Explore data online

The SLOSH website now includes an updated tool for exploring data, which may be useful for those interested in work environment, living conditions and health.

SLOSH got a new website at the end of last year. The tool for data visualisation was also updated recently. This visualisation tool makes it possible for the public and researchers to access some data directly on the website. It is possible to view statistics on working environment, living conditions, health behaviours and health.


Includes improved features

With the improved tool, data from more years are available and there are also more variables than before to explore. It is now also possible to download the graphs for use in a student essay or a news article, for example. Soon there will also be a version where it will be possible to combine different perspectives, for instance occupation and sex, on data from the latest data collections.


A few examples of graphs

By combining different variables, you can view comparative graphs for the questions that you find interesting. Below you can see some examples of graphs created with the tool.

In this graph, we can see that women are more likely to report that their work is too demanding in three common human services professions:

Graph: work is too demanding


Below, we can see that workplace cohesion seems to have improved over time for women and men:    

Graph: workplace cohesion

Discover the visualisation tool (slosh.se)

The Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health (SLOSH)

SLOSH is a unique panel study that elucidates how different factors in people's working lives, private lives and health affect each other over time. The aim is to increase knowledge of how risks of disease and ill health can be reduced, and thus contribute to better public health. 

SLOSH is located at the Stress Research Institute, a part of the Department of Psychology, Stockholm University.

Project leader for SLOSH is Hugo Westerlund, professor of epidemiology. 

Information about access to SLOSH data (in Swedish)

Read more on the SLOSH website