Get to know our new visiting researcher Jinglun Yao

Jinglun is spending the academic year 2024/2025 at the IIES, funded by the Center for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability (CeMoF) at Stockholm University.

Jinglun Yao

Hej Jinglun! Can you tell us a bit about your background?

- I am from Hubei, China. I studied at Fudan University and Ecole Polytechnique before doing my PhD at the London Business School, under the supervision of Hélène Rey. I am defending my thesis on October 16th with Chad Jones and Vincent Sterk.


Jinglun's research interests are within macroeconomics and international economics

- In particular, I am currently working on macro development, industrial policy and international financial spillovers. I take advantage of newly developed methodologies in the continuous-time setting for modeling these questions.

- My research fields align with the strength of IIES and CeMoF, which makes it particularly rewarding to spend one year here. I look forward to discussing with the faculty and students and to becoming part of the community at Stockholm University.