Naturgeografi 1944–2008

Här hittar du institutionens avhandlingsserie i naturgeografi.

Bradley W. Goodfellow, 2008. Relict non-glacial surfaces and autochthonous blockfields in the northern Swedish mountains. Dissertation No. 13. Fakultetsopponent: Dr. Adrian Hall.

Fredrik Hannerz, 2008. Making water information relevant on local to global scale - the role of Information Systems for Intergrated Water Management. Dissertation No. 12. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Dennis Lettenmaier.

Elin Norström, 2008. Late Quaternary climate and environmental change in the summer rainfall region of South Africa – A study using trees and wetland peat cores as natural archives. Dissertation No. 11. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Michael Meadows.

Amélie Darracq, 2007. Long-term development, modeling and management of nutrient loading to inland and coastal waters. Dissertation No. 10. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Andrea Rinaldo.

Hernán De Angelis, 2007. Palaeo-ice streams in the north-eastern Laurentide Ice Sheet. Dissertation No. 9. Fakultetsopponent: Dr. Colm Ó Cofaigh.

Gessesse Dessie, 2007. Forest Decline in South Central Ethiopia: Extent, history and process. Dissertation No. 8. Fakutletsopponent: Prof. Mats Widgren.

Yoshihiro Shibuo, 2007. Modelling water and solute flows at land-sea and land-atmosphere interfaces under data limitations. Dissertation. No. 7. Fakultetsopponent: Dr. Clifford Voss.

Maria Ryner, 2007. Past environmental and climate changes in northern Tanzania. Vegetation and lake level variability in Empakaai Crater. Dissertation No. 5. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Henry Lamb.

Patrik Klintenberg, 2007. More water, less grass? An assessment of resource degradation and stakeholders' perceptions of environmental change in Ombuga grassland, northern Namibia. Dissertation No. 4. Fakultestopponent: Prof. Stein Bie.

Hanna S. Sundqvist, 2007. Speleothemes as environmental recorders - A study of Holocene speleothems and their growth environments in Sweden. Dissertation No. 3. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Frank McDermott.

Ulf Jonsell, 2006. Sulfur in polar ice and snow. Interpretations of past atmosphere and climate through glacial archives. Dissertation No. 2. Fakultetsopponent: Dr. Mark Curran.

Håkan Grudd, 2006: Tree rings as sensitive proxies of past climate change. Dissertation No. 1. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Brian Luckman.

Lena Rubensdotter, 2006. Alpine lake sediment archives and catchment geomorphology; causal relationships and implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Dissertation No. 33. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Catherine Souch.

Katarina Lundblad, 2006. Studies on Tropical Palaeo-variation in Climate and Cosmic Ray Influx. Geochemical Data from Stalagmites Collected in Tanzania and Northern South Africa. Dissertation No. 32. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Augusto Mangini.

Richard Pettersson, 2004. Dynamics of the cold surface layer of polythermal Storglaciären, Sweden. Dissertation No. 31 Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Helgi Björnsson.

Johan M. Bonow, 2004. Palaeosurfaces and palaeovalleys on North Atlantic previously glaciated passive margins- reference forms for conclusions on uplift and erosion. Dissertation No. 30. Fakultetsopponent: Dr. Adrian Hall.

Ola Fredin, 2004. Mountain Centered Icefields in Northern Scandinavia. Dissertation No. 29. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Jon Landvik.

Per Klingbjer, 2004. Glaciers and climate in northern Sweden during the 19th and 20th century. Dissertation No. 28. Fakultetsopponent: Dr. Georg Kaser.

Anna Allard, 2003. Vegetation changes in mountainous areas. A monitoring methodology based on aerial photographs, high-resolution satellite images, and field investigations. Dissertation No. 27. Fakultetsopponent: Doc. Timo Helle.

Katarina Lövenhaft, 2002. Spatial and temporal perspectives on biodiversity for physical planning. Dissertation No. 26. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Jan Bengtsson.

Björn E. Gunnarson, 2002. Holocene climate and environmental fluctuations from subfossil pines in central Sweden. Dissertation No. 25. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Mike G. L. Baillie.

Krister N. Jansson, 2002. Glacial geomorphology of north-central Labrador-Ungava, Canada. Dissertation No. 24. Fakultetsopponent: Dr. Andrée Bolduc.

Anders Clarhäll, 2002. Glacial Erosion Zonation – Perspectives on topography, landforms, processes and time. Dissertation No. 23. Fakultetsopponent: Dr. Chris Clark.

Richard Y. M. Kangalawe, 2001. Changing land-use patterns in the Irangi hills, central Tanzania. A study of soil degradation and adaptive farming strategies. Dissertation No. 22. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. William Adams.

Marianne I. Lagerklint, 2001. Marine multi-proxy records of late Quaternary climate change from the Atlantic Ocean. Dissertation No. 21. Fakultetsopponent: Dr. Lloyd H. Burckle

Hans W. Linderholm, 2001. Temporal and spatial couplings between tree-ring variability and climate in Scandinavia. Dissertation No. 20. Fakultetsopponent: Dr. Astrid Ogilvie.

Thomas Schneider, 2001. Hydrological processes in firn on Storglaciären, Sweden. Dissertation No. 19. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Andrew Fountain.

Cecilia Richardson-Näslund, 2001. Spatial distribution of snow in Antarctica and other glacier studies using ground-penetrating radar. Dissertation No. 18. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Robert W. Jacobel.

Sara A. O. Cousins, 2001. Plant species diversity patterns in a Swedish rural landscape: Effects of the past and consequences for the future. Dissertation No. 17. Fakultetsopponent: Dr. Roy Haines-Young.

Ola Ahlqvist, 2000. Context sensitive transformation of geographic information. Dissertation No. 16. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Peter Fisher.

Malin M. Stenberg, 2000. Spatial variability and temporal changes in snow chemistry, Dronning Maud Land, Antartica. Dissertation No. 15. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Jon-Ove Hagen.

Lars-Ove Westerberg, 1999. Mass movement in East African Highlands: Processes, effects and scar recovery. Dissertation No. 14. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Ana L. Coelho Netto.

Nkobi M. Moleele, 1999. Bush encroachment and the role of browse in cattle production. An ecological perspective from a bush encroached grazing system, Olifants Drift, Kgatleng District, Southeast Botswana. Dissertation No. 13. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Norman Owen-Smith.

Mats G. Eriksson, 1998. Landscape and soil erosion history in Central Tanzania. A study based on lacustrine, colluvial and alluvial deposits. Dissertation No. 12. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Michael Thomas.

Jens-Ove Näslund, 1998. Ice sheet, climate, and landscape interactions in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Dissertation No. 11. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. David Sugden.

Guðrún Gísladóttir, 1998. Environmental characterisation and change in South-western Iceland. Dissertation No. 10. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Jesper Brandt.

Clas Hättestrand, 1997. Ribbed moraines and Fennoscandian palaeoglaciology. Dissertation No. 9. Fakultetsopponent: Dr. Chris Clark.

Helle Skånes, 1996. Landscape change and grassland dynamics. Retrospective studies based on aerial photographs and old cadastral maps during 200 years in South Sweden. Dissertation No. 8. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Hubert Gulinck.

Annika Dahlberg, 1996. Interpretations of environmental change and diversity: A study from North East District, Botswana. Dissertation No. 7. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Andrew Warren.

Arjen P. Stroeven, 1996. Late Tertiary glaciations and climate dynamics in Antarctica: Evidence from the Sirius Group, Mount Fleming, Dry Valleys.

Anders Moberg, 1996. Temperature variations in Sweden since the 18th century. Dissertation No. 5. Fakultetsopponent: Dr. Phil D. Jones.

Pius Zebhe Yanda, 1995. Temporal and spatial variations of soil degradation in Mwisanga Catchment, Kondoa, Tanzania. Dissertation No. 4. Fakultetsopponent: Doc. Jonas Åkerman.

Karin Holmgren, 1995. Late Pleistocene climatic and environmental changes in Central Southern Africa. Dissertation No. 3. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Stephen Trudgill.

Elisabeth Isaksson, 1994. Climate records from shallow firn cores, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Dissertation No. 2. Fakultetsopponent: Lektor. Claus Hammer.

Peter Jansson, 1994. Studies of short-term variations in ice dynamics, Storglaciären, Sweden. Dissertation No. 1. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Hans Röthlisberger.

Maj-Liz Nordberg, 1993. Integration of remote sensing and ancillary data for geographical analysis and risk assessment of forest regeneration failures. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Stein Bie.

Gunhild Rosqvist, 1992. Late Quaternary equatorial glacier fluctuations. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Chalmers Clapperton.

Kjell Wester, 1992. Spectral signature measurements and image processing for geological remote sensing. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Friedrich Quiel.

Christian Bronge, 1989. Climatic aspects of hydrology and lake sediments with examples from northern Scandinavia and Antarctica. Fakultetsopponent: Doc. Stig Jonsson.

Ingmar Borgström, 1989. Terrängformerna och den glaciala utvecklingen i södra fjällen. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Johan Ludvig Sollid.

Laine Boresjö, 1989. Multitemporal analysis of satellite data for vegetation mapping in Sweden. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Friedrich Quiel.

Henrik Österholm, 1989. The glacial history of Prins Oscars Land Nordaustlandet, Svalbard. Fakultetsopponent: Doc. Harald Agrell.

Per Holmlund, 1988. Studies of the drainage and the response to climatic change of Mikkaglaciären and Storglaciären. Fakultetsopponent: Dr. Helgi Björnsson.

Lennart Vilborg, 1985. Cirque forms in northern and central Sweden. Studies 1959-1985. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Anders Rapp.

Johan Kleman, 1985. The spectral reflectance of coniferous tree stands and of barley influenced by stress. An analysis of field measured spectral data. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Dag Gjessing.

Carl Christiansson, 1981. Soil erosion and sedimentation in Semi-arid Tanzania. Fakultetsopponent: Doc. Lennart Strömquist.

Wolter Arnberg, 1981. Multispectral reflectance measurements and signature analysis. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Sipi Jaakkola.

Ann-Cathrine Ulfstedt, 1980. Fjällen i Västerbotten och södra Norrbotten. Anmärkningar om geomorfologi och isrecession. Fakultetsopponent: Doc. Bo Strömberg.

Olle Melander, 1980. Inlandsisens avsmältning i norvästra Lappland. Fakultetsopponent: 1. amanuensis Johan Ludvig Sollid.

Kurt-Åke Zakrisson, 1980. Vårflödesprognoser med utgångspunkt från snötaxeringar i Malmagenområdet. Fakultetsopponent: Doc. Thorsten Stenborg.

Lill Lundgren, 1980. Soil erosion in Tanzanian mountain areas. Fakultetsopponent: Doc. Lennart Strömquist

Margareta Ihse, 1979. Flygbildstolkning av vegetation. Metodstudier för översiktlig kartering. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Måns Ryberg.

Bengt Lundén, 1977. Jordartskartering med flygbildsteknik. En metodundersökning i olika bildmaterial. Fakultetsopponent: Doc. Jan O. Mattsson.

Wibjörn Karlén, 1976. Holocene climatic fluctuations indicated by glacier and tree-limit variations in northern Sweden. Fakultetsopponent: Doc. Jan Lundqvist.

Weston Blake Jr., 1975. Studies of glacial history in the Queen Elizabeth Islands, Canadian arctic archipelago. Fakultetsopponent: Dr. Jan Mangerud.

Dietrich Soyez, 1974. Geomorfologiska inventeringar och deglaciationsstudier i Dalarna och Västerbotten. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Paul Fogelberg.

Kurt Viking Abrahamsson, 1974. Äkäslompolo-områdets glacialmorfologi och deglaciation. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Veikko Okko.

Bo Strömberg, 1971. Isrecessionen i området kring Ålands hav. Fakultetsopponent: Doc. Erik Fromm.

Erik Bergström, 1973. Den prerecenta lokalglaciationens utbredningshistoria inom Skanderna. Fakultetsopponent: Doc. Ragnar Dahl.

Stig Jonsson, 1970. Strukturstudier av subpolär glaciäris från Kebnekaiseområdet. Fakultetsopponent: Doc. Gunnar Østrem.

Lars-Erik Åse, 1970. Shore-displacement in Eastern Svealand and Åland during the last 4,000 years. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. John Norrman.

Leif Wastenson, 1970. Flygbildstolkning av berghällar och blockmark. Metodstudier av tolkningsmöjligheten i olika flygbildsmaterial. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Harald Svensson.

P. J. Williams, 1969. Properties and behaviour of freezing soils. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Gunnar Beskow.

Gunnar Østrem, 1965. Studies of ice-cored moraines. Fakultetsopponent: Doc. Valter Schytt.

Valter Schytt, 1958. A. Snow studies at Maudheim. B Snow studies inland. C. The inner structure of the ice shelf at Maudheim as shown by core drilling. Fakultetsopponent: Doc. Carl C. Wallén.

Carl-Gustav Holdar, 1957. Deglaciationsförloppet i Torneträsk-området. Fakultetsopponent: Doc. Carl C. Wallén.

Carl C. Wallén, 1949. Glacial meteorological investigations on the Kårsa Glacier in Swedish Lappland 1942-1948. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Harald Ulrik Sverdrup.*

O. Harald Johnsson, 1946. Termisk-hydrologiska studier i sjön Klämmingen. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. B. Hellström.*

Carl Mannerfelt, 1945. Några glacialmorfologiska formelement. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Veinö Tanner.*

Sigurdur Thorarinsson, 1944. Tefrokronologiska studier på Island. Þjórsárdálur och dess förödelse. Fakultetsopponent: Prof. Lennart von Post.*



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