Stockholms universitet

Claes SandgrenProfessor emeritus

Om mig

Avtalsrätt, immaterialrätt (särskilt patenträtt och mönsterrätt); utveckling av rättssystemen i syd och öst; rättsliga reformer; antikorruption; tillgång till rättvisa; lagstiftning och lagstiftningsteknik; kapacitetsbyggnad avseende mänskliga rättigheter.

Areas of work: 
Contract law; Intellectual Property law (esp patent law and design law);
Legal and justice sector reform; Anti-Corruption;
Access to justice; Legislation and legislative technique; Human rights capacity building.

Military service 1964-65;
LLB 1968 (Uppsala);
Certificat de l'Institut de hautes études internationales 1969 (Geneva); 
George Washington University 1971-72 (Washington D.C.);
LLD 1974 (Stockholm).

Academic appointments: 
Ass. professor of private law, Stockholm University 1974; 
Professor of Law, Umeå University 1988; Professor of Private Law, Stockholm University 1998-2006; 
Professor of Private Law 2011-

Leadership appointments:
Head of Department of Law, Umeå University 1988-1992; 
Dean of Faculty of Law, Stockholm University 2000-2002.

Diplomatic appointments: 
Service for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden in Stockholm, Bonn, Havana and Montevideo 1972-77 and 1981-87;
Ambassador and head of the Secretariat for Analysis of Swedish Development Assistance (SASDA) 1993-1994.

Professional affiliations:  
Chairman of the Swedish Section of the International Commission of Jurists (1994-1999) and member of its board 1993-2007; 
Editor of Juridisk Tidskrift (Law Journal) 1998-2000;
Member (vice chairman) of the Board of Stockholm University Holding Company 1999-present;
Chairman of the Swedish Institute for Legal Development (SILD) 2000-present;  
Chairman of of the Board of Juridisk Tidskrift (Law Journal) 2000-present;
Member of the policy group of Sida regarding legal reform 2000-2001;
Member of the Board of the Institute for Social Private Law 2001-present;
Member of the Board of the Swedish Association of Legislation
Member of the London Forum for International Economic Law and Development (Board of International Scholars)
Commissioner of the International Commission of Jurists, Geneva 2003-present;
Chairman of the Patent Consultative Group of Sweden 2003-present;
Dep. member of the Board of Folkuniversitetet (Stockholm) for adult lifelong learning 2006-present;
Member of the Board of the Swedish Chapter of Transparency Int’l 2007-present;
Chairman, Anti-Corruption Institute of Sweden 2008-present;
Member of the European Advisory Council Executive Committee of the International Senior Lawyers Project (ISLP) 2009-present.

Director of the course “Rule of law, legal reform, and international organisations” offered at Stockholm University. 

Doctoral candidates:
Supervisor of seven candidates who have graduated as jur dr (LLB) and two as jur lic (PhD).  

Guest professorships and guest lectures: 
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru, Lima, Peru (April-May 2003);
Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile (September-October 2004);
Shihata Distinguished Lecture, Centre for Commercial Law, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, (May 2005);
University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines (February 2007).

Inquiries carried out for the Government:
Sveriges samarbete med Central- och Östeuropa (Sweden's Cooperation with Central and Eastern Europe), Ds 1994.134;
Samverkan mellan högskolan och näringslivet (Interaction between Universities and Business), SOU 1996:70;
Samverkan mellan högskolan och de små och medelstora företagen (Interaction between Universities and Small and Medium-sized Business), SOU 1996:89;
Att utveckla ett grannlandssamarbete (Developing Sweden's Relations with its Neighbours), Ds 1997:75.

Expert in the Committee (Mutbrottslagstiftningskommittén, 2009:05) Reviewing the Swedish Legislation on Bribery and Drafting Integrity Codes of Conduct, 2009-present.

Services provided in 25 countries in the areas of design and evaluation of development cooperation, legal and justice sector reform, anti-corruption, access to justice, human rights capacity building, etc. (EU/EC Commission, UNDP, UNODC, IOM, WB, IADB, IOM, MCC/USAID, Sida, etc.).

Aftonbladet/debattsidan; Dagens Juridik; DN/DN Debatt; Expressen/debattsidan; Infotorg; SR/P1/P1-morgon; SR/P1/Studio ett; SR/P1/Godmorgon världen; SvD/Brännpunkt, svt1/Gomorron Sverige; Sydsvenskan/debattsidan; TV4/Nyhetsmorgon; TV8 m.fl.