Stockholms universitet

Björn LundqvistProfessor, stf prefekt

Om mig

Professor i europarätt med inriktning mot konkurrensrätt
Ämnesansvarig för Europarätt


Jag har den senaste tiden forskat inom regleringen av den digitala ekonomin. Projektet inleddes med en banbrytande konferens som hölls 2017 vid Stockholms universitet med över 80 forskare som presenterade papers på ämnet Competition Law for the Digital Economy. Vi erhöll forskningsmedel från Rådet för forskningsfrågor på Konkurrensverket inluderat medel för en doktorand. En bok och ett flertal artiklar och kapitel har nu publicerats: Regulating competition in the digital economy - with a special focus on platforms, in Björn Lundqvist with Michal Gal (ed) ‘Competition Law for the Digital Economy’ (ASCOLA Competition Law series Edward Elgar 2019); Data Collaboration, Pooling and Hoarding under Competition Law in Rosa Maria Ballardini, Petri Kuoppamäki, och Olli Pitkänen (red) ’Regulating Industrial Internet Through IPR, Data Protection and Competition Law’ (Hart 2019); Cloud Service as the ultimate Gate(keeper) The Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, Volume 7, Issue 2, July 2019; Competition and Data Pools, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, 2018 Vol. 7(4); och Big Data, Open Data, Privacy Regulations, Intellectual Property and Competition Law in an Internet-of- Things World: The Issue of Accessing Data in: Bakhoum M. et al (red) ‘Personal Data in Competition, Consumer Protection and Intellectual Property Law’ (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, vol 28. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2018). 


Kursansvar för grundkursen i Europarätt tillsammans med Antonina. Jag har vidare ensamt eller delat kursansvar för tre fördjupningskurser / magisterkurser: EU Competition Law, Legal Methods in Research and Practice, och Master Thesis in European Economic Law. Jag undervisar på doktorandkurser och handleder studenter och doktorander. Föreläser även externt, nu senast om “Novel forms of abuses of dominance in digital and green economies” för The Competition Summer School for Asian officials, organiserad av College of Europe for the European Commission DG Competition, Competition Cooperation EU – ASEAN Partnership.

Föreläser regelbundet vid Europeiska universitetsinstitutet och University College London (UCL).

Tidigare akademiska tjänster

Associate Professor, Handelshögskolan i Köpenhamn (Copenhagen Business School) (Denmark)  2012-2016

Akademiska förtroendeuppdrag  

Medlem av SNS konjunkturråd 2021. 

Jag är styrelseledamot i den globala och allmänt välrenommerade Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA). En globala förening för konkurrensrättsforskare. Jag är därtill nordenrepresentant för ASCOLA.  

Föreståndrae för Nätverket för Europarättsforskning samt Institutet för Europarätt. Jag är aktiv inom det nordiska nätverket för konkurrensrättsforskning. Jag sitter i styrelsen för Föreningen för Marknads- och Konkurrensrätt. Samtliga dessa föreningar försöker bringa forskare och näringsliv samman i olika forum.


Guest Professor, Aix-Marseille University, 2023
Leading Scholar, Higher School of Economics, Research University 2018-2021
Michigan Grotius Fellow, University of Michigan Law School 2006-2007
Visiting Fellow, UN Conference Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 2005 


Medlem av SNS konjunkturråd 2021. 

Den av EU-kommissionen publicerade och mycket uppmärksammade rapporten om digitala ekonomin: Competition Policy in the Digital era (skriven av Jacques Crémer Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye och Heike Schweitzer 2019) är mycket sparsam med källor men hänvisar till min artikel Competition and Data Pools, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, 2018 Vol. 7(4) vilket tyder på att min forskning börjar få visst genomslag i Europa. Till detta bör läggas att mitt paper: Big Data, Open Data, Privacy Regulations, Intellectual Property and Competition Law in an Internet-of-Things World: The Issue of Accessing Data in: Bakhoum M. et al (eds) ‘Personal Data in Competition, Consumer Protection and Intellectual Property Law’ (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, vol 28. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2018) var det fjärde mest nedladdade Antitrust working paper på SSRN under 2017 Kapitlet är fortfarande populärt på Springers hemsida.

På TV (2020): and 






Regulating the Data-Driven Economy under EU Law – Access and Transfer of Data’ (Cambridge University Press, pp. 260, 2023)

Competition Law for the Digital Economy’, editor Björn Lundqvist with Michal Gal, ASCOLA Competition Law series (Edward Elgar pp. 350, 2019)

‘EU Internet Law’ (Ex Tuto, pp. 352, September 2015, 2nd ed. 2018), together with Jan Trzaskowski, Andrej Savin, and Patrik Lindskoug

‘R&D collaborations under the Competition Rules of the European Union and The Antitrust Laws of the United States’ (Edward Elgar monograph, pp. 303, May, 2015).

‘Standardization under EU Competition Rules & US Antitrust Laws: The Rise and Limits of Self- Regulation’ (Edward Elgar monograph, pp. 496, May, 2014).


Artiklar och kapitel

An Access and Transfer Right to Data – from a Competition Law Perspective (2023) Journal of Antitrust Enforcement volume 11, issue supplement 1, i57-i71 

The proposed Digital Market Act and Access to Data – a revolution, or not?, (2021) IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 52(3), 239-241

How Does the EU Protect Competition in the Digital Platform Economy? in Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, A., Leijon, K., Michalski, A., Oxelheim, L. (eds.), The European Union and the Technology Shift, Palgrave, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg (2021). 

Data Access, Portability and EU Competition Law (2020) November 2020 issue of the CPI Antitrust Chronicle

Together with Erion Murati Collaborative Platforms and Data Pools for Smart Urban Societies and Mobility as a Service (MaaS) from a Competition Law Perspective. In: Finck M., Lamping M., Moscon V., Richter H. (eds) Smart Urban Mobility. MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, vol 29. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2020).

‘Hur skyddar EU konkurrensen i den digitala plattformsekonomin?’ in Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, A., Michalski A., Oxelheim, L., (eds) EU och teknologiskiftet: Europaperspektiv Stockholm: Santérus Förlag, (2020)

Public Law, European Constitutionalism and Copyright in Standards, in Jorge L. Contreras (ed) ’Cambridge Handbook of Technical Standardization Law’ (Cambridge 2019) 

Regulating competition in the digital economy With a special focus on platforms, in Björn Lundqvist with Michal Gal (ed) ‘Competition Law for the Digital Economy’ (ASCOLA Competition Law series Edward Elgar 2019).

Data        Collaboration,        Pooling         and         Hoarding         under         Competition         Law      in Rosa Maria Ballardini, Petri Kuoppamäki, and Olli Pitkänen (eds) ’Regulating Industrial Internet Through IPR, Data Protection and Competition Law’ (Hart 2019)

Cloud Service as the ultimate Gate(keeper) The Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, Volume 7, Issue 2, July 2019, Pages 220–248

Competition and Data Pools, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, 2018 Vol. 7(4), 146-155

Big Data, Open Data, Privacy Regulations, Intellectual Property and Competition Law in an Internet-of- Things World: The Issue of Accessing Data in: Bakhoum M. et al (eds) ‘Personal Data in Competition, Consumer Protection and Intellectual Property Law’ (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, vol 28. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2018). Available at SSRN:, pp 30 Obs! the 4th most downloaded Antitrust paper on the SSRN 2017:

Joint Research and Development Collaborations Under Competition Law, with a Layman's Economic Viewpoint in Paul Nihoul and Pieter Van Cleynenbreugel (eds) ’ The Roles of Innovation in Competition Law Analysis (ASCOLA Competition Law series Edward Elgar 2018)  Available  at  SSRN:, pp. 25

En ekonomisk union med välfärd för medborgarna? i Paju mfl., Kritiskt tänkande inom Europarätten, 2018, pp. 106

Standardization for the Digital Economy: The Issue of Interoperability and Access Under Competition Law, The Antitrust Bulletin, 2017, Vol. 62(4), 710-725

'European Harmonized Standards as ‘Part of EU Law’: The Implications of the James Elliott Case for Copyright Protection and, Possibly, for EU Competition Law' (2017) 44 Legal Issues of Economic Integration, Issue 4, 421–435

’Postenmålet i ljuset av senare praxis från EU-domstolen’, Minnesskrift till Marknadsdomstolen (Jure Förlag 2017), pp 22

’EU-domstolens praxis angående rabatter och andra prissmissbruk under Artikel 102 EUF-fördraget’, Kilpailuoikeudellinen Vuosikirja 2016, Grano Oy, 2017.

’Konkurrensrätt och nödvändiga patent’, Europarättslig tidskrift, 2016 volum 2., 56-79.

’Post Danmark II, now Concluded by the ECJ: Clarification of the Rebate Abuse, but how do we marry Post Danmark I with Post Danmark II?’ European Competition Journal, Volume 11, 2015 - Issue 2-3, 557-573.(engelska med uppsats)

’The interface between EU competition law and standard essential patents – from Orange-Book-Standard to the Huawei case’ in European Competition Journal, Volume 11, 2015 - Issue 2-3, 367-401.

Together with Helene Andersson, ’Access to Documents for Cartel Victims and Cartel Members – is the System Coherent?’ in Maria Bergström, Marios Iacovides, Magnus Strand (editors) ”Harmonizing EU Competition Litigation: The New Directive and Beyond”, Hart Publishing/Bloomsbury in 2015, 165-186.

‘The rise of standardization – competition law as the limit of self-regulation’ in Josef Drexl and Fabiana Di Porto (ed) “Competition Law as Regulation”, Edward Elgar, 2015, 365-397.

‘Unilateral Conduct under International Standards – A Comparative Analysis or EU and US Antitrust Responses’ in Thomas Riis and Jens Schovsbo (ed), “User Generated Law - Reconstructing IP law in the knowledge society”, Edward Elgar, 2015, 180-205

The Interface Between Competition Law and Standard Essential Patents : Some Early Comments on the Huawei Case. in Erhvervsretlige emner . red. /Peter Arnt Nielsen; Peter Koerver Schmidt; Katja Dyppel Weber. København : Djøf / Jurist- og Økonomforbundet (2015), 183-194

Together with Ylva Forsberg ; Marc de Vries; and Mariateresa Maggiolino, ‘Open Data and Competition Law- Some issues regarding access and pricing of raw data’ in MUJLT: Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology, September 2015, 95-120.

Together with Timo Minssen, ‘The "Opt Out" and "Opt In" Provisions in the Unified Patent Court Agreement: Impact and Strategies for European Patent Portfolios’ in: N I R, Vol. 83, No. 4, 2014, 340- 357

‘Turning Government Data into Gold": The Interface Between EU Competition Law and the Public Sector Information Directive - With Some Comments on the Compass Case’ in I I C - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Vol. 44, Nr. 1, 2013, 79-95

Together with Liisa Rajala Malmgren, ’Det svenska och danska genomförandet av PSI-direktivet: och hur de bör uppdateras i ljuset av det nya PSI-direktivet’ in Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, Vol. 126, Nr. 1- 2, 2013, 196-230

Together with Grith Skovgaard Ølykke,‘Post Danmark, Now Concluded by the Danish Supreme Court : Clarification of the Selective Low Pricing Abuse and Perhaps the Embryo of a New Test under Article 102 TFEU?’, in: E C L R: European Competition Law Review, Vol. 34, No. 9, 2013, 485-490

’”Digital Agenda: Turning government data into gold” The regulation of public sector information and content’, published in Hans-Henrik Lidgard (ed) Nordic Perspectives on Competition in Innovation markets. Lund: Maria Magle Publishing, 2013, 76-87

‘The regulation of public sector information and content markets in Sweden and the EU’, IBA (International Bar Association) May, 2012, pp. 20

‘How research and development cooperation is dealt with under EC Competition law and its implication on the restructuring of firms’ published in Marie-Ange Moreau (ed) Building Restructuration in Europe, Peter Lang (June 2009)., 115-138.


Working papers


Killer Acquisitions and Other Forms of Anticompetitive Collaborations (December 3, 2020). Faculty of Law, Stockholm University Research Paper No. 89, Available at SSRN:


Reports etc


Together with Sten Nyberg, Richard Friberg and Robin Teigland Konjunkturrådets rapport 2021: Digitalisering och konkurrens, 2021 SNS Förlag, pp. 168

Sweden - National Rapporteurs on Topic 3: EU Competition Law and the Digital Economy: Protecting Free an Fair Competition in an Age of Technological (R)evolution FIDE Report Sweden 2020, 517 et seq.

Ioannis Lianos and Alexey Ivanov et al BRICS academic report ’Digital Era Competition Law’, pp 1243 sidor, (2019).

Together with Ylva Forsberg; Marc de Vries; and Mariateresa Maggiolino, EU Commission research report, LAPSI Competition law issues paper, market/en/news/legal-aspects-public-sector-information-lapsi-thematic-network-outputs (2014)

Together with Marc de Vries, Emma Linklater and Liisa Rajala Malmgren, ‘Business Activity and Exclusive Right in the Swedish PSI Act’, Report published by the Swedish Competition Authority (September 2011)

H. Ullrich; A. Heinemann; B Lundqvist (1998, 2005 (2nd ed)). Competition Policy and Intellectual Property Rights A Comparative Analysis of the Competition Rules Relating to IPR in the European Union, the USA, Japan and in International Law, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). (The report was updated by Björn Lundqvist in 2005.)


News outlets, bloggs 


Portability in Datasets under Intellectual Property, Competition Law, and Blockchain (2018). Published on the blog ’Machine Lawyering’, Faculty of Law, Stockholm University Research Paper No. 62. Available at SSRN: