Stockholms universitet

Mária ZelenayováDoktorand

Om mig

Hi, I am Maria and I am studying towards my PhD under the supervision of Emil Bergholtz in Stockholm (where I am currently based) and Flore Kunst at Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL) in Germany.

Please, feel free to contact me if you have any questions (i.e., about PhD studies at SU or MPL,  internships, my research topics etc.).


My current interest lies in using non-Hermiticity for finding links between different methods that solve open quantum systems. The common trait of methods I focus on is the non-Hermiticity and by looking at the spectra, symmetries or topological properties I am trying to find similarities and differences.

When some type of loss is present, non-hermiticity usually emerges. Hence, by studying the topology in these NH systems I hope to understand such dissipative systems better and potentially harvest dissipations for further scientific advances.


non-hermitian, open quantum systems, the topology of spectraa
