Gender and Biological Sciences, 7,5 credits

The course gives an introduction to some central concepts and contributions in feminist science studies, feminist critique of biological sciences as well as the history of science and gender.

The course covers gender perspectives on several areas of biological sciences: sexual selection theory and research, microbiology, sex chromosome research and neuroscience as well as queer perspectives on biological sciences. We will also discuss new models in biological sciences, methods for alleviating biases and making science more inclusive. Course exercises will provide opportunities to engage with and analyze biological sciences from different disciplinary points of departure, whether you are a PhD-student in the humanities, social sciences or natural sciences.

Internet Archive Book Images, No restrictions, via Wikimedia Commons.

The course will facilitate critical interdisciplinary dialogues and encourage continued professional and intellectual engagement with the field of feminist science studies and gender/queer perspectives on biological sciences after the completion of the course.

Course director: Malin Ah-King
Teachers: Malin Ah-King, Ingrid Ahnesjö
Time period: August 23 to October 18
Venue: To be announced. The course will be given only on site at Stockholm University (not in hybrid or Zoom format).


Wednesday 23 August 13-16
Introduction to feminist science studies, philosophical perspectives on gender and biological sciences

Friday 25 August 13-16
Gender & history of biological sciences

Wednesday 6 September 13-16
Sexual selection theory and research from a gender perspective

Wednesday 20 September 13-16
Gender perspectives on developmental biology, sex chromosome research and neuroscience

Wednesday 11 October 13-16
Queer perspectives on biological sciences

Wednesday 18 October 10-16
Project presentations and discussions


Send an e-mail with your name, department, university, dissertation topic (with a description of your interest in pursuing the course max 250 words) and supervisor to Pia Laselle, no later than August 7.

The course is open to PhD students at all faculties.

For questions about the course, please contact course director Malin Ah-King,

For administrative issues, please contact Pia Laselle,

Schedule and Course Literature – Gender and Biological Sciences GV1BIOL HT2023 (438 Kb)

Syllabus for research course Gender and biological sciences (13 Kb)

Kursplan på svenska för forskarkursen Genus och biologi (227 Kb)

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