Eneroth Lectures, med Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg


Datum: onsdag 9 oktober 2024

Tid: 14.00 – 15.30

Plats: Lärosal 22, Hus 4, Albano

Premiär för en helt ny föreläsningsserie! Onsdag 9 oktober, kl. 14:00-15:30 talar professor Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg, University Institute of Psychological, Social and Life Sciences, Lissabon, Portugal, om ämnet "From Eneroth to Differential Susceptibility in Human Development: A Story of Apples and Oranges?"

Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg, PhD
Professor Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg, PhD

Eneroth lecture #1 äger rum den 9 oktober, kl. 14:00–15:30 i Lärosal 22, Hus 4, Albano. Föreläsningen hålls på engelska.

Läs mer om professor Bakermans-Kranenburg


Sammanfattning (på engelska)

The pomologist and landscape gardener Olof Eneroth studied nature-nurture interactions in the development of plants and flowers. It seems a small step from his work and fascination to research in humans on ‘differential susceptibility’, where the metaphor of dandelions and orchids has been used to indicate differences in susceptibility to environmental influences. Some children would be like dandelions, doing well in diverse conditions; other children more like orchids, withering away in adverse conditions but showing above-average benefits from supportive environments.

In my talk I will discuss the empirical evidence for the differential susceptibility hypothesis, as well as some of the questions that arise within this framework. I will explain why the metaphor of orchids and dandelions is both poorly and well chosen, using epigenetic insights that were not available at the time that the idea was launched, but would also have had the interest of Mr. Eneroth.

Eneroth Lectures, logo (beta)

Om Eneroth lectures

Eneroth lectures är en ny föreläsningsserie vid Psykologiska institutionen. Det blir akademiska föreläsningar av internationella forskare i forskningsfronten. Eneroth lectures kommer att ges minst en gång per termin. De är öppna för allmänheten och äger rum på campus Albano, med eller utan digitalt stöd i Zoom.