Återkommande internationell gäst

Docent Brian Denman, återvänder till IPD/ICER och anländer måndagen den 5 september.

Brian Denman, Associate Professor, University of New England, Australia

Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik och ICER välkomnar docent Brian Denman från University of New England, Australien. Besöket finansieras av Wenner-Gren Foundations.

Brian Denman is an associate professor of teaching, learning and assessment at the University of New England, Armidale. For 10 years, Denman has been directing an innovative inter-institutional initiative to teaching and learning, by employing an alternative digital personalised assessment tool (PAT).
Through PAT, Denman hopes to broaden the discourse about educational quality in higher education. During his time at ICER, professor Denman  will work on trialing the PAT by targeting 21st Century skills. 

Associate Professor Brian Denman