Swedish Twin project Of Disability pension and Sickness absence (STODS)

In the STODS project, we are following about 120 000 twins over a long period of time with regard to sick leave and disability pension. The project provides unique opportunities to investigate the importance of hereditary factors for differences in sickness absence.

The purpose of STODS is to increase knowledge about risk factors for, and possible consequences of, being on sick leave or on sickness or activity compensation (disability pension). With data from twins, we can examine the importance of various contributing factors for sickness absence after controlling for heredity and shared childhood environment and study how heredity and environment contribute to individual differences in sickness absence.


Data in STODS

STODS includes data for a large cohort of twins identified in the Swedish Twin Registry. Microdata on for example sickness absence, morbidity and demographics from several nationwide registers are included for all twins, as well as survey data on work, behaviours and health.


Advice and support about register research

STODS offers service and advice on ordering and managing administrative register data for research purposes.

Advice on ordering and handling data

Swedish Twin project Of Disability pension and Sickness absence (STODS) 

The STODS project follows a large twin cohort over a long period of time with regard to sick leave and disability pension. The project provides unique opportunities to investigate the importance of hereditary factors for differences in sickness absence. 

STODS is located at the Division of Insurance Medicine, Karolinska Institutet.

Project leader for STODS is Pia Svedberg, PhD, associate professor in epidemiology. Assistant project leader is Jurgita Narusyte, PhD, researcher.

Read more about STODS on Karolinska Institutet's website



Project leader STODS
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