Extra seminarium i psykologi, med Klaas Sijtsma


Datum: torsdag 3 oktober 2024

Tid: 13.00 – 14.00

Plats: Seminarierum Jordgubbe, Hus 4, plan 3, Albano

Torsdag 3 oktober, kl. 13:00-14:00: Professor emeritus Klaas Sijtsma, Tilburg University, Nederländerna, talar om "Pros and Cons of the Simple Sum Score on Tests and Questionnaires".

Professor emeritus Klaas Sijtsma
Professor emeritus Klaas Sijtsma

Seminariet äger rum torsdag den 3 oktober 2024, kl. 13:00–14:00, i seminarierum Jordgubbe, Hus 4, plan 3, Albano.

Professor Sijtsma agerar även opponent vid Erik Forsbergs disputation den 4 oktober.

Läs mer om Forsbergs disputation



Sammanfattning (på engelska)

Since the introduction of latent variable models such as item response theory models and factor models (structural equation modeling), latent variables have become favorite for representing abilities and traits and differentiating individuals with respect to these attributes. However, in the practice of reporting test results to examinees and others concerned such as parents, teachers, employers, and therapists, sum scores and test scores that are transformations of sum scores (standardized scores, percentiles, IQ-scores, scores on educational tests) are often used because of their simplicity and intuitive appeal: They are simply easier to understand and interpret than scores on latent variables such as log odds, and therefore have greater potential for communication.

I will demonstrate that for standard testing, sum scores and their transformations are fully acceptable. Actually—and few people including psychometricians know this—item response theory provides the theoretical justification for the practical use of the simple sum score. I will discuss situations in which the sum score should be preferred to the latent variable and illuminate the opposite situations where the latent variable is superior and must be preferred to the sum score. Both have merits and drawbacks, often in different situations. Thus, they complement and strengthen each other rather than compete.

Rekommenderad läsning

Sijtsma, K., Ellis, J. L., & Borsboom, D. (2024). Recognize the value of the sum score, psychometrics’ greatest accomplishment. Psychometrika, 89, 84-117. doi:10.1007/s11336-024-09964-7

Avdelningen för arbets- och organisationspsykologi ansvarar för dagens seminarium, kontaktperson är Anders Sjöberg.

Om Allmänna seminarieserien

Institutionens forskningsavdelningar samarbetar i Allmänna seminarieserien, där nationella och internationella forskare inbjuds att tala om aktuella forskningsämnen. Seminarierna äger rum onsdagar kl. 14–15 i Albano om annat ej anges, med eller utan stöd av Zoom. Extraseminarier kan förekomma på andra dagar och tider, bland annat halvtidsseminarier i forskarutbildningen.


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