Stockholms universitet

Cecilia KullbergForskare, Docent

Om mig

Jag har disputerat i evolutionär ekologi, är docent i etologi och har forskat inom både etologi och ekologi vid Zoologiska institutionen. 

För närvarande studerar jag framförallt klimatförändringens effekter på fåglar, men är även intresserad av många olika aspekter av fåglars migration, och beteendeanpassningar till predationsrisk.




Jag är studierektor i faunistik vid Zoologiska institutionen och kursansvarig för kursen självständigt arbete i Biologi, Marinbiologi och Molekylärbiologi. Jag är dessutom kursansvarig för kursen Praktik i biologi och orienteringskursen Fåglars systematik, ekologi och beteende. 




Klimateffekter på Svenska fågelpopulationer

Klimatförändringarna påverkar fåglarnas årscykel och därmed populationsutveckling. I detta projekt undersöker vi effekter av klimatförändringen på val av vinterområde, häckningstid och häckningsframgång hos olika fågelarter i Sverige. Vi gör tids-serie analyser på ringmärkningsdata från Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet insamlade från 1950 och framåt, för att se hur faktorer så som temperatur, nederbörd och vegetationsindex förklarar de förändringar vi ser. Projektet är finansierat av Bolincentret för klimatforskning, RA 8.


Jag deltar även i ett långtidsprojekt där lövsångarpopulationen runt Tovetorps forskningsstation har studerats sedan 1979. Fom 2020 deltar jag även i David Wheatcroft’s projekt om fåglars sånginlärning.



  • Dr Marta Lomas Vega; Post Doc, SU, Zoologiska inst.
  • Prof Thord Fransson; Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet
  • Dr David Wheatcroft; SU, Zoologiska inst.
  • Prof Sven Jakobsson; SU, Zoologiska inst.
  • Dr Johanna Hedlund; University of Exeter; UK


Tidigare doktorander

  • Maria Almbro: Flight ability in butterflies; 2009
  • Ian Henshaw: Avian migration -the role of geomagnetic cues; 2009
  • Robert Stach: Migratory routes and stopover behavior in avian migration; 2016





I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • Extensive fuelling in great reed warblers following the trans-Sahara crossing in spring

    Thord Fransson (et al.).

    Migratory birds wintering in Africa face the challenge of passing the Sahara desert with little opportunities to forage. During spring migration birds thus arrive in the Mediterranean area after crossing the desert with very low energy reserves. Since early arrival to the breeding grounds often is of importance to maximize reproductive success, finding stopover sites with good refuelling possibilities after the Saharan passage is of utmost importance. Here we report on extensive fuelling in the great reed warbler, Acrocephalus arundinaceus, on the south coast of Crete in spring, the first land that they encounter after crossing the Sahara desert and the Mediterranean Sea in this area. Birds were trapped with mist nets at a river mouth, individually ringed and information about body mass, wing length, muscle score and fat score were recorded. Due to an exceptional high recapture rate at the trapping site (45%), we were able to calculate minimum stopover time and fuel deposition rates in 25 individual great reed warblers during one spring season. The large proportion of trapped great reed warbler compared to other species and the large number of recaptures suggests that great reed warbler actively choose this area for stopover. The relatively long stopover period at the site, the high fuel deposition rate (1 g day-1) and the large body mass increase show that great reed warblers at this site regularly deposit a much larger fuel load than needed for one continued flight stage to the north. It was also shown that birds with lower body mass at first capture had a higher fuel deposition rate than birds with higher body mass. This indicates that individuals are able to adjust their food intake in relation to energy reserves.

    Läs mer om Extensive fuelling in great reed warblers following the trans-Sahara crossing in spring
  • No compensatory fuelling due to late autumn migration in the Garden Warbler Sylvia borin

    Robert Stach (et al.).

    Birds migrating late in the migration season may need to compensate for the late departure by increasing migration speed. To increase migration speed late migrants should depart from stopovers along the route with larger fuel loads than early migrants. Both higher migration speeds and increasing fuel loads with the progress of the season have been reported in the literature. Here we test if Garden Warblers (Sylvia borin) show different fuelling strategies when captured on migration in the early or late part of autumn migration and given unlimited access to food. We also included a group of birds that were captured early in the season but held under a light regime with shorter day lengths to simulate thirty days advancement in time. We found no difference in maximum body mass between the groups and all groups reached fairly large fuel loads (mean: 39.2 % of lean body mass). Maximum fuel load was also strongly correlated with fuel deposition rate and this may suggest that Garden Warblers migrate at high speed during the entire season, which leaves little room for increasing speed later in the season.

    Läs mer om No compensatory fuelling due to late autumn migration in the Garden Warbler Sylvia borin

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