Sule Alan, EUI


Date: Tuesday 5 March 2024

Time: 13.00 – 14.30

Location: IIES Seminar Room

Empowering Adolescents to Transform Schools: Lessons from a Behavioral Targeting


We test the effectiveness of a behavioral approach designed to empower socioeconomically disadvantaged adolescents. The approach leverages adolescents’ desire for social status and is grounded in the idea that self-persuasion might yield a more robust behavioral change in challenging adolescents than direct lecturing. We enlist socially connected senior students with high emotional intelligence as ``student-teachers'' and entrust them with delivering an empowerment curriculum to their junior peers. Using randomized variation in program implementation, we show that this indirect targeting empowers targeted adolescents, leading them to improve their social environment. The program reduces disciplinary incidents, anti-social behavior, and tolerance to anti-social behavior among student-teachers and their friendship networks while fostering supportive network ties between senior and junior students. The intervention significantly enhances the likelihood of admission to selective high schools for successive cohorts of student-teachers, offering a cost-effective way to help disadvantaged adolescents escape neighborhood disadvantages.