#Borg898 cipher - translation and interpretation by Urban Örneholm #Content: #0002r-00027v: about pharmacology, treatment for various diseases, symptoms, illness #0028r-: about warfare with firebombs etc, original Liber ignium (“the book on fire”), by Marcus Graecus (pseudonym) according to Urban Örneholm #page 0001r Illustrated nature observations or Nature observations of Illuminati What language #page 0001v The fruit of a journey to the northern [sc. "regions", "nations" or something similar] On the mixtures of natural [ingredients] and actions taken in diseases of the human body, which are common in the northern regions. #page 0002r Take lesser calamint, thyme, pennyroyal, St. Benedict's thistle, roses and wrinkled-leaf mint, one handful of each; aniseed, seed of fennel, basil, nettle and dill, half a drachm of each; roots of angelica, fennel, marsh mallow, sea squill, turbith and white hellebore, two ounces of each; of green spurge two ounces, of hazelwort six drachms; galangal, cinnamon and calamus, half a drachm of each. Everything is grated, and left for three days, on a warm place, in ten pounds of strong vinegar, in a vessel of glass or glazed earthenware. Then, you boil it #page 0002v down in a glazed earthenware pot, to half its volume. Strain; add sugar and despumated honey, twenty ounces of each; this should become a syrup, which is spiced with saffron, mace, cinnamon and ginger, two drachms of each, which is suspended in a small bag inside the vessel. It is saved for future needs. For trembling of the heart We have noticed that if you take a powder of red coral and saffron, and this is drunk in a fine wine, it will immediately stop trembling of the heart. For boils and pains of the breasts #page 0003r An important secret (in this context = panacea) for breast pains: application of mole skin is marvellous; if you have let the mole die while holding it in your hand with its eyes towards the sun, and with that same hand covered the ailing breast, the pain goes away. The wife of Hans Stoldis (?) suffered from boils in her breasts so badly, that she died, and he used a plaster made from - that is fat that floats on the surface of milk which has been left for some time – and common chalk; this was applied #page 0003v and in a quarter of an hour the pain had been mitigated, and she could rest during the night (or 'the pain was not felt during the night'). He said that previously several had been used, without result. On the following day, camphor water and other emollients were used. An other tried remedy. Take fresh beeswax; of this, you make a cap, or cover, which covers the entire bust, and which is to be worn night and day, so that the breast inside might sweat; then (the state of) all boils are immediately mitigated; this loosens all scirrhi and nodules, and when there was an ulcer #page 0004r he applied a little plaster over the opening, and then the aforementioned wax cap; it is supposed to be left for two or three days, and in this way many boils can easily be cured. For breast fistulas. Take sarcocolla and aloe, which are powderized and mixed with honey, wrapped in and the secret is introduced; likewise, frankincense with rose oil #page 0004v […] of roses is an outstanding remedy, and an application of raw yolk in wool is very useful. On painful passing of water Take 1 ounce of agrimony, of water of physalis and [???] 1 ounce each. Mix and take at the same time one tepid penide in winter, but in summer take of water of hepatica [nis] ounce, mix with fresh water of wild vine, take throughout summer each morning for a week, three times in au[...] #page 0005r cold or slightly warmed up. Another remedy River crayfish is boiled in wine and with pepper as usual. Their shells are removed, and the powder of those, taken twice every single day, cures every flux. From this remedy a certain captain in Burgundy gained much gold; he, however, mixed it with another powder which wouldn't be known. #page 0005v A great secret preparation, which is the best remedy in dysentery and excessive menstrual bleeding, and tried. Give pulverized tar, and when restriction is brought about you give onions, fried with good lard. I knew a man, who cured dysentery with a powder of partridges' feet in this way: He took feet of partridges, and dried them at slow fire in a new pot, in the oven, or otherwise #page 0006r he gave the powder with some restringent decoction, e.g. of plantain [or] tormentil. And in all fluxes from the bowels he gave the meat and broth of ravens [and] deer [???] of crayfish For dysentery Mr Tucker distilled water of tormentil together with the herb, and gave to his son, who was, maybe, six weeks old, and suffered from dysentery, #page 0006v in such a way, that food and drink immediately after being taken passed undigested through his intestines, so that he had no other cure, and immediately, after two or three doses, he regained health, after having already been mourned by his parents. According to Andrea Dedoria (=Andrea Doria?) Take of leaves of mullein as much as you wish; cut them very fine and fry them in oil, until it does no longer crackle, strain and keep for use. With this oil, the stomach is rubbed, and the pain immediately subsides. #page 0007r and powder of root of tormentil is given twice or thrice, and he assures that every poisonous flux is compesced. And I think this is because of a capacity the tormentil has, to repel poisons; for there is a kind of flux which is called ”stools of the dead”, and when he for two days feared for flux of poisonous matter, I said to mr Michael that these stools are deadly, even if it pleases [him] that I hope to rid him of them; he answered that I should do what seemed #page 0007v best, so I gave him one ounce of fried rhubarb in juice of plantain, and he evacuated his bowels thoroughly. On the following day I gave it again, and the poisonous flux stopped, and he lived afterwards for almost eight years. For lientery Take lentil meal and yolk; seeds of plantain, nutmeg: together it becomes a paste, and it is pasted on a beam above the hearth, and it should thus be given when hot, since when it cools, it hardens like a stone, which can no longer be chewed. #page 0008r According to the cardinal Cusa In every flux, be it dysenteric or menstrual, he gave pulverized tar. For the same Hematite, a florin's weight at the time, and give it twice a day, which is repeated until cured. And it was given to children for lientery and dysentery, and in a quantity of a florin's weight, it subdued. And it is approved by certain experience. For Dysentery #page 0008v Ferment a nutmeg wrapped in dough, and when fermented it should be baked in the oven; keep it and eat it warm in the morning and evening. And you will see the result. In the same malady, drink swallows in red wine, twice or thrice a day, and the flux will stop. Note Experiment to see whether a dysenteric patient is going to die or not: touch the pulsating blood vessel in the left part of the foot; if you have felt a pulse in this part, there is hope, but if not, #page 0009r there is reason for fear, as the pulse usually ceases first in the distant parts, even two days before death. From the collected examples. I have seen a treatment of a certain great man: after the intestine had been anointed only with ointment of the apostles, the anal exit was simply pushed back in place by the anointed thumb. Fidelis says that plaster of pellitary cures tenesmus and anal swelling Laxative plaster #page 0009v Take root of elder […] as much as you can hold with two fingers, but the thumb and index, and equally of root of fennel, of leaves of spurge, a little flour and leek, and add as much fat as you wish, and place on the stomach as a plaster. Purging of the blood in syphilis Take green juniper berries, six ounces of goat's milk. The berries are pestled, and with the said milk their juice is extracted. That milk #page 0010r is given when warm, in the same way as other purging remedies, the berries should, however, be green, not black. And they should be fresh. A good laxative Take bread leaven and cook in water where the power of white hellebore has been extracted. Add flour, and it should be a bread, of which a modest quantity will loosen the bowels. Or add powderized white hellebore to equal parts brandy and vinegar. Putrefy, then it is distilled again, and quickly loosens the bowels. Lenitive mixture #page 0010v Take one part, or drachm, of […] lenient conserve, of marrow of cassia two ounces, and mucilage of psyllium. Mix and form a cake. Laxative wafer Take one pound of rose-water and white wheat flour. Make a pulp, and add to this half an ounce of diagrydium; two ounces of fine sugar are first finely pulverized. Then mix with the aforementioned pulp, make wafers, and you might add #page 0011r two or three as you see fit, and maybe twentyfour doses can be given, one grain of diagrydium for each dose. Laxative nebulae take seven ounces of meal of corn (barley?), of wheat or of sugar. This is wetted with milk of green spurge, and should become nebulae. To relax the stomach when they can take medicines Take fat, and distill it, burning, over #page 0011v cold water, which then is added to an equal amount of wax, and it should flow or [..] soak a piece of cloth, of such size that it covers the stomach from the navel to the pubic bone, and so hot as can be tolerated, and then you will have a bowel movement within two hours. A good laxative Take bread leaven made in the usual way and add common water, where first white hellebore has been boiled, so all of its power #page 0012r Is extracted, and mix with this water flour, from which should become a dough, like an ordinary dough. From this dough bread is made in the usual way; a small quantity of this will loosen the bowels after longer or shorter time, according to different complexions laxative plaster Take fine flour and make , with juice of the bark of elder, and it is placed over the navel, and as long as it is there, there will always be a flux. #page 0012v Laxating ointment Take spurge-laurel, wild melon and bryony. Pestle and wet with oil; put aside for nine days, and on the tenth day, boil it with beeswax and frankincense; it is strained, and kept to be used, and when you want to use it, anoint the navel, and it will gently loosen the bowels. For provoking menstruation To provoke a menstruation, the attentive should observe et c.; I have always observed as far as #page 0013r and it has never failed: Take white amber, a small of which you give as a powder in a drink; but with the rest you fumigate the genitals with a funnel. For provoking menstrual flux Water is distilled with tench, cut in small pieces, guts and all. When women keep inside them putrefied semen, with pain, then #page 0013v Take powderised seed of wild rice, mix it, by pestling, with vinegar to a pulp, which is spread over a piece of wool cloth, which is streched over the stomach, to the pelvic bone. This extracts corrupt fluids from the womb in just one night. Another Powder of bdellium(?), as much as you can take with three fingers, taken with brandy, immediately cures hysteria and colic #page 0014r For prolapse of the womb in the puerperium. Take eggs and pennyroyal, either dry or green, and pestle them together, and make with butter a fried cake (?) which you place, when hot, over the navel. In the vulva, you apply sage and rue. An oil which works wonderfully in women who suffer from uterine mole: Take one pound of turpentine, seven (?) ounces each of mastic, aloes-wood, and liquid storax. Distill, and it should be an oil. #page 0014v For swelling from whatever reason, whether warm or cold Take the powder which is called ”bovist”, which are white mushrooms, shaped like apples; in summer, they are found in dry meadows, full of black powder; then give the powder in food or drink or in an electuary, as you please. Another Take greater burdock, well grated and #page 0015r boiled in water, to half its volume, in a new pot, and one should drink this every day, and nothing else, and one will be cured in four weeks. Blauius, a monk, cured, traveling through many countries, ruptures (=hernias?) by the following method Take of the herbs of groundsel, wormwood, pyrola, comfrey, agrimony, oregano (or marjoram), white and red sicklewort(?) #page 0015v the same amount of each. Make a powder. And boil it in wine and give as a drink in wine morning and evening. And he applied a plaster, which you spread on a piece of hemp cloth. Or otherwise you need only half a drachm of hemp, which you apply, and on top of this thin, curved sheets of copper or iron, and you will cure these in twenty days or close to that, and with difficulty, I managed to get from him this most reliable remedy: hairs of hare, formed with honey to pills and given, powerfully #page 0016r When intestines fall down to the scrotum Take a whole, living hare, and put it in a new pot, cover it well, and burn it to a powder, of which you give as you can, in food or drink. Due to its characteristic properties, that draws the intestines to the body; if it is a boy under seven years of age, take only the skin, the fresher, #page 0016v the better: make the powder as the first one tried for a protruding navel Take of nuts of cypress, frankincense, myrrh, sarcocolla, mastic, and yellow wax, two ounces of each; three drachms of bdellium, dissolved in wine; two drachms of cumin. This should be a plaster or a cerate with […]. on the opening of hemorrhoids and provocation of their blood onions applied with everything (as a whole plant, I guess/UÖ) #page 0017r open hemorrhoids due to their property, and the same will a suppository made from onions do pour on a piece of cloth, or make in juice of onion (unclear!), and the place is rubbed, since this juice is very aperient, and one should continue until the bowels are opened. Or if a plaster is made of yarrow, this opens the orifices of the hemorrhoids, and makes them flow, and eases the pain. Another remedy #page 0017v if yarrow is drunk, it cuts off the hemorrhoidal flux. Common people rink the tormentil in wine and water and when drunk it is efficient. A well tested wonderful that restricts bleeding in hemorrhoids, and also immediately removes the pain: Take root of ”urtica maura” as they say in Boulonais [=the common figwort], and grate with sulfur, and make trochiscs with the juice of the same herb, and they fumigate with this; it should also be added here, what is said about ashes of in the chapter on hemmorhoidal #page 0018r pain another remedy for the same extract the mucilage of psyllium with juice from flowers of mullein, then add powder of burnt gum arabic, burnt pine and burnt , half a drachm of each; this should become a common powder, which you mix in a mortar with the aforementioned mucilage, and knead until it is in the form of an ointment, which you shall use, and if they are hidden, roll a piece of cloth and wrap around #page 0018v experience, as seen by me When hemorrhoids are internal, take an equal amount of yellow wax and duck fat; they are mixed together and it should become an ointment, with which the inside is anointed; this should be continued, since the patient will certainly be cured another [method] regarding open hemmorhoids, as experienced by a certain bishop the patient's hemorrhoids are washed and carefully wiped with pieces of #page 0019r soft linen. Then, take powder of those figs that remain, or grow on the tree after the figs have been eaten, or picked while green, and that sit on tree throughout the winter and are called ”forest figs”; these figs are dried, or burned in a new earthenware pot, and this is done in an the heated oven, after the bread loaves have been taken out. Then they are powderised, and the powder is sprinkled [on the hemorrhoids]. I have also tried this, and it is a wonderful thing. #page 0019v a good ointment for hemorrhoidal ulcers Take yolk, some liquefied chicken fat, oil of roses, and a little saffron. Everything is mixed together on a glazed plate or in a bowl, which is placed in water, that should not be mixed with [the ointment]. It is then kneaded with a finger until it becomes a ball, with which the hemorrhoids are anointed, and if necessary, a little opium might be added, and this is wonderful. This remedy is not suited for #page 0020r a patient, whose hemmorhoids are open and bleeding if you want to ease the pain from hemmorhoids. Take fresh lard, liquefy with some fresh common oil, then add juice of […] leaves, mix at once, and apply, as hot as possible, on the hurting location. My very useful tested [remedy] for fissures #page 0020v The fissures are anointed with fat of eel, which is handled as is written in the chapter on hemmorhoidal pain, and if – after application of the ointment – it is sprinkled with powder of dry pine, [obtained] by throwing pine […] in the furnace, then it is wonderful. For curing anal fissures, and relieving the pain Take ointment of half an ounce of litharge of gold ceruse; two drachms of prepared tutty; two scruples each of ashes of cotton paper, #page 0021r opium, and camphor. This is mixed together with egg-white. Observe [this] well-attested lenient preparation for pains of tenesmus or anal itch Take one part of frankincense, myrrh, boxthorn, and saffron, respectively; two parts of opium. This is grated and kneaded with yolk, psyllium mucilage and rose-oil, and should make a liniment, with which a piece of lint is anointed, which is applied internally and externally. #page 0021v From the collection Fumigation of cow dung is efficient in prolapse of the anus and in prolapse of the womb. A certain old woman in Italy put all doctors to shame curing gout and palsy Take one pound of galium ; three handfuls of sage; half a drachm of saffron; [?] of cream. This should become a decoction, and is applied. For sciatica or gout. #page 0022r Take equal amounts of pennyroyal, oregano, calamint, and savory. Boil in vinegar and soak dry wool; after a purging it is applied, and will cure one who is ill from whatever cause, be it warm or cold. Leonhard's great secret for gout Distill urine of an unpolluted boy; add a decent quantity of grated onions and let putrefy for four days. Then, distill once more: this, you #page 0022v anoint with apples. Another remedy for hernias Take as much as you please of the herb of plantain, cut it to pieces and pestle in a mortar. When crushed, put it in a linen bag, and it should be boiled in red wine, and while hot it is tied to the hernia. When it is cold, it is reheated; put it back in the aforementioned wine, and do this several times a day, and for as many days as it takes, until the syrup is heated, which it will be in a forthight. (This doesn't quite make sense to me/UÖ) #page 0023r for gout Well-attested in all causes and without purging. Anoint the place with juice of onions, apply a mustard plaster, over this, powdered black pepper, and tie on top of that a sponge, soaked in hot wine, where cumin has been boiled; for in this way the harmful fluid is consumed and extracted. Another very good remedy for arthritis and every ailment of the nerves (or sinews/UÖ) #page 0023v and inflammations of the feet, and every rheumatism; but it also cures scrofulas, [..], and breasts, testicles and abscesses. Take a dead weasel (or possibly a lamprey/UÖ), and boil it with oil until liquefied; then strain the oil, and add a sufficient quantity of wax. [this will make] a plaster, and it is a great secret, tested and approved. Regarding apoplexy Rhazes said that no remedy, in an enduring apoplexy, is [..] effective #page 0024r [..] such as bringing about urinating; Galen says, however, that no physician should accept any [patient] who isn't obedient, and if he should get an inobedient one, he should at least bring about vomiting: this is the usual treatment. A doctor from Preislach (or ”dr. Preislacher”) water of annual sage (probably/UÖ) [..] (kan det vara ett par arabiska eller persiska bokstäver?/UÖ) is applied by a soaked piece of linen over a hurting tailbone, and removes the pain immediately; indeed, with this water he cured, in his own body, every pain in the tail (sic!), and found another place by which it hade flowed (oklart!/UÖ) #page 0024v For loosening contracted joints Take three ounces of castoreum, three drachms of juice of sage, two ounces of juice of rue, two drachms of long pepper, and half a pound of olive oil. Pulverize the castoreum and the pepper separately, mix them together and put them in a carefully closed stone jar, so neither fumes might escape nor water, and place it in a clay pot, or jar, full of simmering water, and make it boil for two hours, and use as an ointment with the patient close to the fire, and he will be liberated in a few [..] #page 0025r an alchemist on extracting coagulated blood and other fluids inside the joints Take chalk(?), soap, album graecum from a [..] dog, licorice, linseed, and seed of vervain, equal parts of all; a modest amount of brandy, and it should be a mixture, and it is applied hot for three days. This, a craftsman in Prussia has proved. On back pain of the shoulder blades #page 0025v We know that, for pain in the shoulders from cold reasons, or even from some subtle matter, a long rub with oil or wine cures this; the oil should, however, be of fine quality, and not made from twigs to be most efficient, juniper oil. Another, and very good, remedy which is very efficient and wonderful in sciatica, is to give a decoction of common centaury, or [..] ounces of a powder thereof, and many are certainly cured. #page 0026r and a decoction of aniseed is an outstanding remedy in chronic pains of this kind. In inflammatory pains of the joints I worked wonders with oil of frog. Take twelve(?) pounds of old camomil oil, and thirty(?) frogs. They are cooked on slow fire until dissolved, then pestled in a mortar, and then again softened by the fire, so that it just boils, then it is strained, and with the strained preparation should be mixed #page 0026v turpentine, and it is seasoned with a little dry aromatic powder(?). I can testify before God that this is a wonderful remedy. Another remedy, very worthy of attention. A certain man of science revealed [..] this as a great secret, asserting that it is the foremost topical antidote in every sciatica, arthritis, gout, and pain in the joints. Take good wine, and a piece of ash wood, #page 0027r and split it down the middle, he wants me to say, and split in the middle (sc. 'once more'?/UÖ). Then, make holes with a large drill, or by any other method that you know. Fill these cavities or holes with juice of dwarf elder, and each cavity should have contact, by channels in the middle, with each other, so that every one connects to the same outlet; then, the two pieces of wood are joined again, in their correct position and #page 0027v fashion, and the log is placed in the fire, so that it burns, and the fluid that flows forth is collected, and it is the best. Another, that the same person revealed. Take and cut pieces of old ash wood, and they are distilled by descent, and the oil or fluid collected from this (as he said) is really outstanding in every pain of the joints and is notable(?) in gout #page 0028r Nectanebo says to Alexander: O, Alexander, may you be regarded as a virtuous king, and may you destroy your enemies with fire; I send you various kinds of fire to burn your enemies, whether on land or at sea. The first kind of fire Take 1 pound of the purest sandarac, or vernix, one pound <[..]rmo>, liquid, and after pestling, put it in a glazed earthenware pot, and seal with lute, then #page 0028v [..] fire until liquid, [..] this liquid and an equal amount of [..] the sign of liquefaction is, that on a wooden stick, inserted through the opening, the matter should resemble butter. Then, you pour it over an equal amount of greek [..] (this sign should mean 'tar' or 'pitch') or colophonium. This may not be done indoors, because of the danger of fire. When you want to use it, however, take a bag of goat skin, which you inflate, and smear with said oil in- and outside, and tie the bag to a spear, and place on that a piece of wood. The iron should touch the bag, where the wood, when ignited, [..] the said preparation #page 0029r set on fire, and falls down over the sea, and by the wind is carried towards the enemies, and burns them, and water cannot extinguish this. The second kind of fire is this: Take one scruple of balsam, one pound of the pith of ferula cane, one scruple of sulphur, one scruple of liquefied duck fat, and mix at the same time, and apply on an artfully made arrow; when this has been ignited, shoot the arrow towards the mountains; and the places where it has fallen, this concoction will set on fire, and water can not extinguish it. The third kind of fire #page 0029v Take equal amounts of balsam, , either ground or liquefied by [..], and oil of sulphur. Mix everything at the same time, in an earthenware pot, and place in sheep dung for fifteen days. When it has been extracted, you anoint ravens or (other) birds with the said concoction. Sent towards the enemies' tents before sunrise, when [..] rises, the place where they have landed is set on fire, and water can not extinguish this. Always the raven before sunrise. Oil of sulphur is made thus: Take [..] of sulphur, and powderize it thoroughly; mix with [..] of juniper oil and #page 0030r distill by alembic. Or thus: Take four ounces(?) of the finest sulfur, [..] yolks. Beat them together and cook in an iron pot over slow fire; and when it starts to burn, the fluid that emanates is sulfur oil, which is what we want. The fourth kind of fire Take two parts of alkitran or liquid pitch, per one ounce each of the best kind of oil, eggs, and sulfur which easily crumbles. Pestle this, mix, and put over burning coal, and it should be like a plaster. Whit this mixture, however, #page 0030v you thoroughly smear a dried ox bladder, and inflate, and cover the opening with wax. Then, you set fire to (A bit unclear what this is; marrubium normally means 'horehound', but that is not a tree or even a shrub/UÖ), and push it through the opening, and then the bladder is set on fire, and is thrown to [be carried by] the wind, and whatever it touches, it will set on fire; even if one should pour water on it, it [..] lethal fumes. The fifth kind of fire Take one pound of sandarach or real [..]; liquefy in an earthenware pot with its opening closed. When it has been liquefied, however, [add] [..] pound of linseed oil, and three pounds of sulfur. Place under dung #page 0031r of sheep for three months, while often renewing the dung. After said preparation, fill [..] twigs, and have them carried to the enemies' territory by [..], and spread throughout the territory and villages, and when the [..] sun has hit upon the place, it is set on fire and they cannot be extinguished. The sixth kind of fire Take equal amounts of alkitran or liquid pitch, rosin, yellow sulfur, oil of eggs. Grind it all, and smear on an astrolabe (Seems unlikely; probably ”a piece of metal, the size of an astrolabe”, which is a simile that is actually used in liber ignium), grind some of this concoction, and a fire on this will burn for a long time, and they cannot be extinguished by water. #page 0031v The seventh kind of fire Take one pound of balm, half a pound of alkitran or liquid pitch, ten pounds each of oil of eggs, and quicklime. Grind the lime, then you dilute it with the oil, and add alkitran and balm. Then you pour it on herbs and stones, and anything that grows in the region, to burn it. And from the first natural rain the earth will be set on fire, and it will all burn. This fire will however last for twenty years, and will not be extinguished by water. The eighth kind of fire Take one pound of quicklime, six ounces of galbanum, one pound of tortoise bile. Mix everything, grinding it #page 0032r together. Then, take cantharides with their heads and wings cut off, as many as you like, with an equal amount of zambac oil [..]. you grind this, and put in for forty days in dung, in a glass jar. The dung is to be exchanged every fifteen days. It should become a yellow oil; with this, you smear a sphere made of [..] two or three times, and set it on fire, and it cannot be extinguished, other than by vinegar which has been sitting in a filter (or, maybe, ”absorbed in a piece of felt”/UÖ) for three days. The ninth kind of fire Take fireflies, and mix them with pure zambac oil, and place in dung for fourteen in a closed glass , and change the dung seven times in seven days, and thus it will dissolve #page 0032v then [..o] by smearing a candle wick, prepare a brass or iron astrolabe, and approach it to the fire and it will burn for a long time, and will not be extinguished by water, nor by earth or by any fluid. The tenth kind of fire take fireflies when they begin to fly, and [..] them with an equal amount of , and place under earth for forty days. Then, make an extract, and add one fourth of tortoise bile, and one sixth of ferret bile, and place in dung for four days, and smear a wick or an astrolabe with the said concoction #page 0033r and approch it to the fire, and it will last forever, it will however be stronger if you add alkitran or liquid pitch. The eleventh kind of fire. Take equal amounts of bile of [..] rooster, bile of sea-wolf, and four times as much of fireflies with their heads and wings cut off. Mix everything together, and place in dung for forty days in a leaden vessel. When these have been extracted, you again add the same amount of the aforementioned bile and [..], and places it in dung for forty days, while changing the dung every #page 0033v week. When it has been extracted, you smear a root of the herb which is called with it, and place this on a stone (probably wrong for ”pot”/UÖ) of stone or glass, approach it to the fire, and it lasts for ever. For the herb might [..] night.. (No idea what this is supposed to mean/UÖ) The twelfth kind of fire Take fat and pitch, five parts of one, one of the other, one part of mix the part in a bowl with a sickle, dilute with vinegar, and smear on what you like, and approach to the fire and they [..] not be burnt (Uncertain about the meaning here/UÖ) The thirteenth kind of fire. Take of a brilliant colour and mix with egg-white #page 0034r and you smear an astrolabe and dry it (?). Then you pour powder of sulphur over it and sets it on fire, and it burns perpetually. The fourteenth kind of fire. Take one pound of quicklime, equal amounts of egg- or zambac(?) oil, gum arabic, and sulphur. Mix together, and smear, or paint, effigies, and then, when dry, sprinkle with water, and approach to fire, and they will burn, and will not be extinguished by water, but will be marvelled at. The fifteenth kind of fire. Take fireflies with wings and heads cut off, and put in a glass vessel #page 0034v and place in dung for ten days, then distill water in an alembic, and pour in a multi-faceted crystal vessel, so the rays will be better dispersed, and suspend this in the house, and there will be clear light in the house at night. Likewise, take [..'s] eyes and do the same, and add the said [..] and honey Unguent for growing nails Take four ounces each of turpentine and wax, and two drachms of linseed oil Unguent of tallow Unguent [..] syphilis #page 0035r Take one drachm each of laurel oil and [..]; three drachms each of pig fat and butter(?) without salt. Half a drachm of [..] is [..]. Take one handful each of the leaves of fumitory and of with pointed leaves two handfuls each of [---] and seeds of lupines, one pound of , one pound each of and , three drachmas of sulphur. This is boiled(?) with a sufficient amount of water, until reduced by ¾ [---]. Then three drachms of clear turpentine is added, and half a drachm(?) of liquid(?) [..]. Five and a half drachms of wax, three [..] each of [..] and silver, one and a half drachm of burnt [..] eggwhite, three drachms of myrrh, six drachms of [..] oil, white lead #page 0035v of juice. Two drachms of mercury combined with sage(?) are added. Mix, this should be an ointment for syphilis. Pills for syphilis Take two drachms each of ellebore and good turpeth, half a drachm of <[..] galeni>, half a drachm each of tormentil, bistort, gentian, and dittany, half a scruple of diagridium(?), one drachm of rhubarb, two [..] of . Mix, it should be a dough with enough of [..], it should be a dough for syphilis. For dysuria Take half an ounce of liquorice root, half a drachm of alkanet trochisks, of melon seed #page 0036r Powder for the plague Take two drachms of white ginger, half a drachm of camphor, half a scruple of [..] hartshorn, two ounces of candi sugar, and one scruple each of tormentil and dittany. Purging one drachm of small senna leaves, one ounce of choice turpeth, half a drachm of white ginger, seven drachms of [..] spurge, one ounce of granulated manna, two drachms each of cloves, galangal, nutmeg, #page 0036v aloes, nuts, spikenard, cinnamon, and <.. maior>, one drachm of diagrydium, half a pound of mastic. Mix, and it should be boiled down with polypody, until four ounces remain [..] tempered [..] leaves of senna, then add two pounds of sugar. Let the said concoction be clear (?) by adding granulated manna, and then add good, and dried aniseed, of which half a drachm. And [..] twelve times, and the rest of what is mentioned above is powderized, but the spices, the mastic, and the diagrydium are #page 0037r all divided in another place. In twelve parts, and in any one part of the aforementioned aniseed is also powderized by hand, and the last time the diagrydium is powderized with the mastic, and dry it at slow fire. Cinnamon oil. Take choice cinnamon, cut in small pieces. Pour Rhine wine over it, and it is made overnight. Next morning, pour out the wine, and pestle well, so it can pass through a sieve #page 0037v then pour over it clear spring water and put in a glass vessel with a long neck, and which is made from Venetian glass. Perhaps a glass alembic. The first chapter on oil of vitriol (=sulphuric acid; this entire chapter is based upon Valerius Cordus' Novum dispensatorium, page 381sqq in the 1627 Leyden ed./UÖ) Oil of vitriol, which by some is called oleum vitae (i.e. 'oil of life'), or melancholia artificialis (i.e. 'artificial black bile'), is nothing else than the alum-like quality of vitriol, extracted by the art of distillation, and mixed with some sulphur, #page 0038r for the vitriol itself much alum, some verdigris, and a little sulphur, however, the aluminous water [..] in the mines, and picks up the qualities of (=marcasites?), and, united with the sulphur in the marcasite, it grows gradually, or is boiled till it is thick. When distilled, however, so much aluminous and sulphureous fumes ascend, while the aeruginous quality is left in the bottom of the retort, whence this oil will have an aluminous, and not aeruginous, taste. #page 0038v This oil is however crude, and consists of a mixture of mild and sharp, that is, much alum and some sulphur; the mild however consists of sulphur only; for it is nothing but liquid sulphur extracted from the crude oil, which is why its taste doesn't resemble alum, but sulphur. Either one should however be made with the utmost diligency, with a suitable furnace, retort, and receptacle; it is (as the chemists say) the quality of the instruments #page 0039r that makes the master. Therefore, the following guidelines should be observed Distribution of vitriol since there are several vitriols, it is useful to establish what kinds to use for this operation, and even if all vitriol will yield this oil, none of these is better than the blue or green, since these much volatile (acc. to Valerius Cordus), whereby the ascension of the oil is facilitated. It should also be noted, that better than manufactured vitriol would be the natural, #page 0039v and especially the Hungarian, or, if such is not available, vitriol from Goslar, and one should pick that, which consists of large branches and larger concrements. Note that, if vitriol is heated, it should not be cooled in a cold or humid, nor a windy, place, but dry and lukewarm, and when heating or boiling vitriol one should observe whether its surface becomes red. Note the sign in calcination: if the vitriol starts to become red, remove it with [..] #page 0040r at once from the fire, and if it behaves in the vessel like mercury or liquid lead, and if there are bubbles bursting, then you might know that it is burnt enough. When pouring the vitriol in another heated vessel, like mercury, almost liquid, one should observe its weight, for if half of it remains, everything has been done in the right way. Note: the furnace should be placed in a flat area, surrounded by rather thick walls, whereby the fire is better contained. It should be square, and two spans wide, and its first and lowest cavity #page 0040v should be half a foot high; in this should be inserted across heavy iron bars that will not bend when the coal is ignited. The second cavity, which is above the iron grid, is two feet high, and in front, the should be an opening, through which coal is introduced, and that should be in the middle of equal(?) height (a bit unclear, no?/UÖ) under this opening then, in the middle of the cavity, there should be an iron bar across, with a square cross section and a thickness of one inch, which should be able to support a retort. #page 0041r On the left side, an opening is left, through which the neck of the retort can pass. In all distillation, a part of the retort is left empty, whereby more easily can ascend from the vitriol, there should be a cover with five bricks above the retort, and the opening for the retort neck well sealed with clay. In each corner an opening is left, all four covered with clay, and through the opening a thick thumb should be able to pass. Note: on the first day, only one is opened, in the evening #page 0041v one more; on the second day the third is opened, and the fire is slowly increased until the neck of the retort is white. On the second evening, increase the fire and after midnight, the fourth opening is opened. When the fire thus is at its maximum intensity, like small clouds are formed. The distillation should continue in this way at strong fire, until no spirit is produced. Then, let it cool before you break and check whether the caput mortuum shows its true sign, i.e. whether it is black. Separate from the water in a bain-marie: You should have once more the same amount as #page 0042r was distilled into the receptacle, and rectify in a retort as you know. Note: oil of vitriol changes the colour of [..] ('oils' in Cordus/UÖ), as the colour of an oil changes to blood. For it consumes phlegm. When mild oil of vitriol is extracted from the crude oil, that is nothing but a separation of sulphur from alum; the mild oil of vitriol is nothing else than oil of sulphur, or a decoction of sulphur itself in a liquid form. And this can rightfully be called an oil, since it is fat and greasy, just as #page 0042v sulphur is dissolved in oil and not in water. It is however made thus: Take [..] drachma each of wine spirit, distilled oil and crude oil of vitriol. The mild oil of vitriol has properties like these of sulphur, but is more efficient, since it, as it is liquid, more easily penetrates and has effects, which sulphur has not. For this oil has some peculiar quality that sulphur has not; it is particularly effective for putrefaction in the body, and especially in the plague, in removing from the lung in pleurisy, and pneumonia, and difficult cough. #page 0043r for putrid and thick fluids are safely, without any risk, consumed in the body. It will not let stones grow, whether in the kidneys or in the bladder. It will heal an ulcerated bladder. The dose is one, two or three drops in a measure of tepid wine; it is also mixed in tablets and lozenges. Mixture for dropsy Take half an ounce of conserve of wormwood, roses, and borage, respectively, one and a half drachms of species diatrion santalon, two drachms of [..], soldanella [..] of wormwood 15(?) mix #page 0043v Well tried powder for flux of sperm Take three drachms of dried mint, two drachms each of seeds of agnus castus and iris-root, one and a half drachm of seeds of rue, two and a half drachms of seed of lettuce, and the weight of [..] of white sugar. [..] in white wine, boil till half the volume, two hours before eating. To cure a horse (from Ulysses Aldrovandus: Ornithologiae tomus alter Liber XIV, de Pulveratricibus Domesticis, 1600) On a horse, suffering from phlegm in the nostrils you blow powderized hen droppings into its nostrils. #page 0044r A drink prescribed in sciatica d oberndorffer Take two drachms of choice agaricus, two drachms of choice rhubarb, half a drachm each of ginger and galangal, two drachms each of sage-, wormwood-, and borage-water. This is boiled together in a double pot, until reduced to half its volume, like a colature. three drachms of Benedicta laxativa, one and a half drachms each of diaphoenikon, and electuary of juice of roses, half a drachm of violets. This will be a purging drink. For colic pain Note: butter with powder of nutmeg #page 0044v applied to the navel eases the pain; likewise to drink . Another A certain person was cured from a long onset of dysentery just by drinking a decoction of fruit. On fainting among hysterical (literally: 'choking'/UÖ) women To hysterical patients one should not give smelling salts, nor wine to drink, since such things draw the matrix towards them; for the matrix likes smells, but flees from stench. In this case stench should be applied from above, and the woman should use such liniments(?) and bandages externally at the hips and cupping-glasses on the (maybe 'secret/private parts'?), then anoint the hips, all the way to the neck of the matrix (which can't possibly indicate the cervix, but more likely the vulva) with the following preparation: Take one drachm each of sesame oil and oil of white lily, half a scruple of the finest musk. All is well mixed, and the hips and genitals are anointed, all the way to the orifice of the matrix (see my comment above). One and a half drachm each of [something missing] and rock salt are carefully powderized; then, one takes a handkerchief(?) which is sprinkled with said powder, and smeared with vinegar, and applied to the vulva. For red menstrual flux #page 0045v A certain old woman told me that she had seen that many had been given powder of aristolochia with wine or some other potion, in a dose of four drachms each time, and that the flux had stopped. To mitigate the pains of stones Take three drachms of , one and a half drachm of gum arabic, , [..] drachms of liquorice, alkekengi, one [..] each of crab's eyes and gum of the ivy tree, four drachms of white sugar. And a very fine powder. #page 0046r For suppressed urine, when it is not found in the bladder, but the kidneys are filled. Take six drachms of Benedicta simplex, four grains of cantharides prepared according to Dioscorides' method. This is given in [..] water of the Veronese Fumanellus One man's secret myrrh-water, which is made thus: Take myrrh and put in hardened egg-white #page 0046v and you should bury it in the ground, in summertime, for a month, and roll said egg-white in chalk, and collect the water which [..], which is very good for beautifying women. A wonderful and tried for removing blemishes from everywhere Take cherry tree resin, which is softened in vinegar for a few days, and after this, the blemish is anointed with that vinegar, and this has been tested. King Ferdinand's trochisks for #page 0047r fumigating Take one ounce of benzoin(?), three and a half drachm of aloe wood, one drachm of pure laudanum, one and a half drachm of styrax calamita, [mb] one drachm of rose buds(?), two scruples of cloves(?), one drachm each of musk and amber, three drachms of the whitest sugar, mucilage of white tragacanth infused in a little rose-water; this will be trochisks for fumigating. Purging powder Take shells of the snails which are found in fish ponds and lakes; wash them, #page 0047v and when they have been macerated in vinegar, dried again and powderized, this powder, taken with food, will move the bowels, said [..] citizen from [..] used the powder after colic [..] asserted that he with only the powder, without maceration(?) purged his pigs in an excellent way. For serious(?) disease This seems to be cured by a decoction of herbs of agrimony, , and wild strawberry only, which much [...] #page 0048r [..] of oak, three drachms of fish glue, mucilage of psyllium, half a pound of white wax, eight drachms of goat fat, four drachms of turpentine are dissolved at slow fire; three drachms each of ammoniac, opopanax, galbanum, bdellium, and sagapenum are dissolved in vinegar; one and a half drachm each of gum arabic and tragacanth are dissolved in good red wine; one drachm each of a dough from root of scrophularia and fur of hare, three drachms of magnetite, [..] of styptic powder. Mix everything vigorously to a plaster with a spatula #page 0048v without fire, or at slow fire. On stopping the bleeding of hemorrhoids If [..] of coral, and especially the white, is taken and finely powderized, and mixed with or fine [..] powder, and with egg white, and is smeared over the hemorrhoids, and stops their bleeding; I have however seen no drugs more powerful just by retention […] in the finger [..] blood of hemmorhoids. #page 0049r Other for the same Take six drachms of soap(?), [..] drachms of hen droppings, [..] peppercorns; these are mixed with fat into an unguent, and anoint often. Take juice of horehound and powderized sulphur, mix with strong vinegar. A tested and true antidote(!) for sciatica two drachms of [..] of pig, six drachms each of pepper, [..] berries, and leaves of rue #page 0049v two drachms of germander. You boil this in wine, but first you get your payment, for the patient is immediately cured. Mild electuary for arthritics Purges in the best way phlegm and bile(?), for it carries off unbalanced fluids, and is particularly good for arthritics. Take four and a half drachms each of cinnamon, kawakawa, fennel, and ginger, [..] drachms each of white and red sandalwood, snake's head, and green spurge(?), three pounds of white sugar. #page 0050r plaster for pains of gout Burn a whole raven at circular fire in a [..] pan, carefully sealed, and afterwards make a fire above the pan [..] hours after cooling, you will find it whole in the pan, and powderize it; mix the said powder with recent, pure wax and [..], and make a plaster, which you spread on a piece of cloth and apply to the inflated place for nine hours; then remove it, and dry the plaster by rubbing it [..], apply for #page 0050v nine hours, and keep doing this for two days in a row, and renew the plaster if necessary. This extracts fluids and cleanses perfectly with mitigation of the pain. On the quintessence of black hellebore (This seems to be collected from various sources, but to great extent from Libavius' Praxis alchymiae, 1604/UÖ) Extraction of the quintessence not [..] separated from unclean particles from the black hellebore, which is a great arcanum. As a remedy, we should thus take the garden hellebore itself, collected [..] #page 0051r when the moon is crescent, in the morning at sunrise, for then it has its power in its green or fresh substance. The best time for collection is after its blooming; however,it is out of necessity collected in summer, at any time of day. Firstly, thus, the elements of its substance is extracted without separating the qualities, thus, the body is afterwards joined with the in the same way as in bodies. (I don't really get the meaning of this/UÖ). Secondly, however, he extracts its #page 0051v specific element, which is not the element of any complexion, but a kind which doesn't have its own specific character is diligently extracted. Thirdly, however, one must rectify, and prepare, and correct it in such a way that it can be taken without any trouble or danger. Its properties and dosage, and how it should be taken and used will be learned from practical use. Take roots and herb of hellebore, cleansed from impurities and earth, and carefully rinsed in wine, and the roots and herbs are crushed, #page 0052r and they are put in dark red wine <[..]ut mistollino> (This might be a corrupt rendering of cum pistillo ligneo, 'with a wooden pestle', in Horst, Pharmacopoeia Galeno-chymica catholica […], 1651/UÖ) in a glass vessel, well sealed with clay, in such amounts, to boiling water in a water bath for one day. Then, forcefully press out the juice and distill by filter. Pour this distillate over one handful of crushed recent roots of ellebore, five handfuls of rose [mb], six drachms of cloves, which are first thoroughly crushed. Let those be digested together for one day. Then, add wine spirit #page 0052v [..] of the aforementioned wine, and digest again, for three days. Afterwards, press through a filter, and keep the fluid, discard the dregs. Then, crush as much as you wish(?) of cleansed roots and herb of ellebore, and distil. Let whatever comes out dry in a boiling water bath; add an equal(?) amount of water, and place the vessel with the dregs in dry sand, and the distilled oil, and all down to the dregs, are reduced to ashes, and from these ashes [..] #page 0053r the alkali or lye of ellebore, with the aforementioned wine from the first moment of this work, which you distil by filter, and once more by alembic, in a bath, until there remains a salt on the bottom, which you take and keep in a glass vessel with an equal amount of already distilled water. Distil one fifth of this by alembic, as you do with alcohol, for a long time. It has a sharp smell and taste. Keep it, and when mucilage is produced, this is collected in another receptacle, and is put away or discarded, as it lacks taste or properties, and even if it has #page 0053v the specific properties (probably what is meant here/UÖ) of ellebore, which restitutes phlegmatics and old people to a well balanced complexion, and soothes the blood by this, and its natural qualities, for this normally surpasses all herbs, as far as preserving humans, through its qualities, which is in the water, that is distilled from the alkali, and thus it should be corrected: Take one [..] of the alkali, one drachm of saffron, mix by thoroughly grating, and it is dissolved in a glass vessel, with water that has first been extracted from its roots; it is carefully rinsed and reduce(?) at slow fire until it again becomes #page 0054r an alkali, which shall be further corrected, prepared, and rectified. A praiseworthy remedy, without risk or danger, for phlegmatics and those suffering from catarrh, because it has a wonderful [..] totally raw and undigested stomach and the body with its major parts this preserves often the liver, heart, spleen and kidneys from all future accidents; phlegmatics and acute [---] simply, or softly #page 0054v die, and without pain. A Saracen remedy A certain important man always kept with him an experience (Must be wrong/UÖ) which he called ”the Saracenic”, and he made wonders with this. And in every suffering and any ulcer, where the formation of boils or the corruption was doubtful, he united with this remedy, and always gained honour, and he cleansed all impure ulcers with alcohol, and afterwards applied a light [..] #page 0055r solidative of pitch, chalk, frankincense, and grease, and for the largest part turpenine, and a little turpentine (Obviously wrong), and a little wax, and it worked miracles, and with this remedy the empirics cure all diseases, and I have only confirmed several experiences, when I have applied these remedies to all body parts (That is at least roughly the sense, I believe/UÖ), and it can be given externally and internally, it works on contracted sinews, it works wonderfully on powerful humans, who do not speak powerfully, if a little of it, on a wad of cotton, #page 0055v is placed under the tongue; it works on toothache if applied under the tongue; if is applied on the tooth of [..] of the matrix, if with [..], if it is taken with hot wine it works against any poisons, and on other diseases that he usually cures. Take [..] pound of turpentine, one pound of laurel oil, [..] drachm of choice cinnamon, two drachms each of aloe wood and cloves, of brick, spurge, laurel berries, and gum of ivy tree, half a pound of twice burnt bricks, #page 0056r a note on an experiment on frogs, written by Matteus Gradi in his chapter on dropsy Frogs placed in the bath of a dropsy patient from […] miraculously attract the fluids, and I remember that, in the plague of 1450, some peasants put cut, or chopped, or even living frogs on the venomous boils; furthermore they died, and the venom of the boils was drawn out, and all escaped the disease. #page 0056v #page 0057r #page 0057v something I have heard, from several reliable persons, is true, and I also myself […] is that the application of frogs vehemently attracts. Some empirics(?), and also some surgeons, in Vienna(?), took, as I heard from Martin Oste[..], an apothecary in Brunswick, a common amphibious animal, dried it, and kept those, and in times of plague, they put them either on the boils, or on [..], and they were certain that they had attracted the venom to such a degree, that they totally […] and color of […] as if they were alive #page 0058r a cautery for extirpation of cancer tin is melted, and when it starts to cool it is condensed, and an equal amount of wine(?) is poured over it, it is mixed and becomes a paste. This paste is placed on a slab of porphyry, kneaded and thoroughly ground, and when this has been done, an equal amount of sublimate of mercury is added, and this is once again ground, and put on the stone, and then ther will be like #page 0058v water, and this water should be distilled by alembic, and that which comes out should be collected and kept. To keep swords and other weapons from getting harmed by rust Take small filings of lead and put in oil for so long that they float up to the surface. The best decoction for consumption Take four drachms each of root of liquorice and root of angelica; two drachms each of plantain and [..]; one drachm of seeds of fennel and raisins; […] fat not four [..]; [..] each of dried hyssop and maidenhair #page 0059r Of black sanicle, pyrola, […], cauda equina, snakeroot(?), shelled barley, two drachms, six pounds of spring water. This is boiled until reduced by one third, this should be strained, and to sweeten it, add as much rose honey as you like; this is given as a drink. The best method for provoking haemorrhoids Take one ounce of powder of dyer's madder with lemon juice as you wish [..] one drachm [..] for lax limbs from mercury fumes #page 0059v when a certain goldsmith was shaping a sphere to be put on a tower, he inhaled much mercury fumes, whence all his limbs became lax, with weakness of the whole body, loss of appetite, and pains in the nerves (or sinews). No remedy was found, until she(!) took juniper berries fresh from the tree, and put them, rather fresh, in a pot, and boiled them covered with water, and then, by a double funnel, sufficiently wide in its upper part, to cover the entire head, and with all gaps covered, #page 0060r he inhaled the vapours of the decoction through his ears, nostrils and mouth, and immediately after the second treatment saliva miraculously started to flow, or rather a thick fluid, in which were found many whole grains. This Ludovisus, an accomplished sculptor from [..], told me, and he had, himself, administered this fumigation to the goldsmith. Theophrastus' Paracelsus' for anal fistulas prepared haematite, extinguished (don't know the technical term in English, if there is one/UÖ) #page 0060v in the juice of common mullein. He reverberates one scruple of armenian clay, [..], and crocus of iron. Mix; it should be a powder; or half an ounce of unguent of Rhazes ointment. This powder or ointment is applied over the fistula. Ointment of [..] of Jupiter Take three drachms each of leaves of henbane, house leek (?), and nightshade I have used this for polyps in Mr Cesar[..]'s daughter Take one scruple of burnt bark of pomegrenade; of myrrh, #page 0061r and burnt hartshorn, half a drachm of each with oxymel, and some [–] mucilage, and tragacanth; it should be a of a sufficient amount for the nostrils (the meaning of colina is unclear; it might be derived from collino, 'to smear', or maybe thought as a diminutive of collis, 'hill', then perhaps meaning 'a small heap'./UÖ) Ointment for women giving birth, so they won't suffer from great pain when delivering, according to Bernhard Speron.. Take half an ounce each of root of marsh mallow, and seeds of fenugreek; one drachm each of fat from hen, goose, and duck; one and a half drachm of bone-marrow from the leg of a calf; three yolks; four grains of saffron; oil of elder, #page 0061v of white lilies, of chamomile and of sweet almonds. Mix, and an ointment, with which the labouring woman is anointed on the chest and round the vulva. Decoction of rooster, relaxing and soothing in paralysis. an old rooster, chase it with rods, until it is tired, then cut off its head, gut it, and fill it with crushed salt, and you should leave it until midday(?), then you rinse it, then distill it with the following spices: take half an ounce of cardamom; #page 0062r three ounces each of turbith, and polypody; two drachms of lavender; one ounce or drachm(?) each of seeds of dill and peony. Distill as is customary. The dose of this water is six drachms on an empty stomach; if you wish to sweeten it with sugar, you could do that. To restrain catarrh [..] Take frankincense; two or three grains are swallowed late, when going to bed, for two or three weeks, and this restrains the fumes ascending #page 0062v the head, and prohibits asthma and catarrh. Another remedy, for the eyes. Water distilled with green leaves of willow, drop by drop(?) by alembic, applied (I assume/UÖ) in the eye twice a week makes the vision clear. A perfect remedy for vomiting Cape gooseberry(?) with its tow or internal [..] is cut well, that is, in small pieces, and boiled in vinegar, and is applied, when hot, over #page 0063r the orifice of the stomach, as a plaster. When a syrup is used, made from four drachms of crushed betony and one and a half drachm of honey, boiled until it thickens, of which [..] is taken as a drink, with saline water, it loosens the bowels, and prevents vomiting. An electuary that stops menstruation, haemorrhoids, and chronical diarrhoea. Take five drachms each of indian myrobalan, and <[..]elli ricorum>; of [..], camel's hay, #page 0063v , ginger, pepper, and three drachms each; of frankincense and iron dross six [..] drachms. Soak seven days in vinegar, and then it is dried in an iron pan, all is thoroughly crushed, and it is mixed with a decoction of [..]. Of this one should take a dose the size of a nut everyday. Cerate of sheep's wool Take one pound of paste of sheep's wool, made according to the art; one and a half pound of pine resin; #page 0064r one ounce each of galbanum, sal-ammoniac and opopanax; one drachm each of laudanum, frankincense, and mastic. This is distilled by alembic at slow fire, in the same way as the balm which is aimed at paralysis. Mix with one drachm each of mithridate, and rosemary. This is given at dawn, for fifteen consecutive days. Wash the hands with water of [..] lily or red wine, and do not dry them. Take one and a half drachm of mastic, one drachm of frankincense, and six drachms of oil. Boil until reduced to half the amount. #page 0064v With this, the fried spine of a fox is smeared, and that, which trickles from this (= the spine), is wonderful for [..] sweat. On the plague; on the provoking of sweat Wine, boiled with [..] provokes sweat; for the same purpose, boil linseed and seed of fennel, and apply as a plaster on the stomach, or rub the soles of the feet with it, mixed with powderized cumin. Pills for times of plague #page 0065r Take half a drachm each of agaricus mushrooms and rhubarb; two drachms of snake's head iris, turbith, yellow myrobalans, and hiera picra; one and a half drachm each of chebulic myrobalans, rock salt, ginger, mastic, and gallia moschata; one drachm of myrrh, , and saffron; the same quantity of aloes as the rest. This should be pills, with pomegrenade wine, and for those who like it, three [..] of diagrydium might be added. To this, in the warmth of May, should always be added three drachms of armenian clay. Camphor. #page 0065v Treatise on the plague as [..] Theobaldus Leviti de Frigerio of the diocese of [..], in Burgundy, [.. ] in the city of Bologna, Italy, and thus there was a quarrel among the physicians over incurable diseases, and chiefly over the plague, where he wanted to conclude, that no remedy could be found for the deadly plague, or, at least, that Gal [h..] #page 0066r says this: and no other ancient physicians mentions any (sc. ”such remedy”/UÖ). Only I said otherwise; I asserted that there were [..], salutary remedies to be found [..], and I will respond as they said about the French Hippocrates (maybe Jean Fernel, d. 1558), that this was the plague of their time, but since then, the corruption of the human body has successively prevailed, of which I shortly shall elaborate; now I will write down the required remedy: (Somewhat uncertain regarding the meaning of this entire page, actually/UÖ) #page 0066v since they didn't fear any disease as much, and, to satisfy those asking me, I have written a method to fight this pestilential [..], as follows: first, by showing the cause; secondly, the parts of the body, where it is driven or expelled; thirdly, how to recognize the infection; fourthly, how to be able to help those infected, all this as well as possible, according to my insignificant intellectual capacities, but since #page 0067r any boil, and any sudden death, might be dubbed ”the plague”, I will not speak of others, but only of the plague which usually appears in certain parts of the body, which is corrupted and poisonous fluid, enclosed in the human body [..] joints [..] or, as [..] certain glands; thus, I find three causes of this disease: the first is usage of corrupting food, or frequent over-eating #page 0067v which mostly happens after a period of starvation and [..]. The second cause is air which is corrupted, either by foul [..] or [..], or by poisonous spirits from respiratory distress, or rotting air, or by dried up bogs, or because of the hot season, when corrupted air, attracted by respiratory distress, infects the human being. The third cause is celestial influence, as when some evil planet – think Saturn or Mars – is #page 0068r in descension, and has an evil aspect in its house or , or when the aspects join(?), pours out its illness, and by such infection many people in different places are infected with the evil plague. The same goes for other influences. On the location of this disease. It should be known, because it might be possible that always expels harmful (not really certain about this/UÖ), but since such corruption through the aforementioned passes to the stomach or the lungs, from there, by nature, #page 0068v it is sometimes expelled by vomiting, sometimes by sweating, sometimes by the stools; if this happens, one is free from it. But if nature does not attend to nature [..] and minor [..] corruption [..] to the heart, [..] expels as far as possible through the veins, and since the most important [..] to the heart [..] the head, and thus, as soon as possible, it passes on to the head this corruption, which is already the plague, from which then, the head feels #page 0069r headaches, and since three veins descend on each side of the head – the first runs to the upper part of the arm, the second between the thumb and index finger to the lower part of the arm and [..]; the third descends through the whole body to the ankle on the same side; the same goes for the other side – and through these veins it sends its corruption to other parts of the body, whence it thus expels it either via the vein that passes through the upper part of #page 0069v the arm. Then the plague stays in the neck, whether on the right or the left side, and it causes some gland, and when nature finds an exit there, then it forces it that way until it cannot push it further. But if the head expels it via the veins that descend through the lower part of the arm, then it remains under the armpits. If it descends via the vein that goes through the body to the feet, then the plague will remain in [..] and #page 0070r what I have said about the heart goes for the liver too. Question But tell us why the matter is expelled at these places rather than others. I answer: because in certain places there are narrow and straight veins, in others there are twisted and wide. The plague is mostly found in these places than in the others. One should also know that sanguinics are more prone to get the plague, then the phlegmatics, then the co- #page 0070v lerics, and more delicate bodies rather than heavier and larger. One should also know that the plague rather [..] in places, where there has been charistia or gnet.. or where they have [..] flow, than in others, and also in humans who are subject to solid planets, or if Saturn has caused the epidemic, since Saturn has in it many [..], therefore melancholics are rather infected than others in those cases. The same goes for other planets; also according to [..] #page 0071r [..]ibility, and resistance of the complexion, and [..] also of others On the signs of infection I say, in accordance with certain experts, that the infected are recognised by colour, respiratory distress, pulse, urine and blood. Colour: at the beginning of the infection, they have a very bright, rosy colour, more so than usual, and later, as the head has expelled the matter, the colour fades. Respiratory distress: to breathe out #page 0071v is more heavy than to breathe in. Pulse: the pulse is now strong, now weak; now slow, now fast; now distinct, now vague. Urine: the common signs, relevant in this respect, that I have noticed, were clouds in the urine, which at times contained hydropic fluid and sediment at the bottom of the urine ; in the middle or upper parts, such clouds contained sediment at the bottom; then the infected will not last (A little unclear/UÖ) #page 0072r if in the middle part, then it is the beginning of the infection, and is much more easily cured. If in the upper part, then I noticed that the human was totally infected, since Egidius says that equal likes equal [..]. Likewise, such clouds in the uppermost part indicates that the plague has already ascended to the head, but that kind is easily cured, but when such urine with such a cloud appears, that, if you agitate the vial, turns dark or red(?), #page 0072v then I have noticed that the plague has descended and spread throughout the body, and that this kind is dangerous, and difficult to cure; it is however possible to cure, until glands are found on the body. After this, there is no remedy, nor any hope for health. And these are the most common signs On bloodletting, I after [..] sometimes have found in the blood #page 0073r water-like fluids, sometimes thick, sometimes congealed; sometimes on the bottom, sometimes on the surface, and when I found that the fluid had ascended to some clear white stratum, that was a sign of disease, the white colour, both the site and the thickness came from this; from corruption of the blood gives heat and red colour, dryness clearness, moisture thickness and disturbance, and if it has seemed clear and water-like, then there is disease. From #page 0073v [thirteen lines crossed out] a dark colour, like black bile, and if it appeared watery and turbid, I decided that the disease was caused by phlegm, for cold causes a water-like quality, moisture causes thickness and turbidity; dryness causes clearness [---] #page 0074r On the gallic disease (i.e. syphilis/UÖ). A cure for all bad leg ulcers Powder of lead prepared in this way: make an amalgam with lead and raw mercury, and evaporate [..] the mercury; powderize the rest, and use it. Someone also says that this also cures any cancer or fistula, and, in short, any malignous and growing ulcer. #page 0074v de fuga et mo[r]|te muscaru[m] The powder is efficient in all ulcers and large wound cavities in cattle, in malignous and putrid wounds. Take [..] ounce of sanicle, one ounce of dried root of elder; sift through a strainer. Then, one ounce/drachm each of frankincense, litharge, and mastic. Powderize this, and mix. Likewise equal amounts of bone of horse and bone of dog, burnt together. On driving away and killing flies #page 0075r White hellebore with milk kills flies; mix whiting(?) with water; the walls are whitewashed with water where white hellebore has been boiled, and whitewash the house, and the fly will not enter. For all kinds of scabs After salty humours have been purged, laurel berries and shelled barley are boiled in water, and the hands are fomented twice or thrice a day. For scabs of leprosy Of two pounds of mercury, #page 0075v and half a pound of sulphur, make a dough at slow fire, then add half a drachm of verdigris, and soak thoroughly with juniper oil, so an ointment is obtained; apply this, when the upper body is affected, to the wrists; if in the lower body, also to the foot soles; the fomentation should continue with hot aqua vectri, the oil of the same, and use the following oil in food, in drink, in [..] Take, of flowers of rosemary, borage, and bugloss #page 0076r of strawberries, lemon balm, and myrrh, one ounce of each; two drachms of the fiery element of juniper, and it should be digested in dough in the oven when bread is baked. Prescription of duke Albert of Bavaria, by which he was brought to [..] Of gentiana, [..], galangal, long pepper, calamus, cardamom, cubeb, aniseed, and fennel, equal amounts #page 0076v are pestled separately, one at a time, and afterwards mixed. Of this, a dose is taken every night when going to bed, and it is also drunk in the morning, in spring water or very strong wine. Meanwhile, one should bathe often, on an empty stomach, and one should eat fried meat, and always take with one's food good vinegar, with powderized black peppers. For warts Mature berries of dwarf elder, and #page 0077r smear the warts with these for three or four days, and they are uprooted, so that they might be removed with your hand. A syrup Leek often uproots warts and such, when mixed with salt and applied, or applied only with honey, as we have experienced. Likewise, the sap of greater celandine, when the warts are covered with a crust of it, removes them thoroughly (An approximation of what is probably meant, since the construction is a bit unclear to me/UÖ). The tried eye preparation of master [..], brought home from #page 0077v the Holy land by Duke Henry of Saxony Take half a drachm of pompholyx, thirty-two cloves, one drachm of camphor; [..] each of [..] stone and white ginger; powderize everything and do not quite(?) calcine. Afterwards, add one sextary of malmsey. Boil by bain-marie in a well stopped tin pot. When an egg can be fried [..], take it out, and let it cool, and this is to be regarded as the best in cataract, and well tried, even by a nobleman in Bautzen, #page 0078r blind for three whole years, but through the benefit of this water, he regained his eyesight. Pain in the eyes is primarily eased by the milk of a woman, decoction of melilot, or of fenugreek, or of camomil flowers; in ulcerations, first wash with honey-water, then use the following water: Take two drachms each of rose-water and fennel-water, then take two drachms of sarcocolla, which has been soaked in milk from a woman or an ass; of rinsed white lead #page 0078v one and a half drachm; 3 [..] of [..]; mix, it should be a powder, or an eye preparation. Or take half a drachm each of [..] and prepared pompholyx; three drachms of milk from a woman who breast-feeds a girl; mix, and use. For morphew, tried on Joh. Henrici of Bautzen. Take one drachm each of camphor, tartar, and litharge; half a drachm each of natural sulphur and tragacanth; powderize(?) everything, and at the same time wrap it in a cloth, over which you pour choice rose-water, and it should be left for eight days in the sun, in a well stopped pot, so the air cannot enter #page 0079r Afterwards, wash your face with this water in the morning and evening; it is very well tested An ointment for the same Take three drachms each of fragrant(?) rose oil, and oil of sweet almonds, not rancid; one and a half drachm of yolk that does not stink; three drachms each of juice of water dock, [..], and plantain; one drachm of fresh chicken fat; one drachm each of cooling ointment, and gall, not greyish; [..] root of solomon's seal; litharge; silver; ceruse in rose-water; [..] clear turpentine; [..] with rose-water; [..] mucilage [---] one drachm; [..] of camphor; #page 0079v as much as you wish of crushed eggwhite and white wax. This should make an ointment: [..] with rose-water. It should be thoroughly rinsed in [..] of a mortar. Sigismundi, helen on the rock of [..]torff (Not very clear!/UÖ) Since the feet were swollen, he prescribed the following plaster Take meal of beans, barley(?), and lentils, [..] grains of each; half a pound of thoroughly ground bran; powder of camomil flowers; prepared litharge; one drachm of Armenian clay. Boil in sixteen drachms of [..] and a measure of fresh wax; for it should make a solid plaster. #page 0080r Cure of a certain peasant, who drank a poisonous preparation, but was saved by taking the following powder. This peasant also used to eat either [..] or very poisonous spiders to prove the the powder in the presence of the duke elect of Saxony, Augustus, and thereafter received three hundred thalers. Every single ingredient ought however to be collected carefully, between the Feast of the assumption of Mary and Christmas, and be dried in the shadow, away from the sun #page 0080v as follows Take one drachm of root of valerian; one drachm of [..]; two drachms of nigella(?); one drachm of root of nettle; one and a half drachm of rind of [..]; [..] pomegrenades ('of aconite', which doesn't make sense, and probably is a mistake/UÖ); thirty-six leaves of aconite; these are best dried in shadow; finally, they are powderized and sieved; preserve this powder most carefully. The dose for one occation is one drachm, with warm wine. This is efficient against all lethal poisons, whether these have been drunk or eaten; it is also efficient as a preservative. #page 0081r For vomiting A sponge soaked in vinegar and applied on the stomach stops superfluous vomiting from black bile; coriander soothes the stomach; the same is restringent if one table-spoon is taken of coriander comfit. Restringent ointment Take half a drachm of rose oil, common stork's bill,[..], and mastic; one [..] of powderized wild pomegrenade flowers, armenian clay, dragon's blood, [..] flowers, #page 0081v and as much wax as is sufficient; this should be which you apply, when tepid, around the navel restringent suppository Take as much goat fat as is sufficient for six wads of lint or suppositories; one of these, tied to a long piece of string, one inserts when going to bed and keeps it during the night. The peasants serve goat or deer fat in warm beer as a soup. Tragea (a kind of medicinal powder/UÖ) Take half a drachm of prepared coriander; two drachms of seeds of plantain; one drachm each of red coral, seeds of common sorrel and knotweed. This should make a powder, of which [..] is given with fried bread, soaked in red wine, or with dry toast. My own, well tested decoction Take two drachms of well-picked raisins; one drachm of liquid [..]; two [..] of flowers of arnoglossa or plantain; this is boiled together in ordinary water, strained, and sweetened with sugar, or even #page 0082v drunk without sugar, in the morning and during the evening in decent amounts. Pills of iron slag Take one drachm of mass for mastic pills (guessing!/UÖ), and of [..] trochisks; one and a half drachm of cleansed aloe; one drachm of prepared iron slag. With wormwood-water pills are formed, nine out of one drachm. The dose is one drachm, or seven pills, in the evening or morning (something doesn't quite add up here.../UÖ) Turpentine pills Take six drachms of turpentine that has been rinsed six times with #page 0083r endive-water; five drachms of the whitest sugar. The turpentine is liquefied in a hot mortar; the sugar is added a little at a time. This should form a mass, from which is made seven pills from one drachm. A vessel that bursts out wind can be made, if an aeolipile is made from bronze or some other material. It should be hollow and round, and have a very small hole in its belly, where water is infused, and if perhaps this doesn't work, try first #page 0083v if it boils when you put it closer to the fire, and when there is no outlet, it will emit a powerful wind, but moist and thick fog (this prescription was copied – not very carefully – from Caesar Longinus: Trinum magicum, sive secretorum magicorum opus, 1630/UÖ) Inebriating waters The Moscovites, since they do not have wine, use water distilled with oats, and it is neither less warming, nor less inebriating, than wine. But as the oats have a thicker substance, it is necessary that it gets hot from the distillation, is extenuated, and sharpened, #page 0084r and acquires the nature of firewater. With a meal of ground cannabis leaves, which hits the head, they make a mildly inebriating drink. Cardanus: De subtilitate. How a wound is made without pain. Not unlike magnet (probably = magnetite/UÖ) is another white magnet, an experiment with which I have witnessed. Laurentius Guascus Cherascius, an empiric physician from the Turin (?) region, brought this stone these days, #page 0084v and promised that, whether by a pen or a needle, the flesh could be penetrated without any pain, which [..], even as it, reasonably enough, seemed ridiculous, he proved by an experiment on my room mates: finally I, though incredulous, dared to try it. And, having first rubbed a needle against the stone, I penetrated the skin of the arm, and first I felt a light prick; then, even as I felt that the whole muscle had been #page 0085r penetrated, I felt no pain; then I confided what I had experienced to my family. For epilepsy If babies, as soon as have left the womb, and before they have tasted anything, drink half a scruple of thoroughly ground coral with the milk, they never get epilepsy. Arnoldus. How you might know whether a limb is #page 0085v necrotic If someone wants to know if a limb that is going to be amputated is necrotic and afflicted with gangrene, he should crush the green part of a leek, and apply it to the limb overnight, and if on the next day to some extent has changed its bluish or black colour, this means that it is still alive. If, on the other hand, it is dead, it could justly be amputated, for a sound limb draws (should be 'so no sound part is corrupted'), as has been confirmed by several experiments. The same thing did a certain spanish [..], eager explorer of nature, that the posterity [..] (The last part is rather unclear to me/UÖ) #page 0086r To keep a donkey from braying A donkey which has a stone tied to its tail cannot bray. Simonet a cordi Fainting donkeys I won't keep quiet about something that Plutarch didn't want to keep quiet about. ”What's that?” you say: that donkeys and horses, who, as beasts of burden, carry figs, do faint. But there is a remedy, worthy to be more marveled at, with which both these and humans can be helped. Almost dead animals #page 0086v and humans, all but killed by fainting, will be revived by bread: for when they have swallowed a mere morsel of this, they immediately are strengthened by this food, and resume their trip. It works no differently on humans, according to the same Plutarch. An animal, he says, which had reached Apollonia in deep snow when it collapsed, was instantly revived by bread, which the troops who defended the city walls threw down. How lameness in donkeys is cured furthermore, you will cure lame donkeys, if you wash them all around with hot water, and clean them with a scalpell; after this, you pour on them old, hot urine, where fat, preferably from a goat, or, if this can't be had, from an ox, has been liquefied. And you do this until it regains its health. Constantinus caesar of Absyrtos For killing flies White hellebore is soaked in milk or #page 0087v a rob, added with auripigment, which is then sprinkled around, and this kills flies. But if you wash with alum, ground with oregano, they won't settle. Against locusts If a swarm of locusts appear, everybody should stay indoors and hiding, and they will pass by the region, but if it has been noted beforehand that they are imminent, they will not touch anything, if brine where bitter lupins or wild cucumbers #page 0088r have been boiled is sprinkled. They die from the traces. Likewise, they will pass by the region, if you hang captured bats from the trees in high places; but if you burn captured locusts, they get dizzy from the smell, and some die, others lose their wings and wait to be hunted down, and are destroyed by the sun. You will drive away locusts, if you dig pits of garum(?) made by themselves, and sprinkle with garum (this is rather unclear; garum is normally used only about a Roman condiment, made from fermented fish. I have no idea what this is about, really./UÖ) #page 0088v if you, however, check the pits after less than a day, you will find them asleep in the pits; how you kill them, I leave to your discretion. Nothing at all is touched by locusts, if it has been sprinkled with wormwood, leek or centaurium. Democritus. How mercury is made from lead #page 0089r Take thin sheets of lead and put in a glass vessel, together with common salt; then it is closed and left in the ground for nine days, and you will find mercury. Fallopio Another method for softening glass If you boil or soak glass in goat blood and the juice of senecio, it will be as soft #page 0089v as wax or clay, so anything can be made of it; but it will resume its original properties if it is chilled. Geber, Albertus Glue for stones Take half a pound of vitriol; two ounces of ground galls; one measure of very pungent vinegar. This is put over fire until the vitriol is liquefied, then one measure of iron filings, and a third of writing-sand, are added #page 0090r This is to be thoroughly mixed; thus cracks in stones can be joined. When this has been done, take equal parts of liquid varnish and linseed oil, which are mixed over fire. When they have been united, the surface is smeared. From a handwritten book. Removing spots on white and kermes-dyed silk. First, the spots are moistened with thrice distilled wine spirit, then egg-white is added. is dried in the sun, and rinsed thoroughly in cold water; after this has been done twice, the spots are gone. #page 0090v To make black spots on white furs, so they look like leopard or panther skin Take one ounce of litharge; two ounces of quicklime; three measures of water. These are mixed and put over slow fire until warm only, but not boiling. Then they are removed from the fire and mixed, and this will produce a dye, with which, using a small brush made from pigs' bristles, spots are sprinkled. Afterwards, they are dried in the sun. #page 0091r Then they are thoroughly beaten with a rod of some kind, and it is done. But if the spots can not be seen very well, the same spots should be dyed again, and your desire should be fulfilled; this colour will last, and render the skins fragrant (or 'smelly'). If hair or beard is dyed, they will look very good. A method for writing on an egg. Thoroughly and well grind alum in vinegar, and draw what you wish on the shell; dry in hot sunshine #page 0091v and put in brine or strong vinegar for three days. When it has been dried, cook it, and when it is done, you remove the shell, and on the hardened egg-white, you find what you wrote: then, there is another method; cover the egg in wax, scratch letters with a stylus; fill the cracks with the liquid, and soak in vinegar one day. When you have removed the wax, peel the egg, and you will read the letters, impressed in the egg through the shell. Africanus #page 0092r How to make vanishing letters visible, and how to make visible letters vanish. If you would want vanishing letters to be seen, and visible letters to vanish, you can do that, if you pour liquid from distillation of vitriol, or alcohol, over the paper until it is soaked; you then write your letters, and when they dry, they are hidden. Then, you grind a burnt stick with vinegar, #page 0092v and write what we want between the lines of the former writing. Then a decoction is made, of must of unripe grapes in white wine, a sponge is soaked in this, and when we dab the writing, our homemade black colour vanishes, but the former, invisible, will now be visible (an approximation of the contents, since the text is a bit unclear/UÖ) How letters are made to dissappear on certain days #page 0093r How the human intellect flies when considering the secrets of nature! Fine filings of steel are submersed in three times its weight of aquafortis (probably = nitric acid/UÖ), to which then is added soot of liquid tar or turpentine, to make it darker, and you cover the vessel. Then you grind it well on a porphyry slab; then write, and with age, it will vanish. I cannot omit, that the most important, the main thing, is to try this , #page 0093v for if the writing remains to long some more aquafortis should be added, and if you have been careful, no yellow-ish traces will remain. This is the sign you might use. Thus you can have another, of a similar kind, if you needed to hide things better: (here should follow another recipe/UÖ) How to inscribe letters on stones If you want to inscribe something on a flint (I think/UÖ) stone without trouble: cover it in wax, write what you wish, but remove the wax carefully, where #page 0094r the letters are, so the stone is bare; then keep the stone in very strong vinegar for seven hours, and then remove it; if it is immersed for a longer time, the crust will fall off faster, for what happens is almost like what happens in the human body when so called escharotic remedies are adhibited; the time spent in the vinegar – and the amount of vinegar – will render the substance more powerful. Thus it will penetrate, whence the stone must needs be diminished. It is obvious, however, that this method could also be transferred to other stones, #page 0094v since there are none much harder. Powder to wipe off black spots, like letters written on paper. Take thoroughly ground ceruse and fig milk, as much as is needed of each. When you wish to remove black or letters from a paper, take a linen cloth moistened with water, (some text has been omitted by the writer here/UÖ) and if the black is not altogether removed, repeat; and it can't happen, but if the paper is too weakened, by rubbing with the kind of glue that is used to join wood (something must be missing after this/UÖ) #page 0095r How weights are lifted twice as fast, and with half as much rope This is a wonderful apparatus, which however is brought about with little work. Gabriel Arator noticed that it was possible that weights be lifted twice as fast as by the usual method, in this way. Let the height be a,b, the middle of which is d, and attach to the rope d,c, a weight c, and in d, a pulley, where the rope in a.[---] When, thus, the pulley is drawn to e, #page 0095v d,c, will be shortened twice as much, thus when d, is at a, c, will also be at a. This, however, happens since c,d, is doubled in ascending and descending, thus non converges unless d, is right between a,b, or lower; this apparatus will however possess greater power than if the weight was simply lifted. Since, for the reasons given, this lift can be made easier, it is possible that it will also be lifted in half the time with the same strength. So much can art and ingeniousness achieve. (A drawing, as well as parts of the description, is missing here; furthermore, I'm no scientist, so I don't know whether this makes sense/UÖ) #page 0096r extraction of all [..] for pills(?) For pills [..] either another of the simple or of the compound [..] a sufficient amount of rectified alcohol and place in a warm place. Digest in a bain-marie or in warm ashes for some days. [..] or on any day by often stirring. Finally pour off that which is clear, and take away the alcohol in a bain-marie, and in the bottom you will find a liquid which [..] keep, which is given with some fluid according to the [..] of the disease. Pour off that which is clear #page 0096v This should be kept to use, and is [..] in very small quantity. A tried and tested water for all ulcers of [..], the anus and the penis Take [..] ounce of burnt alum; of verdigris, powderized sulphur, and camphor one drachm. Of wine-spirit(?) one ounce; of clear(?) old wine one pound. #page 0097r The wine should boil in a new, previously unused, vessel; as soon as it has boiled, alum and verdigris are added; at the same time, one should stir with a spatula. Afterwards, camphor and wine while still stirring, and finally two drachms of water, distilled with lily of the valley. This water is (or 'can be'/UÖ) preserved for a year, and if there is a wound in the gullet, jaws, or throat, one gargles it. If not, it is mainly applied on sore spots by pieces of cloth, and if #page 0097v you drink a measure, you will also have bowel movements. A very well-tried and wonderful ointment, for bettering bad flesh; cohibiting, anointing, and curing ulcers, namely: Take, of agrimony, bladderseed, sage, and wintergreen, [..] of each; of herbie depen[..] and lady's mantle, [..] each; of honey, fat of deer, bone marrow of cow(?), and turpentine, four drachms of each. #page 0098r of good old wine, two pounds; of pig's fat, one pound; of common salt, asi; of unsalted butter, two pounds; This is boiled according to the art at slow fire; take two pounds of this ointment; two ounces of human fat; four ounces of precipitated(?) mercury. Mix and [..] A drink, much recommended by many, to protect against gout and stones. Take, of rhubarb three ounces; of liquorice, and polypody, half a drachm of each; of spikes of [..] one part(?) each(!); of senna leaves three ounces each(!) #page 0098v of sage and hart's tongue one pound(?); of dodder, thium., and root of black hellebore [..] drachms; of cinnamon one ounce. Everything is soaked in [..] pounds or one u (no idea what this means/UÖ) of finest malmsey, and then boiled till reduced by half or by a third; strain: then it is given twice a day, before eating, at four ounces per dose. Blisters of syphilis are removed by limen (maybe mistake for limatura; if so, 'filings'/UÖ), made from verdigris, eggwhite and wine spirits (maybe/UÖ) #page 0099r Cured colic When Johannes Ioraer [..] Toleta suffered from colic pain for more than half a year, and was miserably tormented all of the time, the pain was eased by enemas, but returned as soon as the enema had been evacuated; for the bowels were chronically constricted, so that he at times had no bowel movement for five or six days. After he had taken medication according to fusiones Ludovici ledexex [..]heui (No idea/UÖ) turpeth diagrydium with aromatic herbs in [..] wine, of which he took a swig in the morning before breakfast, #0099v at noon, and before dinner; and he was well purged, and free from his torments; free, I said: [..], that days the vehement pains returned. Then, when he had taken many different remedies from the empiric priest of Eperdi[..], finally he sent a potion, which helped nature on its course, for otherwise possible to cure [..] After this potion had been taken every fourth/fifth (can't see whether it's quarta or quinta /UÖ) hour, every [..] was suddenly and totally relaxed [...] #page 0100r said, and all the pain went away; followed [..] weakness in the whole body, and atrophy, chronically constipated bowels, loss of appetite; then bleeding from the nose almost [..]day, as I am told, and the body so macerated and weak, that it more resembled a dead and dried corpse than a living human being. Finally, he was brought to Vienna, to dr Hier: rhius, physician to the queen; having heard about the disease, and about what had happened before, he pre- #page 0100v scribed after dinner: four or five ounces of sweet almond oil, one drachm or one and a half ounce of red sugar, and at the third hour of that night, some turpentine with [..] of a capon, and after four hours, a fetid matter started to flow [..] and it did not stop for fourteen days, but he recovered, his appetite was restored, and the body gradually regained its strength. He kept from wine for a quarter of a year, but drank [..]. The laxness remained, but the upper joints got new mobility #page 0101r Deception to use against gluttonous servants, who take from others the best and fattest food Take the thigh or hip bone of an ox, full of marrow; after having boiled half of this, mix it with fresh marrow, and heat it again. If anyone eats this on bread, he will [..] with great struggle throw it all up; to [..] vomiting, give luke-warm water to drink; to bring about itching in the legs, #page 0101v take hair or [..] and horse's tail, tied together: cut this like sweepings, and sprinkle the stockings. To make someone fart [..] in their thicker stockings [..] raw next to the testicle, and from the [..], an immense stench is produced. To make someone's lips stick together so they can hardly be opened. Take the fruit of a tree called [..], while still not completely ripe #page 0102r and powderize it, together with its kernel; half a spoonful of this in wine, or two pounds of wine, brings about this effect. An ointment which I have used for hard swellings of the joints Take the white(?) of [..] (Perhaps a severe misspelling of liquiritia, 'liquorice'/UÖ), [..] 40; one ounce of rose oil; half an ounce of fox [..]; two each of choice myrrh, frankincense, white [..], with a sufficient amount of [..] wax #page 0102v Lozenges made by dr. Zengerin. Take one ounce of aromatic spices with cinnamon; two scruples of diagrydium; of sweet diamusch, prepared corals of both kinds, mace, cloves, prepared hazelnuts(?) one drachm, species diapendion, four scruples; conserve of roses [..] ounces each; hard sugar dissolved in a sufficient amount of rose- and #page 0103r marjoram-water; make lozenges Secret plaster for nodes in syphilis Take two drachms of choice rhubarb; six drachms of strong lye; one ounce of hepatic aloes. These are boiled together at slow fire in a glazed pot. Then add half a pound of Venetian soap, cut in small pieces; this is likewise boiled at slow fire to the thickness of an ointment #page 0103v while stirring with a spatula. Then, dissolve [..] ounces of yellow wax, and add this to the other ingredients in the pot, while carefully mixing to a sticky, not too thick, ointment, since otherwise it will draw too much. This is spread over a piece of linen, and applied over the node, and in addition a lead plate, which has been kept in vinegar and salt for four hours. This is changed twice a day, in the morning and evening. #page 0104r Now something about how to cure the plague First I say [..] (should mean 'whether'/UÖ) one, according to my opinion, should flee from a not yet infected air, or not, spoiled before it is spoiled, but I suggest only this regarding those who are already infected; thus, when the infected person noticed that the plague sits in a gland. If you notice such a gland within twelve hours after the pain started, I could easily cure that, but if it had been more than twelve hours before my examination, #page 0104v and since I wanted to know whether it was curable or not, I gave the patient a decent amount of good theriac, or like a good nut, or sometimes a small egg, according to the person, all other things being equal. If the patient threw up the theriac, then I knew that the poison of the pestiferous gland had already withdrawn to the heart or to the interior parts where it had its origin, since it would have another exit, and the poisonous matter of the plague was such, and was already restrained in the body, power would drive it, but #page 0105r could not expel it, and as the poison is of this kind, and the power drives it, they will be somewhat opposed, and there was a battle between them, the theriac would needs withdraw and exit via vomiting. And in such cases, I did not have any hope for health, since they were dieing, since they gave notice of the disease in a late stage, and I would tell his friends that he is dying, and that to engage more to cure this. But such a patient, when he did not throw up the theriac, then I understood that it was such a plague, #page 0105v that it was still inclused in the gland; then I thought to myself, if the poison of this plague, which nature expels [..] until it returns to such a place, to the heart and to the interior parts; because of this, the human died; but if it could be extracted from this place, or from this gland, and totally expelled from the body, that man was free from it, and since nature pushed this plague to such an extent, and then could do no more; thus I strived to be able to #page 0106r assist nature, and I began working where nature had failed, and I have searched for many ways to expel such a plague. And first, I thus took three or four (sc. 'leeches') which I put in a cupping-glass, or small glass vessel, and applied the glass over the region where the pain was situated, where they were gathered, and I pressed with a needle or other instrument over the location of the pain, so an amount of blood appeared, and at once the leeches started to suck the corrupted blood #page 0106v where the poisonous plague was enclosed. And when the leeches had been removed, I let [..] flow as long as it could; and the idea of extracting plague by this method, which [..] me since the leeches by nature as food preferred corrupted and infected blood to pure and clear, as nature prefer [..], snakes, toads, to chickens and pigeons and the leeches thus extracted the corrupted blood, and with this the plague #page 0107r that was enclosed in the blood; thus the plague patient was cured from this, and no other remedy was necessary, except, at times, maturation by some kinds of plasters, of which more below; and one should avoid cold weather, wind, and rain, and eat digestive food, and thus are such patients cured; [..], if they cannot get leeches, then I let them undergo a phlebotomy in the same vein where the plague had been localized, and the adjacent #page 0107v area, that is, in places where such poisons (probably/UÖ) are stored, as is said above, and before the vein was closed, I examined whether the patient was fully cured, or some plague remained i any part of the body. If any plague was still in the body, I did not allow the vein to be closed, but continued the phlebotomy, until the patient was fully cured, and this I knew, [..] since as long as saw the blood flowing from the vein #page 0108r being thick, swelling and dense; as long as this swelling continued, I always kept on bloodletting, and when clear, light and thin blood appeared, I had the vein bandaged. Such a case was safe, and free from the plague; and I always had a large vein opened, on the surface and not deep, and the thick and swelling blood found a wide exit, and was not obstructed. Neither was there any need for remedies, other than that the patient should avoid wind, cold, and rain; and immediately after #page 0108v the bloodletting I ordered him to go to bed, and to extend his limbs equally, so the remaining blood in the body would better and evenly run to the different veins; afterwards, he should eat easily digestible food. But if someone was weaker of constitution, or generally, such as children, youth, and weaker persons, who could not bear leeches or bloodletting, then I searched for the ailing part, and asked for chickens; I plucked them, and put some blessed salt on them, so that they, by #page 0109r corrosion of the salt, would attract better. Then I placed them close to the ailing part, and the chicken sucked up the plague poison that was enclosed in the gland, and the chicken died immediately, before you could read one Pater noster. Then I applied another, which also died, and I replaced them until only two or three remained alive, and thus such a sick patient was saved, and needed nothing but the mentioned application, and convalesced from his severe disease #page 0109v , that if to cure this, you apply 5, 4, or 6 chickens, and briefly: the more that remain alive, from this the patient will surely be cured; but if all chickens die, the patient will die also. And I once applied 8 chickens, who all died, and since it was in the night, I could not get more chickens; if I had, I would, by the grace of God, have cured him, but from lack of chickens he died. And this cure is very mild and without pain, and it can be applied on those, who [...] #page 0110r veins, weak children and babies. But if none of the mentioned could be had, then I […] the thick matter, and I would believe that the poison of that plague would be enclosed in the body, and I proceded to work on the pores, so I more easily would be able to extract the softened matter through the open pores, and get this pestiferous matter out from the body. I took mollifying herbs and boiled them in water, and these were the herbs: hys- #page 0110v sop, mint, pennyroyal, leaves of elder, wormwood, fumitory, calamint, mallow, St John's-wort, and sometimes many other […], according to what I could get, and sometimes I boiled them in wine, and then they were mostly more active: sometimes in vinegar, and then they were more penetrating and stronger. And this liquid ['water'] I put with the herbs in a clean vessel, which I wrapped in cloth, to not make stains in the bed, and I placed this sometimes at the feet of the patient, when the plague #page 0111r was in the nails; the heat ascended through the bed and warmed the patient, and through this he digested and dissolved the thick matter that was in the nails and in the whole body. Then, from this decoction the herbs were the best, that opened the pores so the matter could more easily exit. They were also attractive, and attracted the dissolved matter through the open pores. And thus sweat started to erupt, little by little, drop by drop, and immediately #page 0111v sweat, with large falling drops, emanated from every part of the body, and thus the […] of this body was extracted, and was cured. But if the plague was under the armpits and in the neck, I placed these herbs higher, where the plague was located; sometimes I provoked a sweating by means of hot bricks wrapped in pieces of linen, and I saw at least one patient, exuding drops of sweat, who incurred […] by the plague, where [...] #page 0112r and thus I always, in every way that I could, provoked sweating. If, however, sweating could not be provoked, this indicated that the plague had reverted throughout the body, and because of its […] had already agglutinated the viscose [..] and had infested all of the body; and all of the blood, or the closest part, was agglutinated; and such patients were close to death, as I sometimes saw when bloodletting, that, neither by this nor by any similar method, blood could be drawn from the body, since the blood was #page 0112v agglutinated; and these sometimes survived for four or six hours, give or take. Furthermore, in every one of the aforemetioned cases, I applied two plasters, one that I placed over the heart to drive the poison from the heart; the other plaster I made from substances dissolvent and aperient and attractive, so it would dissolve the thick matter, and open the pores on the ailing part, as to provide an easier exit, and so it would attract that matter through those opened #page 0113r pores. The first repellent plaster I made from [..], mint, rue, hyssop, and many others, which are effective against the poison, two, or three, or more, according to what I could have; these, I ground thoroughly, and I added a liberal amount of teriac, and that plaster I placed, while hot, over the heart, so it would preserve that from the poison, and defend the heart so that the aforementioned poison would not harm it. The other plaster, dissolvent, aperient, #page 0113v and attractive, I made from several things, sometimes from flour of wheat, sometimes from meal of winter wheat, sometimes from meal of beans, whith a good measure of salt. Sometimes I took dry nuts; I diluted them whith egg-white, and elder juice with ginger and strong vinegar, and added sometimes turpentine(?), sometimes wine, sometimes liquid according to what I could get. I made the plaster well heated, and placed it on the ailing part, so it would be a stronger aperient, and I #page 0114r heated the plaster, and applied it well heated, as the heat and effect were stronger, because the effect and attraction cannot be good without heat, and by these plasters the boils were matured, if there were any remains, and I often acted in this way, and the plague-infected fully recovered, and one should [..] him as above. There were however at times some fat persons, where a gland enclosed matter, and the plague resided deep in the body, because of the great meatiness or fat, #page 0114v so that such a gland could not be felt at all, and leeches could not reach those gland to suck. Neither were there any chickens at this time. I hesitated about bloodletting, since veins were not found; because of the meatiness, even a vein which was cut open did not yield any blood because of the impeding flesh. To such patients I only made strong plasters, as attractive as I could, and applied them while hot on the ailing part, so they would draw out the boil as much as possible; then I applied #page 0115r cupping glasses to draw stronger, after that, plasters; then, when I saw that a bloodletting might well be performed, I did that, or applied leeches, or chickens, as we have said above. But if I noticed that they suffered, like when the gland could not be well extracted all the way to their skin, I had the gland thoroughly cut by a surgeon, so more blood would be evacuated, and thus he was cured from the plague. #page 0115v If, however, the blood could not be evacuated, the patient soon died, and that was because of the blood being agglutinated in the body, and since the disease had made it self manifest for too long. But all this was efficient only in those where the gland [..] had ascended in the aforementioned locations, since the physician then would be certain of where to apply . For there are also sometimes plague-sufferers where no gland and no location #page 0116r of the plague can be noted, sometimes for 3 or 4 days; and on the eighth day they died, as I saw in Rome in the tiburtian(?) plague in 1440 that in many cases, there was no gland; suffered up to 5 or 6 days, and almost everyone died. And thus these said remedies would do no good, but maybe quite the opposite, as in a case where bloodletting could be performed equally quick in a vein where the blood was pure, as in a vein where the blood was infected, and consequently, #page 0116v pure blood was extracted, and the infected blood spread throughout the body, and thus this bloodletting would shorten the life and hasten the death; and here the physician should be very careful, and the same goes for the chickens(?) and the other remedies. This is why I usually suppose that the remedy, which I applied to myself in Rome, in the aforementioned could [..]. I was infected, like others, since I first felt headaches, and then fever, finally, in the kidneys, from [..] #page 0117r I had a very irregular pulse, together with the urine. Thus, there was no hope for my recovery, and therefore I applied the ultimate remedy to sweat; for I tried to provoke sweating until I had began to sweat, and when 3 drops had fallen from my chest, I had bricks heated; from this, I began to sweat heavier, and I counted to 40 drops, and this I repeated 3 times with the bricks, and immediately after these sweatings my urine was so sound that no physician would have believed that I was ill, but thoroughly healthy, and I applied no other remedy, and by the grace of God I was cured in that way. And that is the remedy, which I used to apply in such diseases #page 0117v where no ailing glands are noted, and I have never seen that anybody who has sweated drops like this has died, but all have been cured; I have even seen many fever patients being cured by this, and most of all in dry [..]. The head should, however, be kept in tempered air in these diseases, because of the heat of the chest, since in one part totally consumed the enclosed watery fluid, and in one part fluids left the body in large quantities. In many other diseases I also proved that no sweating was beneficial. #page 0118r Secret plaster for syphilitic nodes Take two drachms of choice rhubarb, six drachms of strong lye, and one ounce of hepatic aloe. These are boiled together at slow fire, in a glazed pot. Then add half a pound of finely cut Venetian soap; this is boiled together at slow fire to the thickness of an ointment, while continuously stirring with a spatula. Then, dissolve yellow wax, and add this to the other substances in the pot, while carefully mixing into a tenacious ointment, not too thick, or too much will be extracted. This is spred on a piece of linen cloth #page 0118v and is applied wherever [..], and on this, a sheet of lead, infused in vinegar and salt for four hours. This is to be renewed twice a day, in the morning and evening, and is called emplastrum de aloe novo. For swelling of the stick and rod Take goat milk in a new pot, where the inflated male member, or stick, can be submerged. A wonderful [..] water, by which miracles are worked by the #page 0119r physicians; if they have done this, they will not be called 'physicians' but 'prophets' Take filings of silver, copper, iron, steel, lead and gold, , golden or silvery calamine, storax, according to the richness of the patient, and poverty; and on the first day it is placed in hot urine of a pure virgin; on the second day, in hot white wine. On the third day in fennel juice, on the fourth day in egg white; on the fifth day in mother's milk, on the sixth day in red wine, #page 0119v on the seventh day in eight pounds of egg white. And all this is poured into a bell-glass at slow fire, and keep that, which is distilled, in a gold or silver vessel, such as is needed. This should be preserved as a secret remedy, since its power destroys malignous leprosy, removes every blemish, preserves youth, and removes maculas of the eyes; above all, makes the eye beautiful. I keep quiet about the secrets of this water, since I fear that those who have it will be carried away by arrogance. Ointment of the same, for the same purpose #page 0120r Take four drachms of wax, one and a half ounces of resin, half a drachm each of mastic, salmiac(?), galbanum, frankincense, castor oil, and camomil; one drachm of [… of] wormwood, flax, and camomil; make an ointment. When a woman cannot produce milk Take a nettle with its root, boil in old beer and give the woman to drink. For headache from syphilis Take shavings of a minutely grated radish, as much as you please, apply #page 0120v preferably to the forehead and head, and it unites(!) the pain. For swelling of the testicles Take seeds of anise, cumin, , and laurel, equal parts of each; powderize, and they should be mixed with juice of dwarf elder or common elder, or otherwise make it from juniper, to which is added a little [..] of dwarf elder or common elder. An ointment which is loosening in colic Take six drachms of camomil oil and fresh butter without salt; #page 0121r three drachms of colocynth pulp. The colocynth is pestled, and should boil with the aforementioned until reduced by one part; it is strained, and smear round the stomach. For blisters of the face. Take powder of sulphur, and mix with rose-water; wash the face with spring water; it makes the face clear. A powder which makes a human urinate, even if he should be dying Shells of are rinsed and dried; #page 0121v and they are ground, [and given] to the patient with white wine and hot water. Two drachms will immediately bring about urination. Oil of beetles, for stone. Take as many crushed beetles as you wish; they are put in a glass jar; cover with oil, and they should be left to putrefy for four weeks; then they are boiled to perfection, and there should be a powerful passing [of the stone]. Aurum vitae according to Caspar Kegler Take two drachms of crude mercury; four and a half drachm of gold; rinse with #page 0122r the strongest kind of vinegar and salt; when it thus is as clean as possible, add half an ounce of live gold in leaves or thin sheets (normally, aurum vivum would mean mercury, but in this case, the meaning is likely just 'gold'), or filings of gold; this should constitute an amalgam, such as goldsmiths use (the text is unclear, but this should be roughly what's meant/UÖ). When this has been cleansed of false gold, until all blackness is removed, put it in a retort, that has been safely prepared as usual; pour over it aquafortis [made according to the] description, until the mercury has dissolved into water; the gold, however, should have the colour of sulphur, and sit on the bottom of the vessel. Afterwards, the retort should be prepared #page 0122v to attach a fitting alembic head. And the connection is well tightened with clay, and it is put on the hearth; distil, first at slow fire, but [..] the fire until the sand is glowing, and the foam [is brought about] which indicates the total separation. The fire is put out, and the vessel is left to cool; it is then taken out, and you will find a red powder, resembling scarlet, on the bottom of the vessel, compacted into a small cake. Break the vessel, beware of the fumes #page 0123r emanating; since they are lethal, the opening should take place in air that is not still (perhaps meaning 'outdoors'/UÖ); the cake should be gently powderized on a porphyry slab; then, put this powder in a well tested strong earthenware vessel in a docimastic furnace; before that, however, one should place the vessel of the darkened and it should be large; one should put it and it should be stirred with white wine (Seems to be a bad copy of a bad translation from the German original, where it is said that the vessel first is to be heated until glowing darkly, whereupon the powder is added with an iron spoon, and stirred with an iron spatula/UÖ), and you will see multicolored smoke, which then turns to black, but do not stop until it (= the powder) turns to its former red colour. When the red colour has appeared, #page 0123v it is removed. Then, take another fresh vessel, and perform the same evaporation and rectification as before, and it will totally exhale its poison, and thus the precipitate is perfectly rectified, and this way everything harmful is removed. Those who are giving birth should avoid the aforementioned precipitate. The dose for old people should be the weight of an old denarius, which means two groats: [..] denarii, and for the younger like one , weighing #page 0124r one obolus from this mint (Another strange translation; the German version prescribes that the drug should be given to younger people wrapped in a wafer, but does not mention the obolus or the mint/UÖ), hardened until small spheres, and it is a remedy for the desperate, who never [..] poison; read the chapter of the [..] herb of the ancients, and you will find out about its other effects. Aquafortis Take [..] pounds of Roman vitriol, one pound of salt; this is pestled, and distilled as usual in perfect nitric acid. Then, this water is distilled again, without any addition, and it is clarified, and the #page 0124v mercury is dissolved in [..] water, and it will calcine the gold, as is said above. Furthermore it should be known, that if some medication has been given, and [the patient] has quickly vomited it, one should not despair, or desist from one's intention, but the medicine should be given again and again, and one should wait for its power and effect. Extraction of pills when you want to extract the laxating effect #page 0125r of the substance, it is above all necessary that the mass is carefully prepared, that the purest aloe is used, and other choice drugs. Then [you take] whatever mass [you want], and break into small parts, and macerate eight days in rain water, juice of borage, and juice of fennel, as much as is needed of each. Then boil in a double glass vessel for one full day; then press through a clean pice of wollen cloth that does not release any hair, #page 0125v and boil again carefully in a bath in a double vessel, into the proper thickness, and make small pills, and give [in a dose of] two scruples or thereabout. [The mass] extracted in this way is very pure, and rather soft, so that it easily melts in your hand. Further, from [any] fluid the medical effect can be extracted in a similar way, but it it should be noted, that lenients should always be mixed in the decoction, such as juice of earthworms, as stated before, and it is much better if it is all boiled in double [vessels]. #page 0126r Someone suffered from syphilis of the interior organs There was a young man, who had very strong pains in his right side; when he was dead, and there was an opportunity to cut [him open], a scar was noted at the knee(!), whence the conclusion that he had suffered from syphilis of the diaphragm; he had very large pustules; where the pain was greatest, he had a pustule in the gullet (or stomach/UÖ) For swelling of the feet #page 0126v Take as much as is needed of pure(?) linseed and of goat milk; boil them together; the plaster is applied hot over [..], and on top of that, a bladder is tied, so that the plaster will not dry out. A water, tried in ulcerations of the foreskin, penis and testicles Take three hardboiled eggs, from which you take the whites, which you chop into small pieces and pestle in a mortar; then, add one fourth as much #page 0127r of aqua-vitae, half an ounce of alum, and two drachms of camphor. Use this way: a linen thread, soaked in this water, is taken, which is applied to the ulcer three or four times a day, and you will marvel at the effect. A water to clean the teeth Take salmiac and rock salt, three drachms of each, and one drachm and a half of alum. This is placed in an alembic and is distilled. If you want to do this another way, #page 0127v this is added to spring water, and it is thus left for eight days; it is strained, and I will rub the teeth to clean them. The best water for virulent ulcers Take half a drachm of roses, two drachms of lentils, sumach, and pomegranate. This should be crushed and boiled in vinegar, and the ulcer is washed. A tried water for fistulas Choice white wine, dis- #page 0128r tilled in a vessel in which aqua-vitae is distilled; water of rosemary and sage are likewise distilled. Then, take flowers and leaves of sage, one drachm of each; mix. Strain, and keep for eight days in a glass vessel. Use when needed. A very soporific water Take seeds of , and of henbane, half a grain(?), of purslane [..] two drachms; three drachms of seeds or root of mandrake, of balloon vine four ounces. Powderize all individually, #page 0128v then take juice of the whole plant of broad beans; juice of the root or leaves of henbane; juice of the leaves of black poppy, if available, or red poppy if the other cannot be had. Distil two [..]; give one ounce, since it is powerful. A solutive for the stomach, and it purges lightly Take wormwood, and elder flowers, [..] drachm of each; three drachms of raisins. These are boiled in #page 0129r white wine, and one should drink it when feeling constipated. It works at all ages. A soporific by an apothecary in Prague Take seeds of carrots, rutabaga (or rape-seed/UÖ), turnip, onion, rocket and ash, one scruple of each; long pepper, ginger and galangal, half a drachm of each; cubeb, paradise [..], eight of each; half a drachm of native borax; spanish fly, false truffel, and nux vomica, one scruple of each; root of [..], and skink lizard, one drachm of each; pistachio seeds, husked pine nuts, #page 0129v and shelled sweet almonds, half a drachm of each; sugar, dissolved in water of fennel, five drachms. This should make a confection in tablets at a weight of half an ounce; they are aromatized individually with the equal weight, and one tablet at the time is enough; it is taken two hours before you go to bed. The best powder for expelling a dead fetus, and to provoke menstruation; but the pregnant woman should avoid it, since it kills the child #page 0130r Take seeds of violets, fenugreek, sauina, charaba, corals, interiors of lilies, culoris of crocus, one scruple. Mix, and should take this with water of verbena, and it will, by divine grace, expel a dead fetus. Another one, from the teachings of Israel choice myrrh, choice white frankincense; it is all powderized and dissolved in olive oil super arbores #page 0130v Anoint the navel; it is very well tested. Water distilled with herb of restharrow, with its roots, breaks a stone more efficiently than what would be expected. Something else should drink pestled earthworms with some whey(?) or broth of hen. Turpeth mineral some oil of vitriol, purified mercury with vinegar and salt are placed in a flask, and distilled until no more liquid emanates; #page 0131r then, remove the mercury from the vessel, and it should be worked on a slab of stone, and it should again be put in a flask, and one pound of oil of vitriol is added, as before, and it is again distilled until all liquid - that is, the oil - is distilled. Then, when liquid no longer emanates, the fire is much increased, so it is a fusing-fire; then the mercury is again removed, and placed on the stone; the finest wine spirit, it is left to putrefy for three days in #page 0131v a sand-bath at slow fire; this fire [..]imi gradus, then the alcohol is distilled, until all is distilled; then it is again worked on the stone, and another pound of alcohol is poured over it, and again, as before, it is distilled, and it is placed in a flask, and choice rose water is poured over it; then the fusing-fire is increased for four hours, and finally, after the four hours of fire are finished, it is done, and it is called turpeth mineral. #page 0132r The dose is from three grains to eight grains; it is taken either in rose sugar or syrup of violets. Pills, proven in headaches, even if one has suffered them for a hundred years (i.e ”for a very long time”/UÖ), and which purge all fluids, bring about happiness, removes sadness, sharpens the mind, gives back eyesight, keeps the memory, and prevents white hair from appearing before its time; if #page 0132v someone uses these, he will be able to keep his memory. Take two drachms of aloe; one drachm each of mastic, scammony, bryony, [..], and field carnation(?), dilute with juice of cabbage; seven or nine [..] are given, according to age, constitution, and time, before taking food, and after. For ulcers If anyone who has an ulcer applies honey with salt, it is opened within six hours. For lice Salt vinegar and water and [..] the head, and the lice will leave #page 133r #Empty page #page 133v #Empty page #missing page #missing page #page 0134r (134r to 138v, line 3, is mostly in Italian; the two first lines of 134r are also in a different hand with slightly altered symbols/UÖ) [..] aching teeth take [..] and one drachm(?) of oil with vinegar, and receive the fumes with open mouth. Remedy for the disease First, when one has the plague, take some vinegar and some rose water […]. Then, soak a rag of linen cloth, and place it over the heart, and you should have … of a living frog, and put it, together with the rag, in [..], and leave it for a quarter of an hour(?). Then, unbind(?) the [..] and [..] the other [..] #page 0134v […] and you should have some juice of [..] leaves, and soak a rag in the juice, and place over the ailing part. Then, take seeds of common mullein, [..] them, and [..]; Tested in [..] To make a strong temper Take 3 pounds of clear water, 2 pounds of saltpetre, and [..] pounds of soot; mix these together, and temper the iron in this. #page 0135r For toothache; proven to work miraculously in half an hour. Take seeds of henbane and of celery, two ounces of each, and make a pill, the size of a chick-pea, with wine; keep one of these on the tooth when the pain torments you. To make the beard black, and the hair, for those who have white hair Take one or two drachms of feretro de spagna #page 0135v one drachm of vitriol, one ounce of [..], two ounces of cloves, one pound of fresh non-shelled galls, two ounces of common salt, one pound of olive oil. Let the oil boil in a new pot, and when it starts to boil, add the galls and let it boil until it [..]; then, extract the oil, and leave it in the air [..] (”until dry”, I guess, but I can't read the words/UÖ). Then pestle it carefully in a mortar. Again [..] #page 0136r [..] dissolve with water, take it from the marble, place on porphyry; to make it more soft(?) add it separately. Then pestle the feretro on the marble, add it separately; also add the vitriol and the cloves separately. L'alcandeo or alcandeo i.e. grains of mature and dried canbro, which the dyers use; the French apothecaries call it their flower, and calls this #page 0136v ”water of Tronus”, and [..] half of it, then mix all the powders together and let boil in as much dark wine as is needed for the mixture, and quickly […] the liquid. Then do like this: first, wash the head or beard and [..] well, and it should not touch any other part than the beard or hair, by this it will become black when sufficiently smeared #page 0137r and covered with said mixture, and you should have some large pieces of cloth, and bind it, and then have some other large pieces of cloth, warm, and apply them over the first while always keeping the said large warm, and leave them; [..] they touch the beard, let the matter [..] it from the liquid, and soak it for four hours, when it is soaked, unbind it, and little by little, powderize over the mixture(wtf?), and #page 0137v wash the beard with mild lye(?), and the hair, well soaked, with perfumed soap, with hot pieces of cloth; then, comb with the comb together with perfumed oil, and leave it, as black. I made tests in Brescia, June 23rd, 1539 [..] the liquids which come from the legs[…] or liver disease, as some say, […], take one ounce of unguent of mercury #page 0138r made according to what is said above; one drachm each of [..] of roses according to Mesue, and of cooling unguent of ceruse, and put it all in a mortar of lead, and mix it for an hour, and […] an ounce of juice of sallatro, and as much rose oil that is sufficient to give it the texture of an ointment, and by always mixing, and then anointing the ailing [part], which soon will be cured #page 0138v and well; if it gets worse again, […] a little. (The ”translation” of the Italian part should definitely be checked by someone who actually knows Italian!!/UÖ) a frenchman swore – and he was a trustworthy man – that he often had cured those who suffered from quartan fever with this plaster Take sifted wheat flour, and powderized male, or white, frankincense, two ounces of each; these are mixed with juice of mint, and this should become a plaster, and it is applied, luke-warm, on a [..] before the paroxysm, #page 0139r from the first vertebra of the back, all the way down to the tailbone, and it should be left there until it falls off of itself, and then it will be certain, as this man said and swore, he who had no reason to tell good and honest men lies, harmful to their neighbours (This is a bit unclear; maybe the intended meaning is that ”good and honest men have no reason to tell harmful lies”/UÖ) especially since this was all about the health of the human body, and, on the contrary, can not be about lethal, or not good, preparations. #page 0139v ...and he truly said that he had proven this experience in several cases. Do note, however, that this kind of plaster, and the aforementioned unguents, will be more efficient if applied when the body has been purged, than with a full body. A vivifying water, which makes a youth of an old man; tested. #page 0140r Take one pound of turpentine; two pounds of honey; one quart of aqua-vitae, distilled three or four times; finely ground agarwood, sandalwood, and letterwood, three drachms of each; one ounce(?) of gum arabic; one drachm each of nutmeg, galangal, cinnamon, mastic, cloves, spikenard, saffron, and ginger; one drachm of fine musk; two drachms of amber. All those are thoroughly ground and mixed together by putting them in an glass alembic with tightly sealed #page 0140v joints until you have the first clear liquid, like spring water. And when the second wants to exit, which will be like burning coal, then make the fire continuously stronger, not by steps, and collect this separately. Afterwards, as the third starts to emanate, which is black and thick like honey, then you should increase the strength of fire until you have all the liquid, and you might know that each #page 0141r of the liquids is warm; the last one, however, is warmer than the second, and the second warmer than the first. The first is called mater balsami ('mother of the balm'); the second oleum balsami ('oil of the balm'); the third balsamum artificiale ('artificial balm', i.e. 'balm made according to the Art'). It is the first liquid that, among other properties, has the following: a soft piece of cloth, soaked in this liquid, and applied in the nostrils, as far as it can be pushed with the little finger, cures from reumace (maybe 'coryza'/UÖ), and this one should do when the patient #page 0141v is going to bed, and a rag is placed under. This liquid, if taken in the morning and in the evening, cures bad breath from any reason. Likewise, it strengthens and whitens teeth that are rinsed with it; it even completely takes away pain, whether from a fluid or from putrid blood, and anything that is placed in it, it protects from putrefaction. Likewise, it is effective in quartan fever #page 0142r if you rub the spine vigorously for a few days. Likewise, it is effective in scabies, if you wash with the aforementioned liquid. It is also effective on hemorrhoids, if you apply a moistened piece of cloth over them. It is effective in any kind of deafness, if you put a little cotton wool soaked in said liquid in the ear. It is effective in redness of #page 0142v the face, if you anoint the red with it; and also in paralysis of the tongue, and generally, it is effective in all infirmities, even those that have cold causes. The second and third are effective in noli me tangere ('don't touch me'; a skin disease, which, judging from descriptions, resembles basal-cell carcinoma/UÖ); in jaundice of the neck and throat (does not quite make sense/UÖ). It is effective against fistulas, and often cures malum mortuum ('the malady of the dead'; a condition with a black and hardened skin, according to Blankaart's Lexicon medicum/UÖ), especially when recent, if you wash with the aforementioned, and foment #page 0143r by applying a piece of cloth. It kills a spider to be touched by this liquid, since no poison can be applied to the liquid (i.e. 'nothing poisonous - as e.g. a spider - can exist in the presence of the liquid'/UÖ). It cures paralysis in all limbs, if one is anointed with the same. Bur in corrosive infirmities the other two liquids are more effective than the first, and the third more than the second; and all the properties of these liquids are not #page 0143v mentioned; there are many, which you might find useful, since they are effective in all infirmities that are brought about by putrefied blood or phlegm. And so ends the third division of the liquids. Attested. Water with flowers of broom Take flowers of broom and distil a water, which you give to a sufferer of dropsy, in the morning and evening, with a powder of #page 0144r spikenard; it cures dropsy from cold causes, as many have experienced. To extract the quintessence and the four elements; that, what is proven on this subject. Take Istrian honey, boiled as you know (='according to the known method', I suppose/UÖ); it should be a medium sized vessel (I am not familiar with the word botia but it has to be some kind of vessel, perhaps an alternate spelling of buta or bota, 'cask', 'keg'/UÖ), well cleansed, with another vessel first placed on top of it. Then let it putrefy in horse manure for #page 0144v seven natural days (one natural day = 24 hours/UÖ); first take it, and place it in a bain-marie, with a recipient large enough, that it might go round the recipient (not entirely clear what this means!/UÖ), and you will see a white, clear, and sweet salt. Remove the recipient, and stir it, so the salt falls down into the liquid that has exited. You put this liquid to putrefaction for four days; as the salt has dissolved in #page 0145r the liquid, you keep a part of this. Take the earth which has remained in the bottom of the vessel, and you should take one part of this earth, and two parts of wine spirit, and let them putrefy in separate vessels for [...] days on their own. Likewise, the aforementioned spirit, extracted by the bain-marie, you place in ashes, at a suitable fire, to extract oil with a little water; this is of no use; #page 0145v only put back the aforementioned earth, and let it again putrefy for seven days; and repeat in this order until water and oil have exited; at least nine times it should exit. After this, add a seventh part of aqua vitae (= alcohol), and extract the humidity by bain-marie at slow fire. But observe after this, that A has been prepared, and take A, i.e. aqua vitae, #page 0146r and pour over it, and extract at slow fire; secondly, you take A.1. and 4.1; the third time, A.i and 4.2; when this has been consumed, the fourth time you take A.1, 4.3. Tested by me. (I have no idea what this means/UÖ). Water that clears the voice and removes hoarseness, and dissolves abscesses in any part of the body. Take twenty handfuls of hyssop, one pound of elecampane; #page 0146v half a pound each of fresh liquorice, figs, raisins, and dates; a quart(?) each of aniseed and sugar. All this is pestled together, and distilled by alembic, and used. To remove bad freckles from the face, and from the whole body(?) Take some of the aforementioned animals called millipedes, or porcelotti; pestle the animals thoroughly, and from these #page 0147r pestled animals, and also with the liquid that is extracted from them, the freckles should be very thoroughly washed every evening, and it should not be absorbed, but […]; from doing this only few evenings, the spots went away, and never came back, and this is tested. Tested drinkable gold Take root of greater celandine, and dry and put #page 0147v in a glazed vessel, and seal well, so it is airtight, and place it under manure for four days, then take it from the manure, and put in the liquid gold leaf in accordance with the amount of liquid, and then distil by alembic, and [..] repeat as needed(?) several times. To make a woman fornicate(?) with you Take one drachm of powder of #page 0148r or pilatro; one drachm of ; one drachm of powder of long pepper, and two drachms of rose honey; of hen's gall, as much as you wish; a small amount of civet, and mix all these together, and when you wish to make use of this matter, or mixture, with a woman, put it on the member: three or four times she should come before you; you will see miracles without any failure. To make oil of balm #page 0148v Take olive oil, betony, pimpernel, St. John's-wort, , lesser valerian, great yarrow, royal fern, , and vervain; to perfect said oil, powderize the herbs mentioned, and let them boil together in the oil; when reduced by a third, it is done. Medicine for the exostoses which appears on horses Take a razor(?) and #page 0149r shave(?) all hair around the exostosis, and then[..] take (This might mean ”cheese of the kind made in March”, but I don't really know/UÖ) or a little and apply this as a plaster; always leave it for three days, and then renew it; and when this has been done four or five times, the exostosis will disappear, which is proven. Remedy to make the few hairs which have fallen off return again It should be anointed with the ointment which [..] necessary #page 0149v first for eight days this powder; four ounces of powderized sarsaparilla; one ounce of powderized leaves of senna. Mix together and divide in seven parts, and take one part every morning. The ointment is this: Take two ounces of oil of southern wormwood; two drachms of propolis; mix together, and warm every evening when going to bed. Lixivious wash (?) to remove #page 0150r scabs on the head in the French disease Take four handfuls of root of well cleansed cane; two handfuls of leaves of southern wormwood; of hypocistis; of [..]tosa; betony; hazelwort; nigella; bark(?) of pomegrenade. Boil these in a large quantity of water and […] the remains (or 'ashes') will make a very mild lixivium, with which you wash the head one day and the other [..] for [..] days of fasting (or maybe 'on an empty stomach'(?)) but [..] to be cured. #page 0150v A very well tried remedy to cure [..] boils, which come from the French disease, from abrasion or from another cause, on the backside, such as sometimes discharge fluid and often are troublesome; [..] in the morning and evening with the powder described below; with this, [..] the cheeks, as much as they are covered; keep on using said powder; in a few days it will be cured. A very well tried and tru remedy. #page 0150r.01 Take slag of brass, and burnt dill seeds(?), mix and powderize. Recipe for curing superficial syphilitic boils. <..baremente> must be kept well clean, and every morning and evening, apply some of the powder, described below; if less vehement, with the one mentioned above; equally [..] be cured. A very good remedy, and tried, to cure syphilitic boils on the testicles #page 0150v.01 we would mention, for abrasions of the testicles. Take precipitate To get rid of anything that appears in the face. Take well pestled sulphur and tie this in a thin piece of cloth, which you place in a vessel with pure, good and warm wine, and with this cloth, with the sulphur within, as it has been well soaked in the warm wine, you touch(?) several times, and the said is cured #page 0151r A specific to make a horse seem dead, without anyone getting suspicious(or something along those lines, I guess/UÖ) Take two ounces of cumin, and take large handfuls of [..] (there must be some text missing here/UÖ) the horse, and put all these things in a pot full of fresh water, like a drinking cup, and put it on the fire, and boil; when it is cooked, place the white lead at the horse gates of this white lead (makes no sense to me/UÖ), and you will see the horse throw itself to the ground #page 0151v and appear dead, and [..] even until [..] not to saddle is the remedy A specific to take hens [..] You take the same with the cumin as above; the hens, and other kinds of domestic and wild animals, who will not eat of of the Another better remedy for the syphilitic boils, and stronger #page 0152r For the same(?) Take powderized(?) scale oxide of copper and burned seeds of dill; apply this powder on the boil until it is dead, then wash thoroughly with water of plantain where the ailment is, and place over it a piece of cloth with unguentum apostolorum; by doing this, washing yourself in the morning and in the evening with the aforementioned water of plantain, and always changing the bandage, you will be cured. #page 0152v Remedy for pains in the legs Take the fresh skin of a hare, well heated, from the part where there is no hair; then place this, warm, where the pain is, and a few times, the skin will remove Remedy to make [..] and disappear [..] that appear on the face [..] and also finally on behalf of the French disease, until [..] (Seems to be dealing with some skin marks from syphilis, but I don't really understand it/UÖ) #page 0153r and to perform the cure(?) to relieve oneself if affected by the French disease. Take of syrup, such as you extract from water of guaiac(?) wood, when this is first boiled, wash the face in the morning and in the evening, with the warm syrup, and where there are bad scabs, apply this throughout, and by doing this for a few days, you will see them fall off(?). [..] then if not, take away the water, and if not, perform the cure with #page 0153v the wood, which liberates you from all. Recipe for cleaning engraved copper Take olive oil, or some other kind, and smear the copper well, and leave it for half an hour, and then, take the inner part of a piece of bread, which has to be soft, and rub well; this washes away all dirt. Recipe for achieving, that do not harm a person. #page 0154r take a lemon, or several lemons, according to the number of persons, and cut and .. them all juice, and with this juice, wash [..] the face and hands, and set aside(?) the rest of [..], for all instances, when washing with this use is needed. And will not do you any harm, and do this every evening. Recipe for avoiding swelling(?) of the member #page 0154v after intercourse, wash the member well with oil or wine, and then, take a piece of soft cloth, which is clean, and place this over the (normally = 'crown' etc., but has to be something else here, I think/UÖ), and leave it [..], and if there appears any malady, if one sees it, take, with the piece of cloth, a little water of plantain, and warm this up somewhat, and wash thoroughly where the malady is located; then, take another piece of the [..] cloth, which you from the beginning of the disease should keep #page 0155r well for all needs Recipe for curing syphilitic boils First, make them die with powder of precipitate; then, spread some ointment of pompholyx on a piece of cloth, and place that on the boil; by first washing morning and evening with water of plantain when you are about to take your medicine. When the boil is fully disappeared you are cured #page 0155v the bandage change should take place every morning and evening, as should the washing. Recipe for making wine from water Take a pair of [..] with a [..] of all kinds of endive (or chicory), bugloss, and borage, and put this to boil in clean water, and extract as large a quantity of broth as possible, and then, add the juice of four or five pomegranates, just to give colour to the broth, then distil the pomegranates, #page 0156r and from the result, the distillate will have the colour and taste of wine. Recipe for making syphilitic boils (ms has panochie, which in Italian normally means 'panicles' or 'corn cobs', but in Milanese panoccia is 'a syphilitic boil', which I think is the likely sense here/UÖ) mature quickly, inside three days. Take the root of good … and clean thoroughly, and then boil it. When well cooked, make an extract, and then pestle thoroughly; then, take flour, and a radish, and cut the radish with a knife, and when cut, rinse it; take the good […] #page 0156v and the cut radish, with flour and genuine vinegar, or milk, and from these, make a composition, and then heat it well in a pot, and take what you can extract from it and put on a piece of white cloth, and smear it on that, and place this over the boil as hot as the patient will tolerate, which in three days will mature it, and open [it] #page 0157r without incision, or when cutting, … you will feel little pain, and this is proven. Take as much must as you wish, such as has not [..], put this in a cask(?), and every day of [..], the [..] of wine should me measured (not really certain about this/UÖ); add to it one pound of guaiac wood, ground into a powder as is done when making a water of said wood (approximate translation, at best/UÖ); let the #pahe 0157v wine boil with said powder, and leave it in the wine, and administer this wine carefully, morning and evening, and you will be cured, and this is proven. Perfect recipe for debilitating, or rather inebriating, all kinds of fish, and it is a proven fact. Take levant nuts and pestle them well, then take guts of a castrated ram, or of calf, and pestle these; then pestle them #page 0158r with the powder mentioned above, mixing this with the entrails, and then, spread as a lure on the place where you want to fish; if done according to what has been said, both the bigger and smaller fish will come to the surface in a quarter of an hour. Tried recipe for curing gleet which is warming of the member. In the evening after dinner, when #page 0158v you want to go to bed, or to sleep, have a drink of fresh water, to which, instead of salt, you add very much sugar, and if you do this three or four times, it will be cured. When the hair does not remain Take egg shells (the text seems to be about whole boiled eggs, however/UÖ), and if they are congealed inside, this way you can easily soften them, [..] fresh water, then, if they are still hard, soften in strong vinegar #page 0159r for eight days, then in a somewhat larger pot to let the matter swell, until it is like an ointment, with which you anoint the face in the evening. Then, in the morning, if you have difficulties breathing, [..] boiling barley water to the face, keeping on the head a piece of cloth, which directs the fumes towards the face; then wash with water distilled with egg white, vinegar, bread, and a little camphor. #page 0159v To write golden letters Put bay leaves in juniper juice; they are dissolved in one night, and with this, write golden letters. To drive away flies Burn hooves of a mule in the house where they are, and they will flee. To make an animal turn yellow the size of the foot of a horse, which you sometimes [..]; cut #page 0160r this, and boil it vehemently, and with the water you wash the skin of the animal you wish (or something similar/UÖ) To make a joke among friends Take aloeswood, and place it in wine over night; then take ant eggs and mix well with the wine; if you pour some of this wine in another wine, you will see your friend – if he takes it – talk #page 0160v with two mouths. To make very salty food mild Take leaven(?) and place in a clean piece of linen cloth, and bind it, and put it carefully in a pot; when you cook the meat a second time, you will see the effect. For You should have good wine spirits; wash yourself well, and rinse the chest and stomach; then powderize a very fine powder of myrrh #page 0161r and put on the chest … with a piece of cloth, and wash with the said wine spirit and powder of myrrh, and …, the nose(?) will be cured, and when it enters the body all the worms will die Water to soften a work of ivory or other bone Take strong vinegar and saliva; boil in this, and #page 0161v the work of bone will be very soft. On the effect and quality of the pimpernel, and of its root. It is carried directly on the skin when a person wants to protect himself against all infections of the plague, and if a woman carries a piece of the root, she will never get pregnant. #page 0162r To drink a decoction of this root and of its leaves, will cure pain of the flank in 24 hours. For pains of the flank Take a rib from a dead body, and grind it finely. Make as much as can be placed on a and give in a drink … the patient in warm wine. It will cure(?) #page 0162v For moles of the … and to remove the sand Take and cut them, and make a powder, and give as a drink, or to eat in a soup in the morning, and the patient will be cured. A noble ointment for burns from the stove, that will heal them and not leave a scar. #page 0163r two ounces of quick lime, rinsed in fresh water; one ounce of fresh wax, and as much rose oil as is enough, and make an ointment, with which you treat the burn morning and evening, and by doing this till the end, you will be cured. Remedy for humours and pains in the feet Wear Jupiter's beard with a stone(?) #page 0163v on it(?), and in the evening when you go to bed, put the herb and its juice under the soles of your feet; in two or three evenings you will be cured. For the womb, in pain oil of camomile, oil of dill, which resembles fennel or anise, and make an omelette with eggs, and apply it, hotter than the patient can endure, she will be free . #page 0164r To make clay for plastering any […], crucible(?), and any other item which you want to clay to place by fire. Take chalk da bocali a parte serko e de cauallo i parte rimaturala and knead these things well together. With this, plaster or smear what you want, and keep the fire strong; further, to make crucibles(?) or other vessels for melting, take .. ounces of chalk; two ounces of quick lime; one ounce of batitum; one ounce of arepo; .. ounce of salt, and knead everything with water. When it is [..] keeping it as mentioned below (Wild guess!/UÖ) For white, take 3 ounces of crystalline silver, .. ounces of luma de rocha borata and [..] and [..] #page 0164v together; then [..] a pot, and put in this oil of tartar, and place it on the hearth and make it fry, and then throw in said powder, and [..] (I don't really get the rest, but it probably means that you should let it boil or something similar/UÖ) To catch fish at night. Take a lantern with three candles or four, and place said lantern at the top of a rod, and place that over the water where you wish, and all fish will rush towards the light #page 0165r To catch fish in daylight Take a very bright stick(?) and put that at the top of a rod towards the sun, and they will rush to this place. To clear the voice Take equal parts of radix ancorum or accorum; root of parsley, and root of liquorice. Mix everything; it should boil in water until half of it is consumed, and use this water. To distinguish ultramarine of azur from other kinds Put the azur on a glowing piece of iron; if it burns, it is of the best kind; if it does not burn, it is not; and when stones are found in the azur, it is not #page 0165v good. Recipe for making milk curdle without rennet(?) Take stones of medlar and pestle them well, and make a powder of them, and of this powder, put as much as you need (I guess/UÖ) in the milk. If you do this, it will curdle as if it were rennet, and you might well reuse the curd, and it is provoked (?!?) Recipe for holywood which [..] every sickness. Take one pound of holywood which has been turned on a lathe (=the shavings, I suppose/UÖ) and #page 0166r half a pound of the bark of said wood recently cut in small pieces, with a good handful of holy thistle, half a pound of raisins [..] 15 or 20 dried plums; then take a new, glazed pot, which [..] hold [..] seven [..] of wine, and add all of the [..] rob, and then get the best white wine that can be found, and pour in the pot, and place this in the burning coal; it should not boil [vehemently], but stand, like in a decoction, for 24 hours; then, [..] #page 0166v this wine, and pour it in another glazed pot, which is well covered, so it does not evaporate, and of this should be given to drink, in the morning [..] a good measure to the patient, as a syrup. should stay in a warm bed, covered with blankets for three or four hours, whence he will sweat much; by this sweating all sickness will then dissolve, if you wipe the face well, so the sweat can not reenter. When this is done, the patient might get #page 0167r up, but not leave the house, and he could drink of this wine with his meals during the day, and as he wishes at night; then, when going to bed, take another measure as a syrup, as in the morning; and so you continue as long as the first decoction lasts. Then, from the same rob, one can make another but [..] pestle the bark that is not ground, and [..] to drink this second #page 0167v decoction, and you could make that boil [..]. When the second one is made and drunk, take again a pound of wood, half a pound of bark, a handful of holy thistle with raisins and plums, and make the third decoction like the first, and after the third, a fourth by the same method as is said above; when one is done drinking all this, one will be restored from any illness; his food #page 0168r shall be delicious and good things, like [..], calf, chicken, capon; fried or boiled, as is preferred, therefore(?) he should be given pig's meat in vinegar and other acrid things, and if the body nevertheless is somewhat hardened, and has not had its usual , one could let it boil with some senna leaves in a pot, and they will render the body obedient. Above all, he should abstain from sexual intercourse. #page 0168v An incarnative and conglutinant powder for wounds and ulcers Take one and a half ounce of hepatic aloes, myrrh, and golden sarcocolla; two drachms each of frankincense and mill dust; two and a half drachms of dragon's blood and terra sigillata; tutty, litharge, tragacanth, . Mix. If, to one ounce of this powder, is also added six drachms of finely cut hair of hare, and it is ground with egg white, it will be able to stop a fresh bleeding; it is a unique medicine. Cardiac Take two and a half drachms of cinnamon; of cloves, #page 0169r (Could there be a leaf missing here? This page should start with ”rum”/UÖ) of slugs, red coral, peel of bitter orange, pearls, hartshorn, burnt saffron, spikenard, one scruple; half a drachm of cubeb, ashes of ebony filings, burnt silk, red roses, basil(?), lemon balm, carabe, leaves of myrtle, and yellow sandalwood; half a scruple of amber; six gl. Masei; uccari dissolved in a decoction of lemon balm, roses, myrrh and laurel, and it should be a confection for morsules. For broken bones Take half a pound of swine's grease; four ounces of frankincense; four ounces of laurel oil; four ounces of dia..ozea; three drachms of oil benedict, juniper, and theriac; #page 0169v three ounces of oil of spikenard; two ounces of petrol, venetian surigme; mix: it should make an ointment. Syrup for timor cordis (Literally ”fear in the heart”; probably some nervous problem/UÖ) Take five handfuls of flowers of dill, lemon balm, and borage; one drachm of flowers and leaves of senna; two drachms of myrobalan, oium auri, and root of bugloss; two drachms of galangal and mastic; one drachm of cinnamon and decli; [..] scruple of mace; one scruple of saffron; mix. Infuse eight days in a sufficient quantity of good white wine, then it should boil at slow fire until perfectly cooked, strain under strong #page 0170r pressure, and, with the addition of a sufficient amount of apple syrup and jelly of quince, it should boil to a perfect syrup. Then one should take a spoonful in the morning. Electuary of wood Take one ounce of finely powderized guaiac wood; one scruple of red sandalwood, aloes rhimi, choice flowers of bugloss and borage; [..] of species diarrhodon abbatis (lit. ”the abbot's spices with roses”), sweet diamoscha, and diambra; mix (I suppose/UÖ) with a sufficient amount of syrup of fumitory; it should make an electuary. #page 0170v Hopping lights Take one ounce of gunpowder; half an ounce of saltpetre; half a drachm of powderized yellow sulphur; grind; add two drachms each of musk dissolved in rose water, and of spikenard oil; one drachm of lime charcoal; two drachms of wine spirit. Mix. Powder against strangury Take one drachm of shelled seeds of melon; two drachms of seeds of white poppy, of pumpkin, and of purslane; one drachm of cloves(?); three drachms of root of equisetum; two drachms of grated liquorice; half an ounce of seeds of iushteleum; as much sugar as the #page 0171r weight of all To catch fish Take half an ounce of castoreum; mix with camphor, cotula, clephani, siler montanus (acc. to some, this is a willow species, acc. to others, it is lovage/UÖ), aurii; then, take the liver of wolf, and of fish, and cut in very small pieces; mix with the aforementioned powder, smear hands and legs, and go in the water; then the fish will come, and you can catch them with your hands. Prince Henry's plaster for hernias Take one drachm of seeds of St. John's-wort, collected #page 0171v in the month of September, seeds of artemisia, meadowsweet(?), terrestria pp; from these should be made a fine powder; add three drachms of oil of eggs, and juniper; place in [..] a warm place for [..] days, then distil by alembic in a sand-bath; keep this oil well sealed. Then take wax, resin, and tar; these are strained through a fine piece of linen; then add this to six drachms of turpentine; it is dissolved at slow fire, and strained. #page 0172r Manardi's antidote from blood, against the plague Take four drachms of blood from a buck, from a male duck, and a female duck, and blood from a goose, and from a young goat, of rue, of fennel seeds, of cumin, of dill and of warty cabbage; two drachms of white pepper and long pepper, costus, valerian, anise, and cinnamon; three drachms of myrrh and spikenard; two drachms of bice[..]oxici, and agaric; twenty of opobalsamum; one drachm of iris, saffron, rhubarb, ginger, and mastic; five [..] of spanish lavender; four #page 0172v times as much, or fortyfour ounces, choice honey; this should make an ointment. Ointment of eggs Take six egg whites, one ounce of crocus of iron; three[..] of frankincense and mastic; half an ounce of litharge of gold; two drachms of myrrh; six drachms of oil of eggs; one ounce of camomile; a sufficient amount of resin and wax; this should make an ointment. Morsule for sexual intercourse Take one drachm of species diamoscha, one scruple of long pepper, cubeb, and bird's tongue (a name used for several different plants/UÖ); one scruple of ginger, white [..], [..] berries, and onion; half a drachm of tail of skink lizard, #page 0173r brain of sparrow, and red ants; two grains of borax; with rose-water this should make a confection for morsules. The best remedy for liberating persons from all colic pains of any kind. Proven. Take excrement of wolf and let it dry, then it should be a powder, of which the patient is given a dose, of the same #page 0173v Proven, for the same purpose, when wolf excrement is not available Take dog excrement; note that one should take the white part of the excrements, since the black are not good, and that you furthermore should dry it, and reduce it to a powder; and of this powder you should give the amount by weight of a ducat, in good wine, as a drink to the patient. For toothaches #page 0174r Donkey's milk clearly strengthens the teeth, and soothes toothaches; especially when rubbed in, it cures breathing difficulties. Likewise, the ashes of bones from weever fish cure toothaches; against toothaches a gargle with seeds of colocynth can be made. Galbanum takes away the pain when applied; they add nut bark (might refer to nucis juglandis cortex, the inner bark of the walnut tree) boiled with honey against the flux of humours. Likewise, fetu oil from the seeds of an Indian(?) plant #page 0174v cures toothaches from warm causes; it is most useful for inflations and other sickness that comes from causes, and drunk with vinegar it cures toothaches and infections of the gingivae. Likewise, agates (seems that this might also mean ”amber” at the time/UÖ), washed in water, fasten loosening teeth; juice of pomegranate. Likewise, wine, the digestion is strengthened, the primary as well as the secondary. Likewise, if one mixes sap of calamus with that of wormwood, #page 0175r with the addition of wine, one gives that to strengthen the digestion. Likewise, it is very good for strengthening the digestion and the stomach. Remedy to make serpents take flight Burnt horn of goat drives serpents away. Likewise, burnt bone of elephant (perhaps = ”ivory”/UÖ) drives away poison and serpents. Likewise, lion's fat is an antidote; a human, smeared with wine and lion's fat will repel all animals, even drive away #page 0175v serpents. Likewise, the smell of resin of cedar alone drives away serpents, which, when they sense the smell, die. Likewise, the fumes of burning cedar drives away, and kills, serpents. Likewise, lilies drive away serpents. Against stings of scorpions Against stomach pain Against stomach pain, a decoction of wine with bay leaves is given. Likewise, vinegar, when finding the stomach full, #page 0176r laxes it; when empty, constricts it. Likewise, calamus has a strengthening effect, from its aromatic , against stomach and intestine pains from cold causes; and it is a certain remedy for flatulence. So is dill; the plant chewed, or drunk as a decoction, strengthens the brain, and is the best for the digestion of urine. Likewise for stomach pains from flatulence, also seeds of coriander in the food; decoction of wine #page 0176v with the same. Likewise, cereals help an upset stomach. To provoke urination Pulp of figs(?) laxes the bowels and provokes urination. Likewise, slightly watery, white, and clear wine digests quickly, penetrates the veins, and provokes urination; it is effective in fever patients, since it does neither warm forcefully, nor affect the mind; neither harm the brain, nor the veins. Likewise, dill, chewed or taken as #page 0177r a decoction, is optimal for the digestion of urine. Likewise fennel, even dried, is a herb of subtle substance, whence it [..] provokes urination. Likewise parsley is a warm and dry herb. It has the ability to provoke digestion of urine, and is effective on stone . On scars or wounds. Gall of bubalus (probably ”buffalo”; otherwise ”gazelle”/UÖ) is medicinal; likewise, wax heals wounds; mixed with opobalsamum and applied over a scar #page 0177v for one day; this should be observed for days, even for forty days, if necessary, and it could preserve dead bodies. On dead flesh Powder of white pepper destroys superfluous flesh in a wound. Likewise, its sap with that of mint, is unique, added to the powder with honey, it destroys dead flesh in a wound or in a fistula. Likewise hematite; when crushed, the powder of this stone #page 0178r destroys and removes dead flesh that grows in wounds. To make an aspic of fish or of meat in any time of year. Take the fruits which are commonly called cydoniae (= quince), and one should take from those the grains inside, and you should grind them well. Then, put them in a glass(?) with the aspic, and the aspic will congeal. To gather fleas to a unity #page 0178v Take an excoriated twig of elder, and smear with buck's fat, and place in your chamber, or wherever you wish, and they will get stick to the twig. Well tried remedy for those who have feet, broken from travel, or who are very tired. Take sap of nettle, and smear the soles of the feet at a good fire; the following day, the patient will be cured. Against colic, or pains of #page 0179r the flank, or stone. Take a decoction of the herb and root of agrimony, and dilute wine with this liquid for three days, and you will find it a very good remedy; decoction of this herb, and water distilled , are very efficient in this ailment. Oleum of sulphur Take two pounds of native sulphur, one pound of finely ground white scissile alum (maybe, but not at all certain!/UÖ), and let them mix; then they are placed in an oblong linen bag, #page 0179v which bags you slowly bring to boil in the urine of children, or in an alembic; remove the red matter that floats on the surface with a feather or with a wooden spoon [..] and when it has been collected, distil by bowl(?) at slow fire, or by bain-marie; keep that which comes out; that is oleum of sulphur, and the first distillate is clear, the second is yellow, the third is red; save that as a treasure. #page 0180r By another method Take six pounds of skimmed childrens' urine, and put three pounds of [..] or [..], and let boil until reduced by a third, then distil, and take one pound of native sulphur, and let boil in said lixivium in a glass vessel, until the reduction of half of it, over a fomellum; then, distil by glass bowl, and [..] the first oleum of sulphur, of a golden color, most [..], both contraction of the sinews, and congeals the flaccid (Not exactly clear/UÖ) #page 0180v Remedy for a fistula which cannot be cured by any ointment; also cleanses, and keeps it clean Take sap of serpentine (the name has been used about several plants; I don't know which one this is/UÖ), and apply, or infuse, in the fistula, and then, take the leaves of the same serpentine, and cover the fistula, and by this it will be cured. This is proven. Tempering for hardening iron, so other iron cannot break it Take sap of nettle, a child's urine #page 0181r ox-gall, blood of a buck, strong vinegar; mix, and temper the iron which you want to use for a blade, a file, or any other instrument. To be able to keep distinct memories, and you will remember whatever you hear; it is tried. A confection is made in this way Take one [..] of violets, yellow myrobalans, cubeb, grains of paradise, cinnamon, amber, galena, and long pepper; everything that #page 0181v should be powderized is powderized separately, and mixed with skimmed honey; there should be one pound of honey, and this should make an electuary. Spanish wax. Take six drachms of turpentine and tar; two drachms of yellow sulphur. The turpentine is boiled down until it becomes Light that burns in water. Take four drachms of wax; three drachms of native sulphur and quicklime; one drachm of turpentine; two drachms of petrol oil; #page 0182r mix, and this should make a candle. Ointment for sexual intercourse Take half a drachm of oil of laurel, of nutmeg, of euphorbium, and of ants; one and a half drachm of powder of Spanish chamomile, and of euphorbium; one drachm of musk, amber, quail fat. Mix; it should make a liniment. Powder for stone. Take one drachm of seeds of yarrow, parsley and anise; half a drachm of saxifrage; one drachm of root of #page 0182v meadowsweet, liquorice, and cinnamon; half a drachm of red sandalwood, nutmeg, and cloves; half a drachm of nephrite (probably/UÖ), and stone of peach; one drachm of melon seeds and grains of paradise; this should make a dose of powder. Of senna leaves one and a half pound of spring water; make an infusion over night; it is boiled, and forcefully expressed; take eight drachms of the strained liquid passatarum let boil, finally add #page 0183r two and a half drachms of rose mustard Plaster for pleuresy Take one pound of decoction of root of white lily in sapa; two drachms of seeds of mallow, marsh-mallow, dill, maidenhair fern, and violet, flowers of chamomile; three drachms of meal of fenugreek seeds and linseed; one drachm of saffron; fresh butter; this should make a plaster. Precipitate of mercury #page 0183v Take one pound of Roman vitriol; one pound of crude alum; one and a half pound of salt petre; all is distilled by glass; the last distillation, when the spirits exit; then, take half a pound of mercury, and it is calcinated with said liquid; after calcination it is put to strong fire until the colour is red; it is kept. Species diaturbith with rhubarb #page 0184r of flowers of violet and ginger; one and a half ounce of aniseed, cinnamon, choice saffron, and snake's head iris; two and a half ounce of choice rhubarab; six drachms of diagrydium; one pound of white sugar [..] Some peasant's cure Someone who had drunk a very strong poison prepared by dr. Johann [..], was saved after taking the following powder; this peasant also used to #page 0184v either a medium sized toad, or a very venomous spider to prove the powder, in the presence of Duke Augustus, elector of Saxony, and received after that a gift of five hundred thalers; however, all the simple ingredients ought to be carefully collected between the Assumption and the Nativity of Mary, and dried in the shadow, without sunshine, as follows Take half a drachm of valerian; one drachm of white swallow-wort; two drachms of black hellebore; one drachm of nettle; one and a half drachm of rind and #page 0185r roots of spurge laurel; two drachms of root of marsh-mallow; all is put in a new pot, and on these roots, choice vinegar is poured; then the pot is well sealed, so no spirits can exit. Boil for half an hour, then let it cool by itself; then the vinegar is poured out. Add to the boiled roots twelve grains (=seeds?/UÖ), and thirtysix leaves, of wolf's bane, all ideally dried in darkness, not in sunshine. Finally #page 0185v is powderized and sifted; preserve this powder carefully. The dose is one drachm at a time; it is effective against all lethal poisons, whether drunk or cooked; it is even effective as protection from venoms. Another methoded, from Duke Ferdinand, elector of Saxony Take one and a half drachm of root of swallow-wort; two drachms ostrucy; one and a half drachm of polypody and bladderseed; one drachm of valerian and #page 0186r nettle; four drachms of young roots of our indigenous real angelica (I suspect that rad iunioris should be placed before ana drachmas iiij/UÖ). All these should be dug up on the feast of St. Giles, and one should see to it that the sun does not shine on that place; they are to be carefully dried; thus they are prepared as the aforementioned remedies. For blisters of the face of virgins Take half a drachm of finely powderized litharge; add as much rose-water as is needed for mixing; it should be #page 0186v a fluid and moist liniment, with which the unsightly parts are moistened mornings and evenings. For morphoea and blisters of the face, and all unsightlinesses of the body. 1 Take two drachms of root of arundo ('cane'; uncertain which plant this is/UÖ); these are ground with two drachms of whey of goat, and strained; with this, the face is anointed in the evening; in the morning, however, it is washed with whey of goat or with clean, ordinary water. #page 0187r 2 Take two drachms of finely powderized sarcocolla; this is ground with womens' milk to make a liniment. 3 Take half a drachm of seeds of melon; grind with four ounces of elder-flower water; strain; this should make a liniment. 4 Take half a drachm of dried rinds of melons (not sure, really/UÖ); these are ground and mixed with three drachms of barley, then strained. Use this. 5 Take half a drachm of rice meal, grind with four drachms of [..]; this should make a liniment. #page 0187v 6 Barley water, with which the face and other unsightly parts are washed, without being dried. 7 Egg white, whipped to a froth; then are added arobullas [resi..re], and with this crude mixture the face and other parts are anointed. 8 Take five drachms of finely ground, soft and loose chalk; four drachms of broad bean flowers; this should make a liniment. 9 For traces of smallpox #page 0188r Take two drachms of finely ground and rinsed litharge; three drachms of melon-milk are added; this should make a liniment which removes black mann: and scars, and destroys traces of smallpox X Take five drachms of fine ach: ; this is dissolved in three drachms of water of white lily flowers; should make a liniment. XI Five drachms of wheat starch is dissolved in four drachms of whey of goat; should make a liniment. XII Ground sweet almonds and milk, with which one should wash the face. #page 0188v XIII The same does milk of bitter almonds X4 Take [..] of meal of shelled broad beans, or of barley, or of wheat, or of bitter-vetch, or of peas, or of lentils [..] tragacanth, from which should be made a liniment with the aforementioned [..]. Take XV Broad beans are macerated for one day in acrid vinegar, and are shelled. Afterwards, they are dried and pestled. #page 0189r This should make a powder, which is to be mixed with rose-water; it should be like a liquid liniment, with which the face is decorated. On hardened nipples from coagulated milk. Take meal of wheat or of winter wheat; boil with fat and wine, and apply; it cures induration, softens and matures boils; softens hardened sinews; relaxes spastics and paralysed (approximately/UÖ). Egg white, virgin honey, wheat flour #page 0189v mix; it should make an ointment or plaster; apply on a piece of cloth. Equal parts of frankincense and chalk; mix with rose-water; it should make a plaster; apply. Take nasturtium, goat milk; boil; drink it tepid. Application in the womb One should have at hand a hastula (literally 'a small spear' but here obviously some kind of instrument) made of ivory or smooth wood, or of cane, which, as regards size and shape, is proportioned in accordance with the cervix, and the womb itself. #page 0190r By no means, however, should it be sharp, neither too obtuse, but somewhere inbetween, and with this applications in the bottom of the womb itself, for the higher and internal parts, are made; the hastula should not, however be inserted bare; since it is hard, it could easily be harmful to the womb; thus, it should be wrapped in wool, bombax, silk cloth, whole silk (not sure if there is a difference/UÖ), and be boiled in ovalia or something similar, a similar experience in the taste of wine, and the well cleansed hastula should soak in this ideal decoction, or in #page 0190v oil of myrtle or of rose, since this strengthens and corrects the womb, and contracts the ligaments; these oils are however adstringent, since they lubricate because of the fat, whence the womb and its ligaments can be relaxed, thus the following decoction is useful (I don't really understand the reasoning here/UÖ) Decoction for the hastula Take one handful of rhn [..] of sumac [..], of hypocist; one handful of [..] cypress; boil in a sufficient amount of astringent and sour dark wine, until reduced by #page 0191r a third or by half; the aforementioned hastula is involved in this, and is inserted into the womb, and it is necessary that the hastula is kept in the womb for some time, for three or four days. Warning Note that the hastula should be thicker in its neck or head, to resemble the womb; in its base, however, it should be thinner, so that the orifice of the bladder or the urinary passage could not be cut off; #page 0191v thus, the hastula should be incised, having like a canal at the opening of the bladder. But our intention is not to insert it into the womb, but that it is kept when inserted and remains inside. If, thus, the matter when it is relaxed is pituitous, I will point out that one should not be too audacious in this treatment, but if it is at all to be offered, the dose should be half a drachm, or [..] a drachm each time, for twenty or thirty days, because it requires a long time; one drachm of agaric with half a drachm of conserve of roses also #page 0192r suits the exit well; cassia is also useful, with one drachm of agaric; one might also give hiera diacolocynthidos (a powerful laxative, made with colocynth, hellebore and several spices/UÖ) each month; one and a half or two drachms; at most three drachms. If, however, the cause is not pituita, but ruptured ligaments, then the cure [..] is another; relaxing the ligaments is however soothing(?); if suitable in the situation, blood letting is performed, then medication is given orally; thus, one should give juice of #page 0192v quince, barberry(?), pomegranate(?), which do not have a disagreable taste; they can also be added when cooking, or some [..] or pieces of quince, and the bowels can be purged by an enema; this should however be mild and not adstringent, but after the [..] of the bowels, there should be applied fomentations round the flanks, made from plantain, dill(?), and hypocist, and other similar . And the aforementioned. (This piece does not seem entirely coherent, and I might well have misunderstood some things/UÖ) #page 0193r On cancer (not necessarily what is meant by 'cancer' today/UÖ) of the womb Cancer can appear in any part of the body; it is however cured by this method, by which the Duke of Lorraine was cured; Take a frog and two crabs, and powderize them in a pot; apply this powder on the place , but first, wash the wound with own urine; first of all, however, the patient should be thoroughy purged, and a vein should be opened. (In spite of the heading, the Duke of Lorraine would not likely have had a womb, though/UÖ) On cleansing(?/UÖ) of the member Take liver of calf and sage; #page 0193v these are thoroughly soaked; then distil. With this liquid, anoint the member twice or thrice a day; likewise, a cupping-glass can be applied, without incision. Take equal amounts of bear fat, blood of calf, and lard of a castrated male pig; mix; this should make an ointment, with which the member is anointed. Take one handful of grains (presumably = berries/UÖ) of juniper; they are put in a sufficient amount of wine spirit, and the infusion is left for a couple of hours; then it is pressed through a piece of cloth, and with this the member is anointed #page 0194r bone marrow of an ox, wax, ointment of nettle, fat of bear, and fat of buck; mix. A serpent is boiled until the meat is separated from the bones, then the meat is pressed through a piece of cloth; finally, collect the fat that floats on the surface. Smear the body with this, it restores an emaciated body; proven by count Ludwig. #page 0194v Afterwards, anoint with the following ointment: take one and a half drachm of laurel oil, two drachms of calf's blood, one drachm of salt, six drachms of wine vinegar, one drachm of egg white and olive oil; mix. With this the member is anointed. Take equal parts of long pepper and castoreum; wine spirit and marrow from the legs of horse and dog; mix. This should make an ointment; use this. For small, hard, and dry blisters Take honey and strong vinegar; mix, and rub the blisters forcefully. #page 0195r Take a sufficient amount of juice of celandine, gall of carp, and honey; mix together, and, when going to bed, anoint the bladders. To cleanse the face Take shelled seeds of melon as above; also removes spots. Take meal of bitter-vetch with honey-water; wash your face; this removes spots. Take equal parts of camphor, rose-water, and wine spirit; mix. Wash the face thrice a day; smear with cinnamon mixed with honey in the evenings; #page 0195v then, in the morning, it is washed off with rose-water. Water for blisters of the face Isaac Hoob (no idea who that is/UÖ) Take four drachms of water of flowers of bean, water-lily(?), elder, white lily, rose, and fumewort; the liquid is mixed, and the following powder is suspended inside, tied in a linen bag: Take half a drachm of bran of wheat(?), and meal of bean; one drachm of cloves; [..] drachm of borax and camphor; mix and it will be a powder. #page 0196r Remedy for removing the blemishes that remain on the legs after having scabies; by the surgeon Pietro di Trento, for his mother(?) Take juice of lemon, ceruse, and rose oil, and mix according to the art of sipitiari, and from using this (not an exact translation, but this must be the meaning/UÖ) the aforementioned blemishes will be removed. Decoction that purifies the blood Take one drachm of root of polypody and of liquorice; one handful each of herb of bugloss, [..]orannis, betony, endive(?), pincushion, hart's #page 0196v tongue, fumewort, and hop; half a drachm of snake's head iris; six drachms of black hellebore; two drachms of Alexandrine senna leaves without stems; one and a half drachm of seeds of safflower; three drachms each of aniseed and fennel ; a sufficient amount of flowers of borage, bugloss, and violets; let all this boil in four pounds of goat's whey if available, in spring water, until half of it is consumed; it is strained and clarified with four drachms of red sugar, and if the #page 0197r physician wants, two drachms of choice rhubarb might be added, and as much as is wanted of spikenard(?) is suspended in the decoction, tied into a linen bag. Decoction of bark of buckthorn Take four drachms of bark of buckthorn; half a drachm of root of chicory; one and a half handful of herb of holy thistle; half a drachm each of aniseed and fennel seeds; a decoction should be made in four pounds of water, until one third is consumed; the infusion should be left in a warm place for three days. #page 0197v Another ointment for ficus (might be hemorrhoids or possibly condyloma/UÖ) Take burnt alum, and rose honey; mix together; anoint the ficus, or you could smear a piece of linen and apply it. To catch wolves and foxes Take one drachm of root of monkshood; one drachm each of coarsely ground Venetian glass, white arsenic, fl[..]ibane, sublimate of mercury, and white hellebore; pills are made with honey, #page 0198r in the morning, and small (maybe something is missing here?/UÖ), and are kept to be used. They are however dried in the shadow, and if you want to catch wolves, you melt them with chicken fat, and administer them on a fresh carcass of some kind. Decoction for dysury; tried. one and a half drachm(?) of liquorice and one ounce(?) of raisins, eubee (herb?) of mint. These are boiled in lettuce water until one third #page 0198v is consumed. Stones of peach, and germander, both in equal amounts con casculum. Infusion of senna with its correctives Take six drachms of senna leaves; two drachms of ginger; half a drachm each of borage, bugloss, roses, and voiolets; one drachm each of rind of citron, and root of polypody; two drachms of raisins; forty sebestens. A little(?) ointment for the spleen #page 0199r [..] half a drachm(?) each of [..]rolci, capers, sweet almonds, white lilies, and dill, two drachms of hart's tongue, haircap moss, rind of root of caper, tamarisk, plantain, and scurvy-grass(?), and one drachm of bdellium are powderized. This powder is dissolved in vinegar, and with the aforementioned oils, and a sufficient amount of wax, one and a half drachm should make an ointment. S.A. A galenic electuary, translated from the Arabic language #page 0199v by Mr. Halgiet[..]ga, legate of the Turks in Vienna(?); he could not make this himself; in the pharmacy ebestol[..]fiana to rub cancru[..] Take five drachms of spikenard, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, galangal, saffron, long pepper, white pepper, wood of costus, balm of bilberries (or "balm and bilberries"/UÖ), and agaric; three drachms of rhubarb; twenty and a half drachms of mastic; the same amount as everything, by weight, of sugar, and three times as much of skimmed honey; as often #page 0200r this is taken; finally the spices which need shadow when collected (or something similar/UÖ) S.A. are ninety drachms. Ointment against arena (lit. 'sand'; here "sandlike deposits from the urine") Take one drachm of unguentum dialtheae; two drachms of arogocis marcurt (I don't know what this is, but marcurt might perhaps be a misspelt mercurii, 'mercury'/UÖ), oil of white lilies, and dill; six drachms of scorpion; twenty egg whites; mix after boiling; three drachms of powderized Jew's stone; mix; it should make a soft ointment. Oil of ceruse #page 0200v Take one pound of ceruse and three pounds of twice distilled "live vinegar" (acetum vivum is something that does not seem to exist; maybe the writer thougt of argentum vivum, 'mercury'; in this recipe, however, vinegar is the proper ingredient/UÖ); you put these in a glass vessel, which you place in a water bath to simmer for one hour; then you put it aside again, and keep it warm with linen cloth; after this oil remains, to which you add wine, and let it stand for one day and one night in a bain-marie; and you do this two or three times; then you place the vessel with the oil in sand, and then #page 0201r this oil cures all scars and ulcers. To make camphor oil You take camphor, and you break that into pieces, and put it in milk, and you take it up again, and dries it, and then powderize it, and it should be left in the sun for three hours, and then you pour it over a cold #page 0201v silver plate; this powder, you should cover with another plate to keep it warm; then you place it in the cellar, and thus it will become an oil, and this oil should be used for scabies. Proven. To make strong cinnamon Take one and a half drachm of good cinnamon; one and a half drachm of grains of paradise; half a drachm of armenian clay; one scruple of long pepper; three drachms of white sugar; with an infu- #page 0202r sion of tragacanth in rose water, it should form a paste. Ointment for the French disease Take five and a half pounds of laurel oil; two pounds of junipers; one pound of mercury and laurel berries; six drachms of juniper powder; this should be mixed in a mortar, and make an ointment. Ointment against the French malady Take [..] drachm of fresh ceruse; #page 0202v two drachms of serpentaria (uncertain what plant this is; the name has been used for several medicinal herbs/UÖ); two drachms of Spanish chamomile; one and a half drachm of frankincense, mastic, dragon's blood, litharge, powder of tormentil, and olive oil; three fresh egg whites; these are to be mixed, and should make an ointment of medium spissitude For drying out bladders Take half a drachm of mastic, burnt alum, and sublimate of mercury; this is boiled in #page 0203r enough water to moisten the powder. Powder against tapillo dandruff Take one drachm of gentian; one and a half drachm of fenugreek; half a drachm of celtic and Indian spikenard; half a drachm of [..]ircos; mix; it should make a powder. Preparation of scammony Take two drachms of seeds of celery, carrot, fennel, and psyllium, #page 203v flowers of rose and violet; one drachm of yellow myrobalans; one drachm of aloes and galangal; let them boil in six drachms of wine or sap of roses until a third is consumed; express; after pressing, take one pound; this is mixed with one pound of coarsely ground scammony, and place it in a hot mortar, and, as regards the quantity, until it is consumed, to the expressed liquid the powder and a powder of six drachms of mastic, tragacanth, and bdellium; half a drachm of yellow myrobalans, and two drachms of diapomis and diaganti are added; mix; it should be made to trochisks. (This is not entirely coherent, but I think this it what it means/UÖ) #page 204r The property of ellebore The elleborus niger is called herba salvatoris by the distillers, since it liberates the humans from all sickness that is brought about by phlegmatic and melancholic fluids; it removes the thick fluids from all parts of the body; it gives good colour …, and it makes the flesh smooth and even. And because of this, it is given for cancer, for bites, and for moles of the skin. Only the exterior part of the root should be given, and not the core, because that part causes flatulence, vomiting and colic of the intestines. Do not give it mixed with other solutives, for it is very potent. For the same reason it is quite conveniently [used], but two scruples of peel from the root, taken as a powder, contained in wafer, will be enough, as otherwise, because of the bitterness, they cannot take it. They keep the human young and healthy for a long time; if used continuously, they the pains from gout and arthritis, if an extract is made with alcohol; #page 204v wash very vigorously with this, and not too ...