Stockholms universitet

Ylva MobergForskare

Om mig

My research at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) is mainly focused on the impact of parenthood in different family constellations and the health and labor market effects of going through gender transition. 


I’m a part of the GENPARENT project: Revealing Sources of Gendered Parenthood – A multi-method comparative study of the transition to parenthood in same-sex and different-sex couples, which is funded by the European Research Council (ERC).


I defended my dissertation “Gender, Incentives, and the Division of Labor” in June 2017 at the Department of Economics at Uppsala University. My primary fields of interests are applied microeconometrics, labor and family economics, and the economics of gender.


Find more information about my research projects on my homepage:

You can also find me on Twitter.  




I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • The Anatomy of the Extensive Margin Labor Supply Response

    2021. Spencer Bastani, Ylva Moberg, Håkan Selin. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 123 (1), 33-59


    We estimate how labor force participation among married women in Sweden responded to changing work incentives implied by a reform in the tax and transfer system in 1997. Using rich, population‐wide, administrative data, we estimate an average participation elasticity of 0.13, thereby adding to the scarce literature estimating participation elasticities using quasi‐experimental methods. We also highlight that estimated extensive margin responses necessarily are local to the observed equilibrium. Among low‐income earners, elasticities are twice as large in the group with the lowest employment level, compared with the group with the highest employment level.

    Läs mer om The Anatomy of the Extensive Margin Labor Supply Response
  • Parentalization of Same-Sex Couples: Family Formation and Leave Rights in Five Northern European Countries

    2020. Marie Evertsson, Eva Jaspers, Ylva Moberg. The Palgrave Handbook of Family Policy, 397-428


     This chapter introduces the concept of parentalization, defined as the ability to become parents and be recognized as such, both legally and via social policies. Applying the concept to same-sex couples, we examine how states may facilitate or hinder the transition to parenthood through laws and policies in five Northern European countries; Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands. Trends in the number of children zero years of age in married/cohabiting same-sex couples suggest a link between parentalization and realized parenthood. As partly indicated by these trends, parentalization is a gendered concept, and parenthood is more readily available to some couples than to others. Perhaps most importantly, very few same-sex couples have been able to jointly adopt a child. The fact that married female couples face fewer barriers to parentalization than other non-traditional couples partly reflects dominant norms on gender and motherhood.

    Läs mer om Parentalization of Same-Sex Couples

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