion forums, immersive digital realms such as video games, virtual worlds, and the application of digital technologies in everyday life, as well as the production and design of digital technologies.

The course specifically aims to deepen understanding of methodological challenges and ethical considerations in digital ethnography using feminist theories and approaches. This is accomplished by reflecting on examples of feminist digital ethnographies, and through exercises where students practice qualitative methods to generate and analyse empirical data from digital environments and concerning digital technologies and cultures.

Photo: AnnaHang / Pixabay

Course period

7 January - 7 February 2025

Course coordinator

Prof. Lucas Gottzén, lucas.gottzen@buv.su.se


Send an e-mail with your name, department, university, dissertation topic (with a description of your interest in pursuing the course max 250 words) and supervisor to phdadministration@erg.su.se no later than 16 December 2024.


Syllabus (75 Kb)

Kursplan (74 Kb)

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