Stockholms universitet

Anaïs RichardForskare

Om mig

I am a French postdoctoral researcher from Bordeaux. 

I did my PhD (2018-2022) at the research marine station of Arcachon (Bordeaux University), under the supervision of Olivier Maire and Xavier de Montaudouin. The aim of my PhD is to investigate the influence of bioturbation processes of benthic macrofauna on biogeochemical fluxes and microphytobenthos dynamics, in order to better understand the role of benthic fauna in the ecological functioning of soft-bottom intertidal ecosystems.  

From April 2023, I begin a posdotorate with Johan Eklöf at the DEEP. I am working on NordSalt project, which will assess the diversity, extent and long-term changes of Nordic coastal marsh habitats, to evaluate their role in climate regulation and to assess their vulnerability and change in ecological structure and functions under future climate warming scenarios, local environmental pressures and management decisions.

I will more specifically study the relation between plant community, Blue Carbon and grazing/management pressures along the Swedish coast to better understand the ecological functioning of saltmarshes and how these habitats can mitigate global changes.