Mohammadreza Farajpour successfully defends his thesis!

Mohammadreza's thesis "On the Economics of Energy and Climate Change" explores the intricate relationships between energy, climate policies, and the economy, focusing on the impacts of carbon taxes, energy intensity trends, and climate risks.

Opponent Daniel Spiro and Mohammadreza

He reveals that while transitioning from fossil fuels to green energy is challenging in the short term, it becomes more feasible over time, and carbon taxes may need to be higher to meet emissions targets. Technological advancements are the main driver behind the long-term decline in energy intensity. Additionally, he identifies transition risks as the greatest climate-related threat to firms, followed by physical risks, with sectors like energy, agriculture, and real estate being most vulnerable.

His work underscores the need for balanced policies and innovation to combat climate change effectively.

Daniel Spiro from Uppsala University kindly acted as opponent.

Mohammadreza is currently a Risk Model Analyst at Santander Consumer Bank AS.

Want to learn more about Mohammadreza’s thesis? Click below to read it in its entirety.

Read Mohammadreza's thesis in full