Stockholms universitet

Costanza BeltramiUniversitetslektor

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I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • Karl Kinsella. God’s Own Language: Architectural Drawing in the Twelfth Century. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2023

    2024. Costanza Beltrami. H-Sci-Med-Tech


    Karl Kinsella’s book opens with an imaginary walk along the Seine, and the metaphor of walking extends from the first page to the more detailed exploration of In visionem Ezekielis presented in the volume’s central chapters. “On Ezekiel’s vision” is an unfinished biblical commentary written by Richard of Saint Victor (d. 1173) at the renowned French abbey of Saint Victor. Richard’s text proposes a literal exegesis of the prophet Ezekiel’s vision of a temple complex, contained in the Old Testament (Richard analyzes Ezekiel 40–48). Richard was the first to attempt a detailed study of the prophet’s complex visionary account. Kinsella’s book is explicitly structured as a walk-through of Richard’s analysis. Richard’s work itself retraces step-by-step the progress of the prophet’s vision, just as, in the biblical text, Ezekiel follows a man with a “brazen complexion” and a measuring rod through the temple complex (Ezekiel 40:3). “God’s own language” thus structured Ezekiel’s experience and its medieval commentaries, just as it organizes Kinsella’s resonating, multilayered analysis. Metaphors of movement are particularly fitting for this slender and engaging volume in which every word seems accurately calibrated to drive the “plot” forward.

    Läs mer om Karl Kinsella. God’s Own Language: Architectural Drawing in the Twelfth Century. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2023

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