
Inga Monika Koszalka

Associate Professor of Coastal Oceanography & Baltic Sea Fellow
Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University (MISU)
Svante Arrhenius väg 16 C (rum C: 664)
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46-8-164314, Fax: +46-8-157185
E-Mail: inga.koszalka(at)


Book chapters

I. Koszalka and L. Stramma (2019): Current Systems in the Atlantic Ocean. Encyclopedia of OceanSciences, 3rd edition, Ed. J. K. Cochran, H. Bokuniewicz and P. Yager. ISBN 978012813081. Also available as a peer-reviewed article in "Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences”(link)


B. Merz et al (2020): Impact Forecasting to Support Emergency Management of Natural Hazards. Rev. Geophys. 58(4) link

J. S. Dugstad*, I. M. Koszalka, P. E. Isachsen, K.-F Dagestad, I. Fer (2019): Vertical structure and seasonal variability of the inflow to the Lofoten Basin inferred from high resolution Lagrangian simulations. J. Geophys. Res. Ocean, 124, p. 9384-9403,

L. Centurioni, J. Turton, R. Lumpkin, L. Braasch, G. Brassington, Y. Chao, E. Charpentier, Z. Chen, G. Corlett, K. Dohan, C. Donlon, C. Gallage, V. Hormann, A. Ignatov, B. Ingleby, R. Jensen, B. Kelly-Gerreyn, I. Koszalka, X. Lin, E. Lindstrom, N. Maximenko, C. Merchant, P. Minnett, A. O'Carroll, T. Paluszkiewicz, P. Poli, P. Poulain, G. Reverdin, X. Sun, V. Swail, S. Thurston, L. Wu, L. Yu, B. Wang, D. Zhang (2019): Global In-Situ Observations of Essential Climate and Ocean Variables at the Air-Sea Interface. Frontiers in Marine Science, section Ocean Observation, 6, p. 419, doi:

P. Wagner*, S. Rühs, F. U. Schwarzkopf, I. Koszalka, A. Biastoch (2019): Can Lagrangian tracking simulate tracer spreading in a high-resolution Ocean General Circulation Model? J. Phys. Oceanogr, vol 49(5), p. 1141–1157, doi:

E. Van Sebille, S. Griffies, R. Abernathey, T. Adams, P. Berloff, A. Biastoch, B. Blanke, E. Chassignet, Y. Cheng, C. Cotter, E. Deleersnijder, K. Döös, H. Drake, S. Drijfhout, S. Gary, A. Heemink, J. Kjellsson, I. Koszalka , M. Lange, C. Lique, G. MacGilchrist, R. Marsh, C. Adame, R. McAdam, F. Nencioli, C. Paris, M. Piggott, J. Polton, S. Rühs, S. Shah, M. Thomas, J. Wang, P. Wolfram, L. Zanna, J. Zika (2018): Lagrangian analysis of ocean velocity data: Fundamentals and practices. Oc. Modelling, 121, p. 49-71, doi: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.11.008.

D. Domeisen, G. Badin, I. Koszalka (2018): How predictable is the North Atlantic Oscillation? Exploring the Variability and Predictability of the Northern Hemisphere, J. Climate, 30 (3), p. 997-1014, doi:

S. Rühs, V. Zhurbas, I. Koszalka, J. Durgadoo, and A. Biastoch (2018): Eddy diffusivity estimates from Lagrangian trajectories simulated with ocean models and surface drifter data - a case study for the greater Agulhas system. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 48, 175-196 , doi:

R. Gerderloos, T. W. N. Haine, I. Koszalka, M. G. Magaldi (2017): Seasonal variability in warm-water inflow towards Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 47 (7), pp. 1685-1699, doi:

I. Koszalka, T. W. N. Haine and M. G. Magaldi (2017): Mesoscale mixing of the Denmark Strait Overflow Water in the Irminger Basin, Oc. Modelling, 112, 90–98, doi:

W-J. von Appen, I. Koszalka, R. S. Pickart, T. W. N. Haine, D. Mastopole, M. G. Magaldi, H. Valdimarsson, J. Girton, K. Jochumsen, G. Krahmann (2014): The East Greenland Spill Jet as an important component of the Meridional Overturning Circulation, Deep Sea Res. I, vol. 92, 75–84, doi:

I. Koszalka, T. W. N. Haine and M. G. Magaldi (2013): Fates and travel times of Denmark Strait Overflow Water in the Irminger Basin, J. Phys. Oceanogr., vol 43(12), 2611–2628, doi: See also particle visualization of the DSO.

I. Koszalka, J. H. LaCasce and C. Mauritzen (2013): In pursuit of anomalies - Analyzing the poleward transport of Atlantic Water with surface drifters, Deep Sea Res. II, vol. 85, 96–108, doi:

P. E. Isachsen, I. Koszalka and J. H. LaCasce (2012): Observed and modelled surface eddy heat fluxes in the eastern Nordic Seas, J. Geophys. Res., 117, C08020, doi:

C. Mauritzen, E. Hansen, M. Andersson, B. Berx, A. Beszczynska-Moeller, I. Burud, K. Christensen, J. Debernard, L. de Steur, P. Dodd, S. Gerland, O. Godoy, B. Hansen, S. Hudson, F. Hoydalsvik, R. Ingvaldsen, P. E. Isachsen, Y. Kasajima, I. Koszalka, K. Kovacs, M. Koltzow, J. LaCasce, C. Lee, T. Lavergne, C. Lydersen, M. Nicolaus, F. Nilsen, O. Nost, K. Orvik, M. Reigstad, H. Schyberg, L. Seuthe, O. Skagseth, J. Skarhamarg, R. Skogseth, A. Sperrevik, C. Svensen, H. Soiland, S. Teigen, V. Tverberg, C. Wexels-Riser (2011): Closing the loop Approaches to monitoring the state of the Arctic Mediterranean during the International Polar Year 2007–2008, Progress In Oceanography, 90:62-89, doi:

I. Koszalka, J. H. LaCasce, M. Andersson, K. A. Orvik and C. Mauritzen (2011): Surface circulation in the Nordic Seas from clustered drifters, Deep Sea Res. I, 58(4), 468–485, doi:

M. Andersson, J. H. LaCasce, I. Koszalka, K. A. Orvik and C. Mauritzen (2011): Variability of the Norwegian Atlantic Current and associated eddy field from surface drifters, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C08032, doi:

I. Koszalka, J. H. LaCasce (2010): Lagrangian analysis by clustering, Ocean Dynamics, 60(4), 957-972, doi:

I. Koszalka, J. H. LaCasce, K. A. Orvik (2009): Relative dispersion in the Nordic Seas, J. Mar. Res., 67, 411-433, doi:

I. Koszalka, L. Ceballos and A. Bracco (2010): Vertical mixing and coherent anticyclones in the ocean: the role of stratification, Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 17, 37–47, doi:

I. Koszalka, A. Bracco, J. C. McWilliams and A. Provenzale (2009): Dynamics of wind-forced coherent anticyclones in open ocean, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 114, C08011, doi:

I. Koszalka, A. Bracco, C. Pasquero and A. Provenzale (2007): Plankton cycles disguised by turbulent advection, Theor. Pop. Biol., 72, 1–6, doi:

Other publications

B. Andersen, K. Lochte, B. Dahlbäck, Ø. Østerud, K. Bastmeijer, M. Muir, M. Klint, G. Ericsson, I. Koszalka (2019): Report of the Evaluation Committee for the FRAM High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment commissioned by the Research Council of Norway.

D. Vaughan, R. Döscher, I. Koszalka, N. Bates, B. Otto-Bliesner (2017): Report of the Evaluation Committee for the Bjerkenes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR, Bergen) commissioned by the Research Council of Norway.

I. Koszalka (2008): Mesoscale vortices, Lagrangian transport and marine ecosystem dynamics. PhD thesis, Politecnico di Torino, Italy).

A. Bracco, I. Koszalka , C. Pasquero and A. Provenzale (2007): Turbolenza a mesoscala, ecosystema marino e cicli biogeochemici globali, in: Volume sul Clima e Cambiamenti Climatici, DTA-CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Roma), ISBN 978-88-8080-075-0,

I. Koszalka (2006): Baltic Sea waves analysis by using chaos theory tools, Computer Systems Engeneering. Theory and Applications. Proceedings of The Fifth Polish-British Workshop, 2006, Wroclaw-Ladek Zdroj, Poland, Drukarnia Oficyny Wydawniczej Politechniki Wroclawskiej, Wroclaw, Poland.

I. Koszalka: The vibrating pendulum and stratified fluids, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Proceedings Volumes, WHOI (