Fall Term Seminar Programme Available

The Blix Seminar usually gathers on Wednesdays at 3 PM, either in A900 (Department of Economic History and International Relations) or at the Minerva Room in Gula Villan (Svante Arrhenius väg 33).

Seminariet i IR historia ht24 (388 Kb)

20 September, Room D837 (HIST)
Naoko Shimazu (Tokyo College), "Cold War Asia: A Visual History of Global Diplomacy" OBS: kl. 13! (I samarbete med Global Diplomacy Network)

2 October, Room A900 (EHIR)
Pavol Jakubec (University of Gothenburg), "Navigating Relationships in Exile: Norway, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Small State Diplomacy in Second World War London"

16 October, Room A900 (EHIR)
Naman Habtom Desta (University of Cambridge), "Sweden and the Yugoslav Wars, 1991–2001"

6 November, Gula Villan (Minerva)
Karen Gram-Skjoldager (Aarhus University), "The League of Nations – Historical and Current Research Perspectives"

11 December, Gula Villan (Minerva)
Emma Rosengren (The Swedish Institute of International Affairs), "Gendering NATO enlargement. Making feminist sense of Finland and Sweden’s decisions to join a nuclear alliance"