Stockholms universitet

Matteo SfragaraPostdoktor

Om mig

Ciao! Välkommen till min hemsida!

I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Mathematics of Stockholm University. I am specialized in probability and networks and I am currently working on first passage percolation.


I recently completed my PhD in Mathematics at Leiden University (The Netherlands). During my PhD I was a member of the Probability Theory group in Leiden and of the NETWORKS program running between Amsterdam, Eindhoven and Leiden. Previously I received my MSc and BSc in Mathematics from the University of Padova (Italy).


I have been working on metastability in wireless networks, spectra of random graphs and Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. However, my research interests cover a broad range of topics, including complex networks, random graphs, random matrices, large deviations, interacting particle systems, Markov chains, queueing theory, wireless networks and machine learning.
